just barely
adverb as in scarcely
Strong match
Example Sentences
With “So You Think You Can Dance” host Cat Deeley leading Ben down the proverbial garden path – one requiring both to dodge actual goat scat – the game show within “Joe Schmo” blunders along with enough realistic tropes to string Ben along . . . just barely.
Carter just barely rallied the two-thirds majority of senators needed to ratify the accord.
People Magazine also clocked that a tiny "T" tattoo for Tom is visible on the actress's ribcage, just barely peaking out of her dress.
The silence that ensued was stunning in its fullness: a pleasingly counterintuitive demonstration of the fierce adulation she was just barely holding back.
That means that even if someone is just barely over the income limit for Medi-Cal, which is now $20,783 annually for a single adult, getting coverage requires them to spend so much on medical care in a given month that they have only $600 left for other expenses such as rent, utilities and food.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.