relate to
verb as in have connection with
Example Sentences
"I watched 'Indiana Jones and the Temple Doom' thousands of times because I saw something that I could relate to," said Eusebio.
"He kind of looks like me, he has black hair . . . I can relate to this character in this movie."
Many of us can relate to oil and gas: Filling up the car, putting a pan on the hob.
And it’s right there, this love, it’s supreme and it’s universal and it’s something that every person, every musician, every artist, every human being, can relate to that idea.
I wish people took that as a sign that whatever they do will become known, and so to maybe be a little bit more longitudinally considerate of how people relate to their legacy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.