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Lawyers for the Biden administration have said there is a difference between legitimate persuasion and inappropriate coercion, and that communication channels between government and social media companies had to remain open for public safety reasons.

Then again, you can be brought to tears watching ordinary citizens of different races, creeds, political persuasions and religions join with police and firefighters, including currently incarcerated inmates, to help people they don’t know.

From Salon

Similarly, decades of research on personalized persuasion highlight how appealing to a person’s psychological traits — e.g. their personality or moral values — can sway hearts and minds without the need for content that is factually inaccurate.

From Salon

His beat was the town’s public housing tenements, and Sibley said he quickly worked out that people responded better to persuasion than threats of force or arrest.

He will have a heavy burden of persuasion.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


