DIB Djalel is currently working as a research professor in the department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Tebessa in Algeria. He received his Phd in power systems in 2007 in Algeria and he was awarded the professor rank in December 2015. He holds the position research director and head of electrical engineering team at LABGET laboratory at the University of Tebessa. He participated in several conferences and published several papers .Now he is a reviewer in several journals.
Optimal control of large-scale wind turbine has become a critical issue for the development of re... more Optimal control of large-scale wind turbine has become a critical issue for the development of renewable energy systems and their integration into the power grid to provide reliable, secure, and efficient electricity. In this article, a new supervisory control system for the optimal management and robust operation of a wind turbine generator and a battery energy storage system is presented. The proposed coordinated controller can mitigate both active and reactive power disturbances due to the intermittency of wind speed and load change. Moreover, the control strategy ensures the maximum power extraction capability of direct-drive wind turbine. This supervisory controller is made up of three subsystems. The first one is used to track the maximum power point for variable wind speeds; the control algorithm employs a fuzzy logic controller and a second-order sliding mode controller to effectively meet this target. The task of the second one is to maintain the required DC-link voltage le...
The great interest shown today in the double-fed induction generator in wind chain prompted us to... more The great interest shown today in the double-fed induction generator in wind chain prompted us to analyze the performance of the separate control of active and reactive power generated by the stator of double-fed induction generator connected to the grid. The objective of the separate control of active and reactive stator powers is to provide constant power to the power grid whatever the variation of the wind speed, and to provide reactive power to correct the power factor. In this article, we present the modeling and an integrated vector control in a double-fed induction generator wind chain, which aims to independently control the active and reactive power generated by the double-fed induction generator. Knowing that the direct control of active and reactive power delivered to the grid with conventional proportional integral controllers provides good performance in permanent diet but a variable speed wind, the measured powers hardly follow the set values. To remedy this problem, w...
Wind turbines chains are increasingly used in the world and provide power, become important with ... more Wind turbines chains are increasingly used in the world and provide power, become important with technological developments. Through this present paper, we present work to improve the performance of wind turbines by the integration of a combined control mode with three different techniques: a classic PI controller, a Fuzzy logic controller and a matrix inverter. The results were much better compared to a combination without the matrix converter where the control decoupling between the active and reactive power is obtained successfully in more than a reduction of the harmonic distortion THD is very acceptable, which promotes improving the power quality produced by this type of wind chain.
Gafsa region is one of the most productive artesian basins in Southern Tunisia. It is located in ... more Gafsa region is one of the most productive artesian basins in Southern Tunisia. It is located in the southwestern part of the country, and its groundwater resources are developed for water supply and irrigation. Proper understanding of the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for sustainable development of water resources in this region. A hydrogeochemical survey was conducted on the Plio-Quaternary shallow and on the Complex Terminal aquifers system using major (Ca, Mg, Na, SO 4 , Cl, NO 3 and HCO 3) and minor (Sr) elements, in order to evaluate the groundwater chemistry patterns and the main mineralization processes occurring in this system. Hydrochemical and isotopic data were used in conjunction with hydrogeological characteristics to investigate the groundwater composition in these aquifers. It has been demonstrated that groundwaters acquire their mineralization principally by water-rock interaction, i.e. dissolution of evaporites (halite/gypsum, pyrite, etc.) and return flow of irrigation waters, and by anthropogenic activities due to the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers-pesticides in agriculture. The isotopic study of "stable isotopes, radiocarbon and tritium" (Yermani 2002) shows that a paleoclimatic recharge is corroborated by the relatively low carbon-14 activities (5-25.3%) of the referred groundwater group samples, which were interpreted as recharge occurring during the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene periods. The water feedings of these aquifers are mainly provided by infiltration of precipitations, infiltration of irrigation water, lateral feeding from Cretaceous relieves from the South and the North and along recent and fossil drainage networks that constitute major freshwater sources in groundwater tables (Hamed et al., J Environ Protect 1:466-474, 2010a).
