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Other Workshops and Events (2002)



bib (full) Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain

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Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain

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Tuning support vector machines for biomedical named entity recognition
Jun’ichi Kazama | Takaki Makino | Yoshihiro Ohta | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Tagging gene and protein names in full text articles
Lorraine Tanabe | W. John Wilbur

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Contrast and variability in gene names
K. Bretonnel Cohen | Andrew Dolbey | George Acquaah-Mensah | Lawrence Hunter

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Accenting unknown words in a specialized language
Pierre Zweigenbaum | Natalia Grabar

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MPLUS: a probabilistic medical language understanding system
Lee Christensen | Peter Haug | Marcelo Fiszman

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A transformational-based learner for dependency grammars in discharge summaries
David Campbell | Stephen Johnson

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Enhanced natural language access to anatomically-indexed data
Gail Sinclair | Bonnie Webber | Duncan Davidson

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Unsupervised,corpus-based method for extending a biomedical terminology
Olivier Bodenreider | Thomas Rindflesch | Anita Burgun

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Biomedical text retrieval in languages with a complex morphology
Stefan Schultz | Martin Honeck | Udo Hahn

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Analyzing the Semantics of patient data to rank records of literature retrieval
Eneida Mendonca | Stephen Johnson | Yoon-ho Seol | James Cimino

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Utilizing text mining results: The Pasta Web System
George Demetriou | Robert Gaizauskas

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Medstract: creating large-scale information servers from biomedical texts
James Pustejovsky | José Castaño | Roser Saurí | Jason Zhang | Wei Luo


bib (full) Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems

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Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems

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Corpus-Centered Computation
Eiichiro Sumita

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Topic Detection Based on Dialogue History
Takayuki Nakata | Takahiro Ikeda | Shinichi Ando | Akitoshi Okumura

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Spoken Language Parsing Using Phrase-Level Grammars and Trainable Classifiers
Chad Langley | Alon Lavie | Lori Levin | Dorcas Wallace | Donna Gates | Kay Peterson

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Finding Translation Pairs from English-Japanese Untokenized Aligned Corpora
Genichiro Kikui | Hirofumi Yamamoto

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Speech Translation Performance of Statistical Dependency Transduction and Semantic Similarity Transduction
Hiyan Alshawi | Shona Douglas

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Architectures for Speech-to-Speech Translation Using Finite-state Models
Francisco Casacuberta | Enrique Vidal | Juan Miguel Vilar

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Evaluation of Direct Speech Translation Method Using Inductive Learning for Conversations in the Travel Domain
Koji Murakami | Makoto Hiroshige | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai

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Balancing Expressiveness and Simplicity in an Interlingua for Task Based Dialogue
Lori Levin | Donna Gates | Dorcas Pianta | Roldano Cattoni | Nadia Mana | Kay Peterson | Alon Lavie | Fabio Pianesi

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Interactive Chinese-to-English Speech Translation Based on Dialogue Management
Chengqing Zong | Bo Xu | Taiyi Huang

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A Flexible Speech to Speech Phrasebook Translator
Manny Rayner | Pierrette Bouillon

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Speech Translation on a Tight Budget without Enough Data
Robert E. Frederking | Alan W. Black | Ralf D. Brown | Alexander Rudnicky | John Moody | Eric Steinbrecher

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Automatic Interpretation System Integrating Free-Style Sentence Translation and Parallel Text Based Translation
Takahiro Ikeda | Shinichi Ando | Kenji Satoh | Akitoshi Okumura

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Sharing Problems and Solutions for Machine Translation of Spoken and Written Interaction
Sherri Condon | Keith Miller

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Improvements in Non-Verbal Cue Identification Using Multilingual Phone Strings
Tanja Schultz | Qin Jin | Kornel Laskowski | Alicia Tribble | Alex Waibel

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Quality-Sensitive Test Set Selection for a Speech Translation System
Fumiaki Sugaya | Keiji Yasuda | Toshiyuki Takezawa | Seiichi Yamamoto

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Towards a Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Quality Metric
Kurt Godden

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A Multi-Perspective Evaluation of the NESPOLE! Speech-to-Speech Translation System
Alon Lavie | Florian Metze | Roldano Cattoni | Erica Costantini

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The VI Framework Program in Europe: Some Thoughts About Speech to Speech Translation Research
Gianni Lazzari


bib (full) Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes and Future Directions

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Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes and Future Directions

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A Multilingual Approach to Disambiguate Prepositions and Case Suffixes
Eneko Agirre | Mikel Lersundi | David Martinez

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Digraph Analysis of Dictionary Preposition definition
Kenneth C. Litkowski

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Under-specification and contextual variability of abstract
Alda Mari

