adjective as in likely, attainable
Strongest matches
achievable, available, conceivable, desirable, feasible, imaginable, potential, probable, viable
Strong matches
breeze, cinch, dependent, expedient, hopeful, hypothetical, pushover, setup, snap, welcome
Weak matches
accessible, adventitious, advisable, can-do, credible, doable, dormant, duck soup, easy as pie, fortuitous, indeterminate, latent, no sweat, obtainable, piece of cake, practicable, promising, realizable, simple as ABC, thinkable, uncertain, within reach, workable
Example Sentences
Some people prefer to carry out medical tests in the comfort of their own homes where possible.
Unfortunately, “Companion” treats those simple requests like luxury perks, opting to deliver its decent concept in the cheapest possible package.
She has complicated problems to solve that can't be fixed in a hurry, and Labour wants to be able to demonstrate the difference to voters as soon as possible.
“Thank you to our Sheriff’s Department and Caltrans for their work to put appropriate safety and traffic control measures in place to make this reopening possible,” Horvath said.
Of all the possible climate futures, there's a scenario where the United Kingdom and north-west Europe buck the trend of global warming and instead face plunging temperatures and freezing winters.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.