2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA), 2019
Solar Air condition is one of attractive application solar energy systems; in this paper we prese... more Solar Air condition is one of attractive application solar energy systems; in this paper we present an approach of sizing, control and optimization of air conditioner fed by photovoltaic generator based on BLDC motor and rotary compressor, for optimization system operation MPPT (maximum power point tracking) control and speed control of BLDC motor is used, the simulation results under Matlab /Simulink show effectiveness of used method when variable speed (flow) is needed, This study make a path to improve operation of solar fed air condition system driven by electrical motor
In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewab... more In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy including solar photovoltaic has become increasingly indispensable. As such, the development of a new generation of photovoltaic cells based on CuZnSnS4 (CZTS) looks promising. Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a new film absorber, with good physical properties (band gap energy 1.4-1.6 eV with a large absorption coefficient over 104 cm−1). Indeed, the performance of these cells exceeded 30% in recent years. In the present paper, our work based on modeling and numerical simulation, we used SCAPS to study the performance of solar cells based on Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and thus evaluate the electrical efficiency η for typical structures of n-ZnO:Al / i-ZnO / n-CdS / p-CZTS and n-ITO / n-ZnO:Al / n-CdS /p-CZTS. Furthermore, the influence of the change of CdS by ZnSeand In2S3buffer layer was treated in this paper.In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy including solar photovoltaic has become increasingly indispensable. As such, the development of a new generation of photovoltaic cells based on CuZnSnS4 (CZTS) looks promising. Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a new film absorber, with good physical properties (band gap energy 1.4-1.6 eV with a large absorption coefficient over 104 cm−1). Indeed, the performance of these cells exceeded 30% in recent years. In the present paper, our work based on modeling and numerical simulation, we used SCAPS to study the performance of solar cells based on Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and thus evaluate the electrical efficiency η for typical structures of n-ZnO:Al / i-ZnO / n-CdS / p-CZTS and n-ITO / n-ZnO:Al / n-CdS /p-CZTS. Furthermore, the influence of the change of CdS by ZnSeand In2S3buffer layer was treated in this paper.
International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, 2021
The detection of faults in a wind turbine chain is of prime importance in order to maintain safet... more The detection of faults in a wind turbine chain is of prime importance in order to maintain safety, enhance reliability and improve economic performance. In addition, wind systems have to ensure a continuity of service for a considerable period of time in the event of an electrical fault in the network or a fault in one of the elements of the electromechanical conversion system. This paper presents a fault detection methodology of the power converter within a wind turbine chain, equipped with a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). A configurable, fast, and accurate scheme is developed, the basis of which is the reliable identification of the failed switch. The solution proposed in this work involves the deployment of a redundant arm in the event of a fault; the replacement arm is utilized while waiting for a maintenance or repair operation to be carried out. The approach developed in this paper provides continuity of service after the occurrence of a fault in the network system an...
When a lightning strike falls near an overhead power line, the intense electromagnetic field radi... more When a lightning strike falls near an overhead power line, the intense electromagnetic field radiated by the current of the lightning return stroke coupled with power lines and there induced transient overvoltages, which can cause a back-flashover in electrical network. The indirect lightning represents a major danger owing to the fact that it is more frequent than that which results from the direct strikes. In this paper we present an analysis of the electromagnetic coupling between an external electromagnetic field generated by the lightning and an electrical overhead lines, so we give an important and original contribution: We are based on our experimental measurements which we carried in the high voltage laboratories of EPFL in Switzerland during the last trimester of 2005, on the recent works of other authors and with our mathematical improvement a new particular analytical expression of the electromagnetic field generated by the lightning return stroke was developed and presen...
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
In this paper, a new combined fuzzy observer-based fault-tolerant tracking control scheme is prop... more In this paper, a new combined fuzzy observer-based fault-tolerant tracking control scheme is proposed for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine (WT) subject to actuator faults. The main contribution consists of the proposal of a novel fault-tolerant fuzzy tracking controller combined with a nominal control law. The control objective is to ensure good state references tracking regardless of the actuator faults effects and simultaneous system state and faults estimation. This later requires the knowledge of the occurrence of actuator faults which are estimated from a Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Proportional Integral Observer (T-S FPIO). Within this control scheme, a T-S FPIO has been developed to provide stability tracking error dynamics even the system is subjected to different actuator faults. A compensation term is appended to the composite controller and to ensure robustness against actuator faults. Stability and tracking analysis properties are demonstrated through a quadratic Lyapunov function, which are formulated in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The observer gains are determined based on the proposed LMIs stability conditions. A numerical simulation is carried out on a typical 1.5 MW DFIG based WT system to access the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in comparison to the existing results.