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Defining and Representing Preposition Senses: a preliminary analysis
Emmanuelle Cannesson | Patrick Saint-Dizier

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A Study of Polysemy and Sense Proximity in the Senseval-2 Test Suite
Irina Chugur | Julio Gonzalo | Felisa Verdejo

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Assessing System Agreement and Instance Difficulty in the Lexical
Ted Pedersen

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Sense Information for Disambiguation: Confluence of Supervised and Unsupervised Methods
Kenneth C. Litkowski

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Sense Discrimination with Parallel Corpora
Nancy Ide | Tomaz Erjavec | Dan Tufis

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Dutch Word Sense Disambiguation: Optimizing the Localness of Context
Antal van den Bosch | Iris Hendrickx | Veronique Hoste | Walter Daelemans

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Unsupervised Italian Word Sense Disambiguation using WordNets and Unlabeled Corpora
Radu Florian | Richard Wicentowski

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Combining Heterogeneous Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation
Dan Klein | Kristina Toutanova | H. Tolga Ilhan | Sepandar D. Kamvar | Christopher D. Manning

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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ensembles of Decision Trees
Ted Pedersen

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Combining Contextual Features for Word Sense Disambiguation
Hoa Trang Dang | Martha Palmer

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Evaluating the results of a memory-based word-expert approach to unrestricted word sense disambiguation
Veronique Hoste | Walter Daelemans | Iris Hendrickx | Antal van den Bosch

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Improving Subcategorization Acquisition with WSD
Judita Preiss | Anna Korhonen

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Lexical Substitution as a Task for WSD Evaluation
Diana McCarthy

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Building a Sense Tagged Corpus with Open Mind Word Expert
Timothy Chklovski | Rada Mihalcea


bib (full) COLING-02: SEMANET: Building and Using Semantic Networks

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COLING-02: SEMANET: Building and Using Semantic Networks

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Knowledge-Based Multilingual Document Analysis
R. Basili | R. Catizone | L. Padro | M.T. Pazienza | G. Rigau | A. Setzer | N. Webb | F. Zanzotto

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Induction of Classification from Lexicon Expansion: Assigning Domain Tags to WordNet Entries
Echa Chang | Chu-Ren Huang | Sue-Jin Ker | Chang-Hua Yang

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Semiautomatic Creation of Taxonomies
Javier Farreres | Horacio Rodríguez | Karina Gibert

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Semantic Networks: the Path to Profitability
Pascale Fung

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Building Semantic/Ontological Knowledge by Text Mining
Eduard Hovy

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Translating Lexical Semantic Relations: The First Step towards Multilingual Wordnets
Chu-Ren Huang | I-Ju E. Tseng | Dylan B.S. Tsai

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Classification of Adjectival and Non-adjectival Nouns Based on their Semantic Behavior by Using a Self-Organizing Semantic Map
Kyoko Kanzaki | Qing Ma | Masaki Murata | Hitoshi Isahara

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Assigning Verbs to Semantic Classes via WordNet
Anna Korhonen

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A WordNet-Based Approach to Named Entites Recognition
Bernardo Magnini | Matteo Negri | Roberto Prevete | Hristo Tanev

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Frameworks, Implementation and Open Problems for the Collaborative Building of a Multilingual Lexical Database
Mathieu Mangeot-Lerebours | Gilles Sérasset | Frédéric Andrès

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Fine-Grained Proper Noun Ontologies for Question Answering
Gideon S. Mann

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Using the WordNet Hierarchy for Associative Anaphora Resolution
Josef Meyer | Robert Dale

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Generating Extraction Patterns from a Large Semantic Network and an Untagged Corpus
Thierry Poibeau | Dominique Dutoit

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A Japanese Semantic Network Built on a Pulsed Neural Network with Encoding Associative Concept Dictionaries
Takuya Sakaguchi | Shun Ishizaki

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Selecting the Most Highly Correlated Pairs within a Large Vocabulary
Kyoji Umemura

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A Maximum Entropy Approach to HowNet-Based Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
Ping Wai Wong | Yongsheng Yang

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A Character-net Based Chinese Text Segmentation Method
Lixin Zhou | Qun Liu

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Sorry, What Was Your Name Again, or How to Overcome the tip-of-the tongue Problem with the Help of a Computer?
Michael Zock


bib (full) COLING-02: Machine Translation in Asia

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COLING-02: Machine Translation in Asia

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A Synchronization Structure of SSTC and Its Applications in Machine Translation
Mosleh H. Al-Adhaileh | Enya Kong Tang | Zaharin Yusoff

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Coedition to Share Text Revision across Languages and Improve MT a Posteriori
Christian Boitet | Wang-Ju Tsai

