Five Years
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[[ Two characters sit across from each other at a desk. One has a beret and the other has a bun. ]]
Bun: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Beret: Oh man, I don't know! Let's find out!
[[ The characters stare at one another. ]]
[[ Cobwebs and hair grow; the desk and chairs fall into disrepair. ]]
[[ Five years pass. ]]
Beret: Hah--
Beret: I
{{Title text: 'Well, no further questions. You're hired!' 'Oh, sorry! I'm no longer interested. There's a bunch of future I gotta go check out!'}}
Comics I enjoy:
Three Word Phrase,
Dinosaur Comics,
Oglaf (nsfw),
A Softer World,
Perry Bible Fellowship,
Questionable Content,
Buttercup Festival,
Junior Scientist Power Hour
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
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