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
In recent years, power electronic converters are widely used in the industrial as well as domesti... more In recent years, power electronic converters are widely used in the industrial as well as domestic applications for the control of power flow. The topologies of multilevel inverter have several advantages such as high output voltage, lower THD and reduction of voltage ratings of the power semiconductor switching devices. The objective of the work is to design multilevel inverters for PV applications integrated in distribution grids so as to reduce THD and to improve the power quality. The proposed control strategy ensures an implementation of SHE modulation for a 5 to 11 levels. This technique is a method to get rid of harmonics by judicious selection of the firing angles of the inverter and eliminates the need of the expensive low pass filters in the system. This article deals with the reduction of harmonics for multilevel converter sources converter for equal and for unequal DC voltages cases.
In this study, a computer-aided simulation of the homo-junction thin films of solar cell was pres... more In this study, a computer-aided simulation of the homo-junction thin films of solar cell was presented. Different solar cell structures PN and PIN based on 3C-SiC have been studied and the effects of the illumination intensity on the electrical properties of these solar cells such as: the short- circuit current density (Jsc), the open circuit voltage (Voc), the factor (FF) and photovoltaic conversion efficiency (η) were investigated. The numerical simulations were performed at different conditions of illumination : 90mW.cm− 2, 100mW.cm− 2and 135mW.cm− 2, under absolute temperature T = 300 K. The results have demonstrated that the maximum electrical conversion efficiency of about 23.24 % and 23.41% for PN and PIN junction, respectively, which makes the two proposal structures suitable as photovoltaic (PV) solar cell applications.
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2017
One of the major factors that can increase the efficiency of wind turbines (WTs) is the simultane... more One of the major factors that can increase the efficiency of wind turbines (WTs) is the simultaneous control of the different parts in several operating area. The main problem associated with control design in wind generator is the presence of asymmetric in the dynamic model of the system, which makes a generic supervisory control scheme for the power management of WT complicated. Consequently, supervisory controller can be utilized as the main building block of a wind farm controller (offshore), which meets the grid code requirements and can increased the efficiency and protection of WTs in (region II and III) at the same time. This paper proposes a new effective adaptive supervisory controller for the optimal management and protection simultaneously of a hybrid WT, in both regions (II and III). To this end, the second order sliding mode with the adaptive gain super-twisting control law and fuzzy logic control are used in the machine side, batteries side and grid side converters, to achieve four control objectives: (1) control of the rotor speed to track the optimal value; (2) adaptive control (commutative mode) in order to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) or power limit in various regions; (3)regulate the average DC link voltage near to its nominal value;(4) ensure: a smooth regulation with high quality of power supply injected into the grid, a satisfactory power factor correction and a high harmonic performance in relation to the AC source and eliminating the chattering effect. Results of extensive simulation studies prove that the proposed supervisory control system guarantees to track reference signals with a high harmonic performance despite external disturbance uncertainties.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
In order to understand the thermal and electrical properties of surge arrester under standard cli... more In order to understand the thermal and electrical properties of surge arrester under standard climatic conditions, it would be useful to evaluate the heating progression in its different elements. These are constituted of heterogeneous materials, which have physical and electrical nonlinear properties along the surge arrester. Temperature predicting solutions for zinc oxide ceramic blocks provide fundamental elements of the electrothermal material characteristics in view of the lifetime estimation. Electrothermal phenomenon analysis of surge arresters is based on empirically-determined parameter models, using finite element method (FEM) simulated on COMSOL Multiphysics software which is a more precise approach compared to the existing models. In this paper, the behavioural model has been developed to study the surge arresters in both cases: the steady state and overvoltage state (lightning). Previous published works validate the first simulation results. This work is therefore exten...
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2014
Contribute to the development of renewable energies in rich areas of new potential energy same Al... more Contribute to the development of renewable energies in rich areas of new potential energy same Algeria, was the main cause of our work in this paper. The Contribution to a study of power supply by solar energy system called a common Ferkene north of Algerian desert in the semi-arid area is our objective in this paper. The optimal exploitation of the system, goes through stages of study and essential design, the choice of the model of the photovoltaic panel, the study of behavior with all the parameters involved in simulation before fixing the trajectory tracking the maximum point the power to extract (MPPT), form the essential platform to shape the design of the solar system set up to supply the town Ferkene without considering the grid. The identification of the common Ferkene by the collection of geographical, meteorological, demographic and electrical provides a basis uniform and important data. To set provide a computing tools, modeling and control of MPPT more practical we hav...
