noun as in way of expressing a thought
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In a statement, the school downplayed the wording of the brief and reaffirmed its commitment to the agreement.
President Donald Trump's budget office is rescinding the wording, but not necessarily the substance, of its previous order for a blanket suspension of most federal aid, according a memo leaked to independent reporter Marisa Kabas.
However, the legal wording does not directly address the agency's operations in Gaza, or the occupied West Bank.
"Colleagues and myself have been in touch with the UCI stating that 99% of measurements are not performed in a medical environment but by medical-trained personnel. I'm sure the wording will be changed."
The original wording of the bill would have changed this but for the last few weeks Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has repeated the line "there will be a floor, no ceiling" on pay.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.