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Plaesarn: Machine-Aided Translation Tool for English-to-Thai
Prachya Boonkwan | Asanee Kawtrakul

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English-Japanese Example-Based Machine Translation Using Abstract Linguistic Representations
Chris Brockett | Takako Aikawa | Anthony Aue | Arul Menezes | Chris Quirk | Hisami Suzuki

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Improving Translation Quality of Rule-based Machine Translation
Paisarn Charoenpornsawat | Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Thatsanee Charoenporn

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Word Sense Disambiguation in a Korean-to-Japanese MT System Using Neural Networks
You-Jin Chung | Sin-Jae Kang | Kyong-Hi Moon | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Building a Training Corpus for Word Sense Disambiguation in English-to-Vietnamese Machine Translation
Dien Dinh

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Extending the Coverage of a Valency Dictionary
Sanae Fujita | Francis Bond

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Measuring User Acceptability of Machine Translations to Diagnose System Errors: An Experience Report
Bowen Hui

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Learning Domain-Specific Transfer Rules: An Experiment with Korean to English Translation
Benoit Lavoie | Michael White | Tanya Korelsky

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Identifying Synonymous Expressions from a Bilingual Corpus for Example-Based Machine Translation
Mitsuo Shimohata | Eiichiro Sumita

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A Cross System Machine Translation
Thepchai Supnithi | Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Thatsanee Charoenporn

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Automatic Information Transfer between English and Chinese
Jianmin Yao | Hao Yu | Tiejun Zhao | Xiaohong Li


bib (full) COLING-02: The 2nd Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2002)

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COLING-02: The 2nd Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2002)

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RDF(S)/XML Linguistic Annotation of Semantic Web Pages
Guadalupe Aguado de Cea | Inmaculada Álvarez-de-Mon | Antonio Pareja-Lora | Rosario Plaza-Arteche

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Cascading XSL Filters for Content Selection in Multilingual Document Generation
Guillermo Barrutieta | Joseba Abaitua | JosuKa Díaz

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A Brief Introduction to the GeM Annotation Schema for Complex Document Layout
John Bateman | Renate Henschel | Judy Delin

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XML/XSL in the Dictionary: The Case of Discourse Markers
Daniela Berger | David Reitter | Manfred Stede

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The PAPILLON Project: Cooperatively Building a Multilingual Lexical Data-base to Derive Open Source Dictionaries & Lexicons
Christian Boitet | Mathieu Mangeot | Gilles Sérasset

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XML-based NLP Tools for Analysing and Annotating Medical Language
Claire Grover | Ewan Klein | Mirella Lapata | Alex Lascarides

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Towards a Web-based Centre on Swedish Language Technology
Petter Karlström | Robin Cooper

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Annotating the Semantic Web Using Natural Language
Boris Katz | Jimmy Lin

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XML in a Web-based Grammar Development Environment
Eugene Koontz

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The TASX-environment: An XML-based Toolset for the Creation of Multimodal Corpora
Jan-Torsten Milde

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A Proposal for Screening Inconsistencies in Ontologies based on Query Languages using WSD
Chieko Nakabasami | Naoyuki Nomura

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Cascaded Regular Grammars over XML Documents
Kiril Simov | Milen Kouylekov | Alexander Simov

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XtraGen - A Natural Language Generation System Using XML- and Java-Technologies
Holger Stenzhorn

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XiSTS - XML in Speech Technology Systems
Michael Walsh | Stephen Wilson | Julie Carson-Berndsen

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SALT: An XML Application for Web-based Multimodal Dialog Management
Kuansan Wang


bib (full) COLING-02: The 3rd Workshop on Asian Language Resources and International Standardization

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COLING-02: The 3rd Workshop on Asian Language Resources and International Standardization

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A Study in Urdu Corpus Construction
Dara Becker | Kashif Riaz

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AnnCorra: Building Tree-banks in Indian Languages
Akshar Bharati | Rajeev Sangal | Vineet Chaitanya | Amba Kulkarni | Dipti Misra Sharma | K.V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu

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Urdu and the Parallel Grammar Project
Miriam Butt | Tracy Holloway King

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Broadening the Scope of the EAGLES/ISLE Lexical Standardization Initiative
Nicoletta Calzolari | Alessandro Lenci | Francesca Bertagna | Antonio Zampolli

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OLACMS: Comparisons and Applications in Chinese and Formosan Languages
Ru-Yng Chang | Chu-Ren Huang

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Lexicon-based Orthographic Disambiguation in CJK Intelligent Information Retrieval
Jack Halpern

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A State of the Art of Thai Language Resources and Thai Language Behavior Analysis and Modeling
Asanee Kawtrakul | Mukda Suktarachan | Patcharee Varasai | Hutchatai Chanlekha

