adjective as in bare
adjective as in bereft
adjective as in hairless
Strongest matches
- bald
- clean-shaven
- shaved
Example Sentences
After Nixon was elected president in 1968, Herblock drew a freshly shorn Nixon, on the theory that every new president deserves “a clean shave.”
However, the momentum shifted spectacularly the other way with Trump then reeling off six consecutive frames against an opponent who looked shorn of confidence.
Having fired a few arrows, she meets a bloody but unceremonious end, in which she is shorn in half by a barbed chariot wheel after less than 60 seconds of screen time.
Zeigen, who wears his hair shorn tight to his head, emphasizing his finely boned face and huge brown eyes, began by describing his mother.
Productivity fell ever more steeply, speculation in wine sales collapsed, and poverty gripped a population shorn of their precious trade.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.