ITCS 2015 Main Page
Call For Papers,
Conference Poster (PDF),
Welcome Dinner January 10th,
Best Student Paper Award,
Meet the New Innovators,
Local Information
Old links:
Submission Server,
List of Accepted Papers,
Registration (and hotel reservation)
Welcome to ITCS 2015
6th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science
(ITCS) conference, sponsored by the
ACM Special Interest Group
on Algorithms and Computation Theory (SIGACT), will be
held at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel,
January 11-13, 2015,
with a welcome activity on January 10. Contingency plans have been made to hold it in Boston in case the need for relocation arises.
ITCS (previously known as ICS) seeks to promote research
that carries a strong conceptual message (e.g., introducing
a new concept or model, opening a new line of inquiry within
traditional or cross-interdisciplinary areas, or introducing
new techniques or new applications of known techniques).
ITCS welcomes all submissions, whether aligned with current
theory of computation research directions or deviating from
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline:
Notification to Authors:
Camera ready papers due:
Conference dates:
Friday, August 8, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday-Tuesday, January 11-13, 2015.
Satellite Events:
The PCP Day: Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
The Privacy Day: Thursday, January 15th, 2015
Program Committee Chair: Tim Roughgarden, Stanford
Organizing Committee: Irit Dinur (Weizmann), Shafi Goldwasser (Weizmann and MIT) Moni Naor (Weizmann)
Submission Instructions: Authors are required to submit their papers
electronically, in PDF (without security restrictions on copying or
Link to the submission server.