noun as in theft
Strong matches
Example Sentences
A 40-year-old man suspected of stealing a cache of military equipment — including three Humvees — in a late-night break-in at the Army Reserve Center in Tustin has been arrested, police said this week.
Shoplifting is often driven by organised gangs and prolific offenders stealing to order, according to Helen Dickinson, the BRC's chief executive.
None of the pardoned Biden family members were, to give but one example, caught stealing pepper spray from police, distributing it to assailants and attacking officers as part of a “war” on the government.
The Post Office's reputation has also been seriously damaged because of the Horizon IT scandal, which saw hundreds of postmasters and mistress wrongly convicted when faulty software made it look like they were stealing money.
They began stealing cars in 2021, often while their victims were at home and asleep in bed.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.