Example Sentences
He’s not stopping with the federal government, however, but instead has ordered development of a “National Strategy to End the Use of Paper Straws” by March 27 that will “alleviate the forced use of paper straws nationwide.”
“I don’t know what Trump has been sipping that’s put him so out of touch, but this move will make life worse for everybody and seems to have more to do with spite than common sense.”
Israel-based creator and marketing professional Ori Bejerano on Tuesday published a black-and-white video on social media featuring the celebrity deepfakes wearing the same white T-shirt emblazoned with a black outline of a middle finger above the word “Kanye.”
The video concludes with the declaration, “Enough is Enough.”
Johansson, whose likeness opens the viral video, spoke out against the “misuse of AI” in a statement shared with The Times on Wednesday.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.