adverb as in absolutely, definitely
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- amen
- assuredly
- categorically
- doubtless
- doubtlessly
- flat
- flat out
- for a fact
- indubitably
- no catch
- no holds barred
- no ifs ands or buts
- no kicker
- no strings attached
- on the money
- on the nose
- really truly
- right on
- sure
- surely
- the ticket
- to a tee
- undeniably
- unequivocally
- unmistakably
- unquestionably
- with certainty
- without qualification
Example Sentences
"The Islamic Emirate looks positively at the actions of the United States of America that help the normalisation and development of relations between the two countries," it said.
Only two of the deceased have been positively identified so far, Brig Mathe said.
Other age verification firms have responded positively to the news.
"The A9 safety group will continue to work together to explore any measures to positively influence driver behaviour to help reduce the numbers of people being injured or killed on the road."
More positively for the economy, despite a lot of rhetoric from retailers, many have delivered strong results and have not lowered their profits expectations.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.