adjective as in cognizant, conversant
Strongest matches
Strong matches
acquainted, apprized, briefed, enlightened, posted, primed, savvy, up, versed
Weak matches
au courant, au fait, erudite, expert, familiar, in the know, into, know the score, know what's what, on top of, reliable, tuned-in, up on, up-to-date, versant, well-read, wise to
Example Sentences
The force said the boy's family had been informed and were being supported by specialist officers.
In addition to formal training, like many adolescents at the time Hudson’s musical tastes were informed by Alan Freed’s “Moondog Matinee” rock ’n’ roll radio show, which was broadcast from Cleveland.
However, he said he was not informed that the car dealership was being paid 25% commission, which was added on to what he had to pay back.
Per the FDA, the latest proposal “is informed by a substantial body of research,” including a scientific literature review, consumer focus groups and a peer-reviewed experimental study all conducted by the agency.
Though the MacRae family knew of Donnie's capture and death, they were never informed about an autopsy, or about samples being taken from his brain.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.