verb as in upset, unsettle
Example Sentences
Experts were perturbed by such confident statements in the face of uncertainty, especially as California’s outbreak spiked and a child was mysteriously infected by the same strain of virus found on dairy farms.
There I’ve faced constant demands to justify why I should want equal treatment and, more perturbingly, threats of violence and even death.
He did not seem to perturbed, however, adding: “I am looking to be very supportive of his nomination.”
“We have two granddaughters who live over there and they were a bit perturbed by having 200 people staring at their house. But no, they were very good.”
Far from being perturbed by this prospect, Azi seemed excited at the thought that out of the smouldering ashes of democracy, new kings would emerge: corporate dictators ruling over their networked empires.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.