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Automatic Word Spacing Using Hidden Markov Model for Refining Korean Text Corpora
Do-Gil Lee | Sang-Zoo Lee | Hae-Chang Rim | Heui-Seok Lim

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Decomposition for ISO/IEC 10646 Ideographic Characters
Qin Lu | Shiu Tong Chan | Yin Li | Ngai Ling Li

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Efficient Deep Processing of Japanese
Melanie Siegel | Emily M. Bender

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Constructing of a Large-Scale Chinese-English Parallel Corpus
Le Sun | Song Xue | Weimin Qu | Xiaofeng Wang | Yufang Sun


bib (full) COLING-02: The 6th Conference on Natural Language Learning 2002 (CoNLL-2002)

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COLING-02: The 6th Conference on Natural Language Learning 2002 (CoNLL-2002)

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Extracting the Unextractable: A Case Study on Verb-particles
Timothy Baldwin | Aline Villavicencio

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Language Independent Named Entity Classification by modified Transformation-based Learning and by Decision Tree Induction
William J. Black | Argyrios Vasilakopoulos

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Statistical Named Entity Recognizer Adaptation
John D. Burger | John C. Henderson | William T. Morgan

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Named Entity Extraction using AdaBoost
Xavier Carreras | Lluís Màrquez | Lluís Padró

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Learning Attribute Values in Typed-unification Grammars: On Generalised Rule Reduction
Liviu Ciortuz

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Bootstrapping a Multilingual Part-of-speech Tagger in One Person-day
Silviu Cucerzan | David Yarowsky

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Language Independent NER using a Unified Model of Internal and Contextual Evidence
Silviu Cucerzan | David Yarowsky

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A Very Very Large Corpus Doesn’t Always Yield Reliable Estimates
James R. Curran | Miles Osborne

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Cross-dataset Clustering: Revealing Corresponding Themes across Multiple Corpora
Ido Dagan | Zvika Marx | Eli Shamir

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Named Entity Recognition as a House of Cards: Classifier Stacking
Radu Florian

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Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data: A Case Study on Fisher Kernels and Transductive Inference for Biological Entity Recognition
Cyril Goutte | Hervé Déjean | Eric Gaussier | Nicola Cancedda | Jean-Michel Renders

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GraSp: Grammar Learning from Unlabelled Speech Corpora
Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Named Entity Extraction with Conditional Markov Models and Classifiers
Martin Jansche

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On the Robustness of Entropy-Based Similarity Measures in Evaluation of Subcategorization Acquisition Systems
Anna Korhonen | Yuval Krymolowski

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Distinguishing Easy and Hard Instances
Yuval Krymolowski

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Japanese Dependency Analysis using Cascaded Chunking
Taku Kudo | Yuji Matsumoto

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Backward Machine Transliteration by Learning Phonetic Similarity
Wei-Hao Lin | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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A Comparison of Algorithms for Maximum Entropy Parameter Estimation
Robert Malouf

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Markov Models for Language-independent Named Entity Recognition
Robert Malouf

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Entity Extraction without Language-Specific Resources
Paul McNamee | James Mayfield

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Letter Level Learning for Language Independent Diacritics Restoration
Rada Mihalcea | Vivi Nastase

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SLINERC: The Sydney Language-Independent Named Entity Recogniser and Classifier
Jon Patrick | Casey Whitelaw | Robert Munro

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Named Entity Learning and Verification: Expectation Maximization in Large Corpora
Uwe Quasthoff | Christian Biemann | Christian Wolff

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Introduction to the CoNLL-2002 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang

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Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang

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Inducing Translation Lexicons via Diverse Similarity Measures and Bridge Languages
Charles Schafer | David Yarowsky

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Features for Unsupervised Document Classification
S. H. Srinivasan

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Two-dimensional Clustering for Text Categorization
Hiroya Takamura | Yuji Matsumoto

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Use of Support Vector Machines in Extended Named Entity Recognition
Koichi Takeuchi | Nigel Collier

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Feature Selection for a Rich HPSG Grammar Using Decision Trees
Kristina Toutanova | Christopher D. Manning

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Learning with Multiple Stacking for Named Entity Recognition
Koji Tsukamoto | Yutaka Mitsuishi | Manabu Sassano

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Topological Field Chunking for German
Jorn Veenstra | Frank Henrik Müller | Tylman Ule

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Learning to Distinguish PP Arguments from Adjuncts
Aline Villavicencio

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Learning to Disambiguate Potentially Subjective Expressions
Janyce Wiebe | Theresa Wilson

