on the dole
adjective as in jobless
adjective as in out of work
adjective as in unemployed
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By the early 80s, he was back in the UK and on the dole.
The company has nearly four dozen lobbyists currently on the dole, a giant roster.
"We're not all on the dole," she said.
"I think I wrote the music first. I was working on that for ages. The lyrics I wrote on tour just seeing what was going down around the country. It was about the recession and three million people on the dole. It's about the police harassment and unemployment. It was like a perfect storm really."
In fact, the Florida law says that if you’re unemployed and you’re offered a job that requires vaccination, you can turn it down and stay on the dole.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.