noun as in giving up; resignation
Weak matches
verb as in give up; resign
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
I'd go so far as saying I'd be buying a white flag of surrender for Mr Fields to wave whenever he sees me when I drop my daughter off at school.
Their surrender following a rebel assault on the eastern city of Goma has also shattered the dreams of those who signed up for the job to earn big money.
Under Northern Ireland licencing laws, no new alcohol sale licences can be granted unless another one is surrendered.
Rwanda's military said the Romanian mercenaries were being transported to Rwanda's capital, Kigali, after they had "surrendered to M23 following the capture of the strategic city".
Tellingly some Congolese army soldiers in Goma who surrendered on Monday, did so by crossing over the border into Rwanda.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.