adjective as in mauve
Weak match
noun as in lavender
Strongest match
noun as in purple
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Here are plants and flowers to enjoy, one for every month of the year, from lilacs, camellias and poinsettias to native buckwheat, wildflowers and toyon.
For floral joy throughout the year, set reminders now to take some time in the coming months to literally stop and smell the roses ... or lilacs.
I pass through fragrant California sagebrush and wild fennel in one spot, a blend of sweet pea, lilac and kicked-up dirt in another.
During the February London Fashion Week pastel hues were all over the runway from lilac puffer jackets to baby pink padded coats, and it seems like the trend will continue.
But at the same time, lilacs are blooming and birds are flapping around in the trees.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.