noun as in cliffhanger
Strongest match
noun as in eye opener
Strongest match
noun as in skeleton in the closet
Example Sentences
Economic growth was 3.1% on an annual basis in the third quarter, the Commerce Department reported, making 2024 “yet another shocker year in which the U.S. economy surprised to the upside,” as Axios put it.
The final round of polling ahead of Tuesday’s presidential election continued to show an incredibly close race across seven battleground states — but also included a shocker out of the solidly red Midwest state of Iowa.
What we’re seeing lately is Trump being Trump, no shocker there.
So it's quite the shocker to see recent polls show that a plurality — and in many cases, the majority — of Republicans plan to vote for abortion rights in various state ballot initiatives this November.
No shocker there; attracting the wealthy and famous doesn’t take much effort when the games are set in one of the world’s glamour capitals.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.