The lightning is a natural phenomenon, unforeseeable and behaves as a perfect generator of the el... more The lightning is a natural phenomenon, unforeseeable and behaves as a perfect generator of the electrical current which can reach the two hundred Ampere kilos and then it is a problem classified like a serious wonder for the researchers. The induced transient over-voltages in the electric systems following electromagnetic radiations of the lightning represent the most severe constraint and most significant on the electrical power networks. In this paper we present an lightning analysis in the capacity as a transient source of surge current following model MTLE chosen among others, then an original contribution which defines an analytical model of the electromagnetic field radiated by the lightning for a particular situation and which gave satisfactory results by simulation compared with experimental measurements that we carried out us even at the laboratory of high voltage in EPFL in Switzerland and also of the other authors like G Berger, M.Uman and Rakov in Florid. A computation o...
2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA), 2019
Now a days research focus is towards the variable speed power generation in instead fixed speed p... more Now a days research focus is towards the variable speed power generation in instead fixed speed power generation in wind energy conversion system (WECS). This paper proposes a new algorithm of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) supported by a power limitation controller. This system based on a variable structure” Automatic Systems approach». Moreover, the proposed algorithm is added to an advanced control and management system applied to hybrid wind turbines (WT) with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) to strengthen the extraction capacity of wind power and expands wind turbines (WTs) operating areas. The results have showed that the proposed control system (MPPT /power limitation control) is very effective compared to conventional methods and can maintain adequate performance on the entire operating range.
The first method based on conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) while the second is based on ... more The first method based on conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) while the second is based on space vector modulation (SVM). This work aimed to control active and reactive power delivered to the electrical networks and satisfying the distribution requirements. The performance evaluation of each method is performed using spectral analysis to calculate total harmonic distortion (THD). Simulation results have showed that the harmonic rate (THD) is reduced. Therefore; the quality of the produced power by this type of wind chain is efficient. The results obtained with SVM have revealed that this technique uses inverter DC bus voltage more efficiently, reduces power losses and minimizes torque ripples.
Optimal control of large-scale wind turbine has become a critical issue for the development of re... more Optimal control of large-scale wind turbine has become a critical issue for the development of renewable energy systems and their integration into the power grid to provide reliable, secure, and efficient electricity. In this article, a new supervisory control system for the optimal management and robust operation of a wind turbine generator and a battery energy storage system is presented. The proposed coordinated controller can mitigate both active and reactive power disturbances due to the intermittency of wind speed and load change. Moreover, the control strategy ensures the maximum power extraction capability of direct-drive wind turbine. This supervisory controller is made up of three subsystems. The first one is used to track the maximum power point for variable wind speeds; the control algorithm employs a fuzzy logic controller and a second-order sliding mode controller to effectively meet this target. The task of the second one is to maintain the required DC-link voltage le...
The great interest shown today in the double-fed induction generator in wind chain prompted us to... more The great interest shown today in the double-fed induction generator in wind chain prompted us to analyze the performance of the separate control of active and reactive power generated by the stator of double-fed induction generator connected to the grid. The objective of the separate control of active and reactive stator powers is to provide constant power to the power grid whatever the variation of the wind speed, and to provide reactive power to correct the power factor. In this article, we present the modeling and an integrated vector control in a double-fed induction generator wind chain, which aims to independently control the active and reactive power generated by the double-fed induction generator. Knowing that the direct control of active and reactive power delivered to the grid with conventional proportional integral controllers provides good performance in permanent diet but a variable speed wind, the measured powers hardly follow the set values. To remedy this problem, w...
Wind turbines chains are increasingly used in the world and provide power, become important with ... more Wind turbines chains are increasingly used in the world and provide power, become important with technological developments. Through this present paper, we present work to improve the performance of wind turbines by the integration of a combined control mode with three different techniques: a classic PI controller, a Fuzzy logic controller and a matrix inverter. The results were much better compared to a combination without the matrix converter where the control decoupling between the active and reactive power is obtained successfully in more than a reduction of the harmonic distortion THD is very acceptable, which promotes improving the power quality produced by this type of wind chain.
