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Aside from regular emergency drills that the family runs, they’ve all found enough monotonous contentment in their isolation to keep themselves from thinking of what life may be like above ground.

From Salon

When your days are monotonous — working and changing diapers and driving kids to school — scoring a rare collectible makes you feel accomplished.

From Salon

I had got to a point where I was getting in a monotonous routine of auditioning, stand-up, podcasting, and waiting to be on people’s stuff.

I’ve found that the idea of greeting the morning with an ovation is just the right amount of silly for my work-from-home and often monotonous single life.

When you listen carefully, though, there are clear edits between sentences - and the voice, while similar to the principal, sounds quite monotonous.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


