verb as in bounce or jump over
Example Sentences
Lally referenced Carranza’s support of Sanchez in his August column, writing that “apparently this captain must have skipped the training on retaliation at captain’s school.”
Democrats and other critics are now demanding that the White House disclose the list and details of the people Trump allowed to skip background checks and gain access to the country's most sensitive secrets.
She advises that we skip protests and identity politics in favor of strategic and broad-based actions that have appeal beyond the professional classes.
Their mother came reluctantly to take care of them, but asked Linda to skip the last grade of high school so she could leave this strange foreign land and return to Libya.
In some communities, the arrests have prompted some migrants to skip work or keep their children home from school.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.