medical record
noun as in case history
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Example Sentences
Some trans men previously told the BBC they had not been invited to get cervical screenings because they were listed as male on medical records, though they still had a cervix.
Another of Ellen's medical records dated 3 June 2021 stated her "nutritional intake was found to be inadequate and appropriate food and fluid advice was provided to improve this".
"However, we are concerned that the current regulations allow some patients to inappropriately access weight-loss injections without proper consultation or examination of historical medical records."
Joey Silva, a counselor, said employees scrambled to make sure patients had all their needed medication, medical records and patient identification.
She added: "They are seeking to appoint more medical expert witnesses to assist with the medical records of the patients, and that was very welcoming to hear."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.