noun as in austerity
noun as in bareness
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
But that starkness also provides “Hard Truths” with a realism that allows viewers to focus on what's most important: the characters.
He lets his images do the talking: the hostility of the desert, the starkness of one figure against the sky, the terror of hundreds of figures crowded in worship around a flawed man.
But the starkness of the shot works against him, giving us too much time to notice that Jolie’s throat barely seems to move, to wonder if her eyes shouldn’t have more passion.
Why not counter the starkness of the cityscape with color and fragrance unique to our region?
Despite the starkness of the messaging, the remarks from the civil defence minister and military chief are being seen as a wake-up call.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.