adverb as in as a matter of usual practice
adverb as in with little or no deviation
Example Sentences
Trump regularly changes his rationale for tariffs - either to coerce diplomatic change, to deal with trade imbalances or to raise significant revenues.
Again, with the Shane Warne Stand behind her, King had the ball ripping past the outside edge regularly with fascinating guile and control to which England had no answers.
He regularly took his sons to watch Posh, but with their move up the divisions came an increase in ticket prices.
With the Dodgers planning to use a six-man rotation, their ability to regularly shuffle bullpen arms on and off the roster will be important to balance the overall workload.
Dam managers in California regularly release water ahead of major storms to make room in reservoirs for more runoff.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.