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Boosting for Named Entity Recognition
Dekai Wu | Grace Ngai | Marine Carpuat | Jeppe Larsen | Yongsheng Yang


bib (full) Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2002)

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Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2002)

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Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments with Perceptron Algorithms
Michael Collins

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Conditional Structure versus Conditional Estimation in NLP Models
Dan Klein | Christopher D. Manning

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An Incremental Decision List Learner
Joshua Goodman

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Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for Word Sense Disambiguation
Radu Florian | David Yarowsky

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Augmented Mixture Models for Lexical Disambiguation
Silviu Cucerzan | David Yarowsky

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An Empirical Evaluation of Knowledge Sources and Learning Algorithms for Word Sense Disambiguation
Yoong Keok Lee | Hwee Tou Ng

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Parsing and Disfluency Placement
Donald Engel | Eugene Charniak | Mark Johnson

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Combining Sample Selection and Error-Driven Pruning for Machine Learning of Coreference Rules
Vincent Ng | Claire Cardie

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Transformational Priors Over Grammars
Jason Eisner

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Kernel Methods for Relation Extraction
Dmitry Zelenko | Chinatsu Aone | Anthony Richardella

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Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques
Bo Pang | Lillian Lee | Shivakumar Vaithyanathan

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Extensions to HMM-based Statistical Word Alignment Models
Kristina Toutanova | H. Tolga Ilhan | Christopher Manning

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From Words to Corpora: Recognizing Translation
Noah A. Smith

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Fast LR parsing Using Rich (Tree Adjoining) Grammars
Carlos A. Prolo

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Handling Noisy Training and Testing Data
Don Blaheta

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Spectral Clustering for German Verbs
Chris Brew | Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Exploiting Strong Syntactic Heuristics and Co-Training to Learn Semantic Lexicons
William Phillips | Ellen Riloff

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A Phrase-Based,Joint Probability Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Marcu | Daniel Wong

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Minimum Bayes-Risk Word Alignments of Bilingual Texts
Shankar Kumar | William Byrne

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User-Friendly Text Prediction For Translators
George Foster | Philippe Langlais | Guy Lapalme

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Generation of Word Graphs in Statistical Machine Translation
Nicola Ueffing | Franz Josef Och | Hermann Ney

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Bootstrapping Lexical Choice via Multiple-Sequence Alignment
Regina Barzilay | Lillian Lee

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NLP Found Helpful (at least for one Text Categorization Task)
Carl Sable | Kathleen McKeown | Kenneth Church

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A Hybrid Approach to Natural Language Web Search
Jennifer Chu-Carroll | John Prager | Yael Ravin | Christian Cesar

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A Method for Open-Vocabulary Speech-Driven Text Retrieval
Atsushi Fujii | Katunobu Itou | Tetsuya Ishikawa

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Manipulating Large Corpora for Text Classification
Fumiyo Fukumoto | Yoshimi Suzuki

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Metonymy Resolution as a Classification Task
Katja Markert | Malvina Nissim

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A Bootstrapping Method for Learning Semantic Lexicons using Extraction Pattern Contexts
Michael Thelen | Ellen Riloff

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Ensemble Methods for Automatic Thesaurus Extraction
James Curran

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Using the Web to Overcome Data Sparseness
Frank Keller | Maria Lapata | Olga Ourioupina

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The SuperARV Language Model: Investigating the Effectiveness of Tightly Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources
Wen Wang | Mary P. Harper

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Exploiting Headword Dependency and Predictive Clustering for Language Modeling
Jianfeng Gao | Hisami Suzuki | Yang Wen

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An Analysis of the AskMSR Question-Answering System
Eric Brill | Susan Dumais | Michele Banko

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A Machine-Learning Approach to Introspection in a Question Answering System
Krzysztof Czuba | John Prager | Jennifer Chu-Carroll

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Extracting Clauses for Spoken Language Understanding in Conversational Systems
Narendra Gupta | Srinivas Bangalore

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Combining Outputs of Multiple Japanese Named Entity Chunkers by Stacking
Takehito Utsuro | Manabu Sassano | Kiyotaka Uchimoto

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Processing Comparable Corpora With Bilingual Suffix Trees
Dragos Stefan Munteanu | Daniel Marcu

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Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition for Italian Broadcast News
Marcello Federico | Nicola Bertoldi | Vanessa Sandrini

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Phrasal Cohesion and Statistical Machine Translation
Heidi Fox

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The Influence of Minimum Edit Distance on Reference Resolution
Michael Strube | Stefan Rapp | Christoph Müller

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Information Extraction from Voicemail Transcripts
Martin Jansche | Steven Abney


bib (full) Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference

Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference
Kathleen McKeown

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Corpus-trained Text Generation for Summarization
Min-Yen Kan | Kathleen R. McKeown

