adverb as in concerning matter
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adverb as in to a considerable degree
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Example Sentences
The company added that her allegations are "materially incorrect and misleading" and that it has "never had accusations of this nature before in the history of our business".
And, Glabas says, it’s important to remember that people will need support — both materially and emotionally — for years after the tragedy.
"A short delay to allow this Court to weigh the merits of the government's request in this momentous case will not materially harm the respondents," it said.
This will surely not have mattered to anyone who tuned in to watch or, indeed, anyone sent home with an award, or to the wider ecosystem that profits materially from its mere existence.
Cohn, the parent influencer, says that her daughter "didn’t want for anything, materially," and mentions an occasion when she prevented her daughter from choking, seemingly as evidence that she has earned a continuing relationship.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.