Camelion Logo

Camelion LogoCamelion Logo PNG

Camelion is a German company, which specializes in the production of rechargeable batteries and accessories. The brand was established in 1997 and today has more than 10 manufacturing sites across the country. The company operates worldwide and is respected and recognized for the high quality of its products.

Meaning and history

The visual identity of a famous German company is modest and traditional. Based on lettering, its logo is bright and recognizable, yet has a strict and serious mood, reflecting the confident and professional brand.

There were only two logo designs created during the company’s history and the second one is fully based on the original. The original label’s logo was composed of a wordmark and a delicate yet powerful emblem, depicting a lion with wings facing left.

Logo Camelion

The heraldic lion was executed in light gray and placed above the red inscription, covered by a gray arch. The lion is a symbol of courage and loyalty, it also represents the strength and energy of the company, showing its best sides. The red and gray color palette of the original Camelion logo also aimed to emphasize power and added a sense of authority and loyalty to the brand.

The new logo is a simplified version of the first one. Today it is composed of a wordmark and a light tagline. There is only one color in the brand’s palette now — red. And no more graphics.


The wordmark of the company’s visual identity is executed in a bold and elegant sans-serif typeface, which is similar to italicized Humanist 521 Extra Bold. It is a traditional stencil font, which is timeless and sleek.

The brand’s tagline “More Energy Solutions” is placed under the nameplate and written in a lightweight Neue Helvetica font, balancing the thick wordmark and its smooth lines. Helvetica is a perfect choice for the professional accent of the logotype, reflecting the essence and nature of the company.

Camelion Logo


Camelion is a European company, which is focused on developing and producing power supply accessories, such as batteries, chargers, power adapters for consumer electronics, military, and medical needs.

The brand operates all over Europe and recently expanded to the Asian market, providing both regions with their quality-constructed power solutions along with flashlights, lighting, LED devices and other energy items.

The company pays a lot of attention to research and innovations, in order to provide its customers with the latest trends and the most efficient and progressive solutions.

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