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mover and shaker

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“I can’t do my f— job if you are within a hundred-mile radius,” she scolds him, as he adjusts to his role simply as spouse rather than mover and shaker.

But before Stein was a mover and shaker, his passion for music helped change the contours of the industry.

China’s tech world is watching closely what will happen to Mr. Bao, who knows or has worked with nearly every mover and shaker in the industry.

Before the invasion, Feb. 24 hadn’t been much of a mover and shaker as a date in world history.

But it also represented a chance to be a mover and shaker - as he himself said about the spy films he watched as a teenager, "one spy could decide the fate of thousands of people".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


