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These are the stories that resonate now, the innovations that feel fresh, the trial balloons for where the art form is headed.

Over and again his aides have chucked out trial balloons to an avid press corps – only to have each potential prime minister disavowed the following day.

From BBC

So in addition to courting delegates in early primary voting states, like Iowa for Republicans and South Carolina for Democrats, California tends to see a number of auditions and trial balloons by presidential hopefuls.

Before they settled on this cleverly dishonest video, his campaign was leaking trial balloons to the press about considering a 15- or 16-week ban.

From Salon

It’s a common strategy for rising authoritarians to float “trial balloons” to see what they can get away, as Professor Ben-Ghiat explained:

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


