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Yijun Xiao (肖逸君)

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science
UC Santa Barbara


Email: yijunxiao@cs.ucsb.edu
Address: 3530 Phelps Hall, UCSB


Google Scholar

About Me


I’m a fourth year Ph.D. Student in the UCSB NLP Group advised by Professor William Y. Wang. My research interests are natural language processing and deep learning. More specifically, I’m interested in Bayesian deep learning, uncertainty estimation, deep generative models and their applications.

I received my M.S. in Data Science from NYU in 2016. I also hold a Bachelor’s from Tsinghua University and a Master’s degree from UC Davis both in Civil Engineering.

Publications & Preprints


On Hallucination and Predictive Uncertainty in Conditional Language Generation
Yijun Xiao, William Yang Wang
EACL 2021   [Paper]

Disentangled Representation Learning with Wasserstein Total Correlation
Yijun Xiao, William Yang Wang
arXiv:1912.12818   [Paper]

Quantifying Uncertainties in Natural Language Processing Tasks
Yijun Xiao, William Yang Wang
AAAI 2019   [Paper]

Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder for Text Modeling
Yijun Xiao, Tiancheng Zhao, William Yang Wang
arXiv:1811.00135   [Paper]

Elastic Responding Machine for Dialog Generation with Dynamically Mechanism Selecting
Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo, Yijun Xiao, Fen Lin, Bo Chen, Qing He
AAAI 2018   [Paper]

Tree-Structured Neural Machine for Linguistics-Aware Sentence Generation
Ganbin Zhou, Ping Luo, Rongyu Cao, Yijun Xiao, Fen Lin, Bo Chen, Qing He
AAAI 2018   [Paper]

Efficient Character-level Document Classification by Combining Convolution and Recurrent Layers
Yijun Xiao, Kyunghyun Cho
arXiv:1602.00367   [Paper] [Code]



Fall 2019 - CS165B: Machine Learning
Winter 2018 - CS40: Foundations of CS
Fall 2017 - CS40: Foundations of CS
Spring 2016 - DS-GA1008: Deep Learning
Spring 2016 - CSCI-UA0480: Intro to Machine Learning