Example Sentences
Baird, 48, was happy to see cheerful colors and rainbows also emerging in the artwork of other children under her care at the Kef Be Kayitz camp, a Hebrew name that means Fun in the Summer.
Witnesses said protesters stormed or tried to storm Ennahda offices in Monastir, Sfax, El Kef and Sousse, while in Touzeur they set fire to the party’s local headquarters.
Local radio Mosaique FM reported that a car carrying one of the victims was struck by a train Monday in the neighboring Kef region, killing a 21-year-old woman.
Radio Mosaique reported that national guard officers opened fire Monday on an extremist group trying to cross the region of Kasserine from the Kef mountains.
Preliminary investigation of some samples from El Kef produced a “wow” moment four years ago, with clear indication of long-term global warming, she said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.