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The Importance of Lexicalized Syntax Models for Natural Language Generation Tasks
Hal Daume III | Kevin Knight | Irene Langkilde-Geary | Daniel Marcu | Kenji Yamada

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An Empirical Verification of Coverage and Correctness for a General-Purpose Sentence Generator
Irene Langkilde-Geary

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Combining Machine Learning and Rule-based Approaches in Spanish and Japanese Sentence Realization
Maite Melero | Takako Aikawa | Lee Schwartz

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An Overview of Amalgam: A Machine-learned Generation Module
Simon Corston-Oliver | Michael Gamon | Eric Ringger | Robert Moore

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A Complete, Efficient Sentence-Realization Algorithm for Unification Grammar
Robert Moore

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Designing a Speech Corpus for Instance-based Spoken Language Generation
Shimei Pan | Wubin Weng

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Towards Emotional Variation in Speech-Based Natural Language Processing
Michael Fleischman | Eduard Hovy

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From Discourse Plans to Believable Behavior Generation
Berardina De Carolis | Valeria Carofiglio | Catherine Pelachaud

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Speech-Plans: Generating Evaluative Responses in Spoken Dialogue
M. A. Walker | S. Whittaker | A. Stent | P. Maloor | J. D. Moore | M. Johnston | G. Vasireddy

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Stochastic Text Structuring Using the Principle of Continuity
Nikiforos Karamanis | Hisar Maruli Manurung

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Content Planner Construction via Evolutionary Algorithms and a Corpus-based Fitness Function
Pablo Duboue | Kathleen McKeown

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Should Corpora Texts Be Gold Standards for NLG?
Ehud Reiter | Somayajulu Sripada

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Aggregation with Strong Regularities and Alternatives”
Helmut Horacek

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Generating Easy References: the Case of Document Deixis
Ivandre Paraboni | Kees van Deemter

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The DIAG experiments: Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Barbara Di Eugenio | Michael Glass | Michael Trolio

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An Evaluation of Procedural Instructional Text
Nathalie Colineau | Cecile Paris | Keith Vander Linden

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A Constraint-Based Approach for Cooperative Information-Seeking Dialogue
Yan Qu | Nancy Green

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What is NLG?
Roger Evans | Paul Piwek | Lynne Cahill

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Syntactic Form and Discourse Function in NLG
Cassandre Creswell

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Driving Multilingual Sentence Generation with Lexico-grammatical Resources
Raymond Kozlowski

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Planning Proof Content for Communicating Induction
Amanda Holland-Minkley

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Towards Balancing Conciseness, Readability and Salience: an Integrated Architecture
Bruce Eddy

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Use of Description Logic and SDRT in an NLG System
Adil El Ghali

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Generation-Heavy Hybrid Machine Translation
Nizar Habash


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Proceedings of the Third SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Synchronization in an Asynchronous Agent-based architecture for Dialogue Systems
Nate Blaylock | James Allen | George Ferguson

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The Prosodic Transcription of a Corpus of Hong Kong English - Collection Criteria,Transcription System and Preliminary Findings
Shiao Ying | Sharon Chu

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Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A: Corpus-Based Study
Raquel Fernandez | Jonathan Ginzburg

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A Semantic Account of Adverbials as Discourse Connectives
Kate Forbes | Bonnie Webber

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MUP - The UIC Standoff Markup Tool
Michael Glass | Barbara Di Eugenio

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An Experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of cross-media cues in computer media
Nancy Green

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Annotating the Semantic Consistency of Speech Recognition Hypotheses
Iryna Gurevych | Robert Porzel | Michael Strube

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DialogueView - An Annotation Tool for Dialogue
Peter A. Heeman | Fan Yang | Susan E. Strayer

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A Flexible Framework for Developing Mixed-Initiative Dialog Systems
Judith Hochberg | Nanda Kambhatla | Salim Roukos

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Adaptive Dialogue Systems - Interaction with Interact
Kristiina Jokinen | Antti Kerminen | Tommi Lagus | Jukka Kuusisto | Graham Wilcock | Markku Turunen | Jaakko Hakulinen | Krista Jauhiainen

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Discourse Processing for Explanatory Essays in Tutorial Applications
Pamela W. Jordan | Kurt VanLehn

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Conditional responses in information-seeking dialogues
Elena Karagjosova | Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova

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Dialogue Act Recognition with Bayesian Networks for Dutch Dialogues
Simon Keizer | Rieks op den Akker | Anton Nijholt

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Topic Identification in Natural Language Dialogues Using Neural Networks
Krista Lagus | Jukka Kuusisto

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Issues under negotiation
Staffan Larsson

