Orphaned Projects
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[[Voices are coming from behind a door with a sign that reads "Debian Linux HQ"]]
First voice: Problem: One of the volunteer developers has a date this weekend. Dates lead to romance, romance leads to orphaned projects.
Second voice: What's the plan?
First voice: We're hiring him a relationship coach. He's like Will Smith in "Hitch," but he only gives bad advice.
[[Man in black hat is talking to another man, who is standing in from of a mirror]]
Man in black hat: Okay, remember: The key to conversation is constructive criticism.
Man in black hat: You need to show you're smart enough to solve her problems.
Man in front of mirror: Makes sense.
{{title text: His date works for Red Hat, who hired a coach for her, too. She advised her to 'rent lots of movies like Hitch. Guys love those.'}}
Comics I enjoy:
Three Word Phrase,
Dinosaur Comics,
Oglaf (nsfw),
A Softer World,
Perry Bible Fellowship,
Questionable Content,
Buttercup Festival,
Junior Scientist Power Hour
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