noun as in entrance hall
Strong matches
verb as in press for political action
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The people in the room — often the corporations and the business lobbies — have benefited, whether from increasing patent rights or from investor-state disputes settlements, shadow courts, things like that.
Those evaluations — completed by Orange-based EnviroCheck, the company hired by the district — included what it described as a “thorough assessment of potential contamination” that tested items including door handles, lobby desktops and cabinet tops.
The pharma industry is lobbying the government to quietly open the door for relocation of key top talent into the UK, concerned about the Trump / Robert F Kennedy Jr approach to medicines regulation.
Cultivated meat companies are bulking up their lobbying efforts and also exploring whether there's any way the upcoming Farm Bill could include some money for them.
But embers and ash were blowing into the front lobby.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.