Gafsa region is one of the most productive artesian basins in Southern Tunisia. It is located in ... more Gafsa region is one of the most productive artesian basins in Southern Tunisia. It is located in the southwestern part of the country, and its groundwater resources are developed for water supply and irrigation. Proper understanding of the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for sustainable development of water resources in this region. A hydrogeochemical survey was conducted on the Plio-Quaternary shallow and on the Complex Terminal aquifers system using major (Ca, Mg, Na, SO 4 , Cl, NO 3 and HCO 3) and minor (Sr) elements, in order to evaluate the groundwater chemistry patterns and the main mineralization processes occurring in this system. Hydrochemical and isotopic data were used in conjunction with hydrogeological characteristics to investigate the groundwater composition in these aquifers. It has been demonstrated that groundwaters acquire their mineralization principally by water-rock interaction, i.e. dissolution of evaporites (halite/gypsum, pyrite, etc.) and return flow of irrigation waters, and by anthropogenic activities due to the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers-pesticides in agriculture. The isotopic study of "stable isotopes, radiocarbon and tritium" (Yermani 2002) shows that a paleoclimatic recharge is corroborated by the relatively low carbon-14 activities (5-25.3%) of the referred groundwater group samples, which were interpreted as recharge occurring during the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene periods. The water feedings of these aquifers are mainly provided by infiltration of precipitations, infiltration of irrigation water, lateral feeding from Cretaceous relieves from the South and the North and along recent and fossil drainage networks that constitute major freshwater sources in groundwater tables (Hamed et al., J Environ Protect 1:466-474, 2010a).
2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA), 2019
Solar Air condition is one of attractive application solar energy systems; in this paper we prese... more Solar Air condition is one of attractive application solar energy systems; in this paper we present an approach of sizing, control and optimization of air conditioner fed by photovoltaic generator based on BLDC motor and rotary compressor, for optimization system operation MPPT (maximum power point tracking) control and speed control of BLDC motor is used, the simulation results under Matlab /Simulink show effectiveness of used method when variable speed (flow) is needed, This study make a path to improve operation of solar fed air condition system driven by electrical motor
In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewab... more In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy including solar photovoltaic has become increasingly indispensable. As such, the development of a new generation of photovoltaic cells based on CuZnSnS4 (CZTS) looks promising. Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a new film absorber, with good physical properties (band gap energy 1.4-1.6 eV with a large absorption coefficient over 104 cm−1). Indeed, the performance of these cells exceeded 30% in recent years. In the present paper, our work based on modeling and numerical simulation, we used SCAPS to study the performance of solar cells based on Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and thus evaluate the electrical efficiency η for typical structures of n-ZnO:Al / i-ZnO / n-CdS / p-CZTS and n-ITO / n-ZnO:Al / n-CdS /p-CZTS. Furthermore, the influence of the change of CdS by ZnSeand In2S3buffer layer was treated in this paper.In the overall context of the diversification of the use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy including solar photovoltaic has become increasingly indispensable. As such, the development of a new generation of photovoltaic cells based on CuZnSnS4 (CZTS) looks promising. Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a new film absorber, with good physical properties (band gap energy 1.4-1.6 eV with a large absorption coefficient over 104 cm−1). Indeed, the performance of these cells exceeded 30% in recent years. In the present paper, our work based on modeling and numerical simulation, we used SCAPS to study the performance of solar cells based on Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and thus evaluate the electrical efficiency η for typical structures of n-ZnO:Al / i-ZnO / n-CdS / p-CZTS and n-ITO / n-ZnO:Al / n-CdS /p-CZTS. Furthermore, the influence of the change of CdS by ZnSeand In2S3buffer layer was treated in this paper.
International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, 2021
The detection of faults in a wind turbine chain is of prime importance in order to maintain safet... more The detection of faults in a wind turbine chain is of prime importance in order to maintain safety, enhance reliability and improve economic performance. In addition, wind systems have to ensure a continuity of service for a considerable period of time in the event of an electrical fault in the network or a fault in one of the elements of the electromechanical conversion system. This paper presents a fault detection methodology of the power converter within a wind turbine chain, equipped with a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). A configurable, fast, and accurate scheme is developed, the basis of which is the reliable identification of the failed switch. The solution proposed in this work involves the deployment of a redundant arm in the event of a fault; the replacement arm is utilized while waiting for a maintenance or repair operation to be carried out. The approach developed in this paper provides continuity of service after the occurrence of a fault in the network system an...
