In 2016, we embarked on a journey with no roadmap...
As a VR/AR creative agency we helped our clients navigate the tricky waters of these new mediums, where no rules were really established, no best practices were in place, and there was a very good chance that what you were working on was a pioneering world’s first.
As an agency, we strived in this atmosphere. It allowed us to meet, work and invent across a variety of fascinating industries. It was exciting to be able to work on things that no one had ever done. We called this phase our ‘discovery phase.’
But as the market has evolved, the challenges as an agency of being everything to everyone was something that was taking us away from our goal to become a much more focused company.
That is why the ‘agency’ phase of 5th Wall is coming to an end. We loved working on our client’s brands and projects, but now the core of 5th Wall will concentrate on our own project and brand. 5th Wall will re-incubate back into startup mode, purely focused on developing technology for the rapidly increasing market demand for augmented reality.
But we are well aware, that there is still very much a demand for VR/AR agency work, which is why some of our senior agency staff have created a spin-off company that can manage those requests, we will announce very shortly that new venture, and I know they will transfer over to their new venture the same passion and creativity they showed when 5th Wall was an agency, and I wish them nothing but the best.
As an agency, it was a phenomenal ride. We travelled the world. We worked on exceptional projects. We did pioneering work. We won awards. We won awards for others. I am incredibly proud of all that we accomplished during this chapter of 5th Wall, and of being able to work with so many talented people.
We learned a lot, we filled gaps in the market where our expertise was needed, and now we see other gaps where other opportunities lie. We take off our ‘agency’ hat to put on our ‘tech’ hat.
I’m excited for the next phase, and the lessons from our steep learning curve will come in handy in this next phase. And the lessons learned by the incredible staff in our agency phase will only make their pioneering work even stronger.
Stay tuned.
Ricardo Poupada