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View definitions for saving


adjective as in redeeming

Strongest match

Weak match

adjective as in thrifty

adjective as in conditional

Strong match

adjective as in frugal

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Example Sentences

Ultimately, however, it has become painfully clear, even to Nasa's most ardent supporters, that it needs saving from itself.

From BBC

But for its throng of faults, the movie does sport a critical saving grace that keeps it from being completely unwatchable: its achingly human star.

From Salon

They had been saving up to buy a property but their brother Jozsef told BBC News earlier this month it was "strange" the family did not know they had decided to end their tenancy.

From BBC

Better training and coaching can help, but the amount of money involved may not sit well with a Treasury that's in savings mode.

From BBC

Start with a checking account, an emergency savings account and a savings account for any extra you’re able to set aside for big spending.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