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Multi-tasking and Collaborative Activities in Dialogue Systems
Oliver Lemon | Alexander Gruenstein | Alexis Battle | Stanley Peters

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Probabilistic Dialogue Modelling
Oliver Lemon | Prashant Parikh | Stanley Peters

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Dialogue Macrogame Theory
William Mann

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A new Taxonomy for the Quality of Telephone Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems
Sebastian Möller

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Towards Context-adaptive Utterance Interpretation
Robert Porzel | Iryna Gurevych

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Training a Dialogue Act Tagger for Human-human and Human-computer Travel dialogues
Rashmi Prasad | Marilyn Walker

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Processing Unknown Words in a Dialogue System
Matthew Purver

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A Dialog Architecture for Military Story Capture
Ronnie Smith | Brian Manning | Jon Rogers | Brian Adams | Mujibur Abdul | Amaury Alvarez

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Grounding styles of aged dyads - an exploratory study
Atsue Takeoka | Atsushi Shimojima

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Rare Dialogue Acts in Oncology Consultations
Mary McGee Wood | Richard Craggs | Ian Fletcher | Peter Maguire

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Bridging the Gap between Dialogue management and dialogue models
Weiqun Xu | Bo Xu | Taiyi Huang | Hairong Xia

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A Minimum Message Length Approach for Argument Interpretation
Ingrid Zukerman | Sarah George


bib (full) COLING-02: The First SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

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COLING-02: The First SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

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Extraction of Translation Unit from Chinese-English Parallel Corpora
Baobao Chang | Pernilla Danielsson | Wolfgang Teubert

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Some Considerations on Guidelines for Bilingual Alignment and Terminology Extraction
Lawrence Cheung | Tom Lai | Robert Luk | Oi Yee Kwong | King Kui Sin | Benjamin K. Tsou

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Developing Guidelines for the Annotation of Anaphors in the Chinese Treebank
Susan Converse

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Finding the Better Indexing units for Chinese Information Retrieval
Hongzhao He | Jianfeng Gao | Pilian He | Changning Huang

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Categorical Ambiguity and Information Content: A Corpus-based Study of Chinese
Chu-Ren Huang | Ru-Yng Chang

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PCFG Parsing for Restricted Classical Chinese Texts
Liang Huang | Yinan Peng | Huan Wang | Zhenyu Wu

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A Knowledge Based Approach to Identification of Serial Verb Construction in Chinese-to-Korean Machine Translation System
Dong-il Kim | Zheng Cui | Jinji Li | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Learning Case-based Knowledge for Disambiguating Chinese Word Segmentation: A Preliminary Study
Chunyu Kit | Haihua Pan | Hongbiao Chen

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Corpus-Based Pinyin Name Resolution
Kui-Lam Kwok | Peter Deng

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An Indexing Method Based on Sentences
Li Li | Chunfa Yuan | K.F. Wong | Wenjie Li

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Design of Chinese Morphological Analyzer
Huihsin Tseng | Keh-Jiann Chen

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A Word Segmentation Method with Dynamic Adapting to Text Using Inductive Learning
Zhongjian Wang | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai

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Using the Segmentation Corpus to Define an Inventory of Concatenative Units for Cantonese Speech Synthesis
Wai Yi Peggy Wong | Chris Brew | Mary E. Beckman | Shui-duen Chan

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Extracting Pronunciation-translated Names from Chinese Texts using Bootstrapping Approach
Jing Xiao | Jimin Liu | Tat-Seng Chua

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Combining Classifiers for Chinese Word Segmentation
Nianwen Xue | Susan P. Converse

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WSD and Closed Semantic Constraint
Jiangsheng Yu

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Automatic Recognition of Chinese Unknown Words Based on Roles Tagging
Kevin Zhang | Qun Liu | Hao Zhang | Xue-Qi Cheng

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Chinese Base-Phrases Chunking
Yuqi Zhang | Qiang Zhou

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Learning Rules for Chinese Prosodic Phrase Prediction
Sheng Zhao | Jianhua Tao | Lianhong Cai

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A Knowledge-based Approach to Text Classification
Jingbo Zhu | Tianshun Yao


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Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+6)

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Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+6)
Robert Frank

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Compositional Semantics for Relative Clauses in Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars
Chung-hye Han

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Putting Some Weakly Context-Free Formalisms in Order
David Chiang

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Supertagging for Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Stephen Clark

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Learning languages from positive examples with dependencies
Jérôme Besombes | Jean-Yves Marion

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Towards a Dynamic Version of TAG
Vincenzo Lombardo | Patrick Sturt

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Resumptive Pronouns, Wh-island Violations, and Sentence Production
Cassandre Creswell