When a lightning strike falls near an overhead power line, the intense electromagnetic field radi... more When a lightning strike falls near an overhead power line, the intense electromagnetic field radiated by the current of the lightning return stroke coupled with power lines and there induced transient overvoltages, which can cause a back-flashover in electrical network. The indirect lightning represents a major danger owing to the fact that it is more frequent than that which results from the direct strikes. In this paper we present an analysis of the electromagnetic coupling between an external electromagnetic field generated by the lightning and an electrical overhead lines, so we give an important and original contribution: We are based on our experimental measurements which we carried in the high voltage laboratories of EPFL in Switzerland during the last trimester of 2005, on the recent works of other authors and with our mathematical improvement a new particular analytical expression of the electromagnetic field generated by the lightning return stroke was developed and presen...
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
In this paper, a new combined fuzzy observer-based fault-tolerant tracking control scheme is prop... more In this paper, a new combined fuzzy observer-based fault-tolerant tracking control scheme is proposed for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine (WT) subject to actuator faults. The main contribution consists of the proposal of a novel fault-tolerant fuzzy tracking controller combined with a nominal control law. The control objective is to ensure good state references tracking regardless of the actuator faults effects and simultaneous system state and faults estimation. This later requires the knowledge of the occurrence of actuator faults which are estimated from a Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Proportional Integral Observer (T-S FPIO). Within this control scheme, a T-S FPIO has been developed to provide stability tracking error dynamics even the system is subjected to different actuator faults. A compensation term is appended to the composite controller and to ensure robustness against actuator faults. Stability and tracking analysis properties are demonstrated through a quadratic Lyapunov function, which are formulated in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The observer gains are determined based on the proposed LMIs stability conditions. A numerical simulation is carried out on a typical 1.5 MW DFIG based WT system to access the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in comparison to the existing results.
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
In recent years, power electronic converters are widely used in the industrial as well as domesti... more In recent years, power electronic converters are widely used in the industrial as well as domestic applications for the control of power flow. The topologies of multilevel inverter have several advantages such as high output voltage, lower THD and reduction of voltage ratings of the power semiconductor switching devices. The objective of the work is to design multilevel inverters for PV applications integrated in distribution grids so as to reduce THD and to improve the power quality. The proposed control strategy ensures an implementation of SHE modulation for a 5 to 11 levels. This technique is a method to get rid of harmonics by judicious selection of the firing angles of the inverter and eliminates the need of the expensive low pass filters in the system. This article deals with the reduction of harmonics for multilevel converter sources converter for equal and for unequal DC voltages cases.
In this study, a computer-aided simulation of the homo-junction thin films of solar cell was pres... more In this study, a computer-aided simulation of the homo-junction thin films of solar cell was presented. Different solar cell structures PN and PIN based on 3C-SiC have been studied and the effects of the illumination intensity on the electrical properties of these solar cells such as: the short- circuit current density (Jsc), the open circuit voltage (Voc), the factor (FF) and photovoltaic conversion efficiency (η) were investigated. The numerical simulations were performed at different conditions of illumination : 90mW.cm− 2, 100mW.cm− 2and 135mW.cm− 2, under absolute temperature T = 300 K. The results have demonstrated that the maximum electrical conversion efficiency of about 23.24 % and 23.41% for PN and PIN junction, respectively, which makes the two proposal structures suitable as photovoltaic (PV) solar cell applications.
