adjective as in abashed
adjective as in ashamed
Strongest matches
adjective as in dead
adjective as in humiliated
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in shamed
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in shamefaced
adjective as in sheepish
adjective as in stern
Strong matches
adjective as in troubled
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
"I was mortified, I was so embarrassed because I didn't know the people well at that stage, so it was so humiliating," she said.
From that point Boulter showed tremendous fight to claw back the deficit, but the 28-year-old was then mortified to put a volley into the net at 30-30 in the ninth game.
The awkward silence afterwards would once have mortified her, but not any more.
He leaves the others stunned and David mortified until the storm cloud passes and he’s his jaunty, loquacious self again.
Kapadia has apologised, telling BBC News he was "mortified by the hurt and offence" that some of his posts have caused.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.