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Statistical Morphological Tagging and Parsing of Korean with an LTAG Grammar
Anoop Sarkar | Chung-Hye Han

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Notes on the Complexity of Complex Heads in a Minimalist Grammar
Jens Michaelis

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Learning Mirror Theory
Gregory M. Kobele | Travis Collier | Charles Taylor | Edward P. Stabler

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Defining a Lexicalized Context-Free Grammar for a Subdomain of Portuguese Language
Cinthyan Renata Sachs C. de Barbosa | Davidson Cury | Josée Mauro Volkmer de Castilho | Celso de Renna e Souza

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Practical, Template–Based Natural Language Generation with TAG
Tilman Becker

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Relative Clause Attachment and Anaphora: A Case for Short Binding
Rodolfo Delmonte

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A Left Corner Parser for Tree Adjoining Grammars
Victor J. Díaz | Vicente Carrillo | Miguel A. Alonso

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Context-Free Parsing of a Tree Adjoining Grammar Using Finite-State Machines
Alexis Nasr | Owen Rambow | John Chen | Srinivas Bangalore

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How to prevent adjoining in TAGs and its impact on the Average Case Complexity
Jens Woch

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Quantification Over Situation Variables in LTAG: Some Constraints
Maribel Romero

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One More Perspective on Semantic Relations in TAG
James Rogers

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Using an Enriched TAG Derivation Structure as Basis for Semantics
Laura Kallmeyer

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A Proof System for Tree Adjoining Grammars
Adi Palm

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Tree-Adjoining Grammars as Abstract Categorial Grammars
Philippe de Groote

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Residuation, Structural Rules and Context Freeness
Gerhard Jäger

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A Note on the Complexity of Associative-Commutative Lambek Calculus
Christophe Costa Florêncio

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Turning Elementary Trees into Feature Structures
Alexandra Kinyon

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On the Affinity of TAG with Projective, Bilexical Dependency Grammar
Tom B.Y. Lai | Changning Huang | Robert W.P. Luk

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The Theory of Control Applied to the Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT)
Jarmila Panevová | Veronika Řezníčková | Zdeňka Urešová

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Systematic Grammar Development in the XTAG Project
Carlos Prolo

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A Formal Proof of Strong Equivalence for a Grammar Conversion from LTAG to HPSG-style
Naoki Yoshinaga | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Parsing MCS languages with Thread Automata
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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Evaluation of LTAG Parsing with Supertag Compaction
Olga Shaumyan | John Carroll | David Weir

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Korean-English MT and S-TAG
Mark Dras | Chung-hye Han

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Tectogrammatical representation: towards a minimal transfer in machine translation
Jan Hajič

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Clustering for obtaining syntactic classes of words from automatically extracted LTAG grammars
Tadayoshi Hara | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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A new metagrammar compiler
Bertrand Gaiffe | Benoit Crabbé | Azim Roussanaly

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Kim Gerdes

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Cross-serial dependencies in Tagalog
Anna Maclachlan | Owen Rambow

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Reranking an n-gram supertagger
John Chen | Srinivas Bangalore | Michael Collins | Owen Rambow

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Hidden Markov model-based supertagging in a user-initiative dialogue system
Jens Bäcker | Karin Harbusch

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Exploiting semantic knowledge in LTAG-based controlled indexing of technical data
Patrice Lopez | David Roussel


bib (full) Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies for Teaching Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

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Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies for Teaching Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

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Teaching NLP/CL through Games: the Case of Parsing
Hans van Halteren

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An Interactive Spreadsheet for Teaching the Forward-Backward Algorithm
Jason Eisner

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A Web-based Instructional Platform for Contraint-Based Grammar Formalisms and Parsing
W. Detmar Meurers | Gerald Penn | Frank Richter

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Evangelising Language Technology: A Practically-Focussed Undergraduate Program
Robert Dale | Diego Mollá Aliod | Rolf Schwitter

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A non-programming introduction to computer science via NLP,IR,and AI
Lillian Lee

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Design and Evolution of a Language Technologies Curriculum
Robert Frederking | Eric H. Nyberg | Teruko Mitamura | Jaime G. Carbonell

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A niche at the nexus: situating an NLP curriculum interdisciplinarily
Deryle Lonsdale

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Using GATE as an Environment for Teaching NLP
Kalina Bontcheva | Hamish Cunningham | Valentin Tablan | Diana Maynard | Oana Hamza

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NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit
Edward Loper | Steven Bird

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Formal Language Theory for Natural Language Processing
Shuly Wintner

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Lexicalized Grammar 101
Matthew Stone

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Teaching Computational Linguistics at the University of Tartu: Experience, Perspectives and Challenges
Mare Koit | Tiit Roosmaa | Haldur Õim