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2017
One of the major factors that can increase the efficiency of wind turbines (WTs) is the simultane... more One of the major factors that can increase the efficiency of wind turbines (WTs) is the simultaneous control of the different parts in several operating area. The main problem associated with control design in wind generator is the presence of asymmetric in the dynamic model of the system, which makes a generic supervisory control scheme for the power management of WT complicated. Consequently, supervisory controller can be utilized as the main building block of a wind farm controller (offshore), which meets the grid code requirements and can increased the efficiency and protection of WTs in (region II and III) at the same time. This paper proposes a new effective adaptive supervisory controller for the optimal management and protection simultaneously of a hybrid WT, in both regions (II and III). To this end, the second order sliding mode with the adaptive gain super-twisting control law and fuzzy logic control are used in the machine side, batteries side and grid side converters, to achieve four control objectives: (1) control of the rotor speed to track the optimal value; (2) adaptive control (commutative mode) in order to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) or power limit in various regions; (3)regulate the average DC link voltage near to its nominal value;(4) ensure: a smooth regulation with high quality of power supply injected into the grid, a satisfactory power factor correction and a high harmonic performance in relation to the AC source and eliminating the chattering effect. Results of extensive simulation studies prove that the proposed supervisory control system guarantees to track reference signals with a high harmonic performance despite external disturbance uncertainties.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
In order to understand the thermal and electrical properties of surge arrester under standard cli... more In order to understand the thermal and electrical properties of surge arrester under standard climatic conditions, it would be useful to evaluate the heating progression in its different elements. These are constituted of heterogeneous materials, which have physical and electrical nonlinear properties along the surge arrester. Temperature predicting solutions for zinc oxide ceramic blocks provide fundamental elements of the electrothermal material characteristics in view of the lifetime estimation. Electrothermal phenomenon analysis of surge arresters is based on empirically-determined parameter models, using finite element method (FEM) simulated on COMSOL Multiphysics software which is a more precise approach compared to the existing models. In this paper, the behavioural model has been developed to study the surge arresters in both cases: the steady state and overvoltage state (lightning). Previous published works validate the first simulation results. This work is therefore exten...
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2014
Contribute to the development of renewable energies in rich areas of new potential energy same Al... more Contribute to the development of renewable energies in rich areas of new potential energy same Algeria, was the main cause of our work in this paper. The Contribution to a study of power supply by solar energy system called a common Ferkene north of Algerian desert in the semi-arid area is our objective in this paper. The optimal exploitation of the system, goes through stages of study and essential design, the choice of the model of the photovoltaic panel, the study of behavior with all the parameters involved in simulation before fixing the trajectory tracking the maximum point the power to extract (MPPT), form the essential platform to shape the design of the solar system set up to supply the town Ferkene without considering the grid. The identification of the common Ferkene by the collection of geographical, meteorological, demographic and electrical provides a basis uniform and important data. To set provide a computing tools, modeling and control of MPPT more practical we hav...
The lightning is a natural phenomenon, unforeseeable and behaves as a perfect generator of the el... more The lightning is a natural phenomenon, unforeseeable and behaves as a perfect generator of the electrical current which can reach the two hundred Ampere kilos and then it is a problem classified like a serious wonder for the researchers. The induced transient over-voltages in the electric systems following electromagnetic radiations of the lightning represent the most severe constraint and most significant on the electrical power networks. In this paper we present an lightning analysis in the capacity as a transient source of surge current following model MTLE chosen among others, then an original contribution which defines an analytical model of the electromagnetic field radiated by the lightning for a particular situation and which gave satisfactory results by simulation compared with experimental measurements that we carried out us even at the laboratory of high voltage in EPFL in Switzerland and also of the other authors like G Berger, M.Uman and Rakov in Florid. A computation o...
2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA), 2019
Now a days research focus is towards the variable speed power generation in instead fixed speed p... more Now a days research focus is towards the variable speed power generation in instead fixed speed power generation in wind energy conversion system (WECS). This paper proposes a new algorithm of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) supported by a power limitation controller. This system based on a variable structure” Automatic Systems approach». Moreover, the proposed algorithm is added to an advanced control and management system applied to hybrid wind turbines (WT) with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) to strengthen the extraction capacity of wind power and expands wind turbines (WTs) operating areas. The results have showed that the proposed control system (MPPT /power limitation control) is very effective compared to conventional methods and can maintain adequate performance on the entire operating range.
The first method based on conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) while the second is based on ... more The first method based on conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) while the second is based on space vector modulation (SVM). This work aimed to control active and reactive power delivered to the electrical networks and satisfying the distribution requirements. The performance evaluation of each method is performed using spectral analysis to calculate total harmonic distortion (THD). Simulation results have showed that the harmonic rate (THD) is reduced. Therefore; the quality of the produced power by this type of wind chain is efficient. The results obtained with SVM have revealed that this technique uses inverter DC bus voltage more efficiently, reduces power losses and minimizes torque ripples.
Papers by Djalel Dib