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Gongshen Liu


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UOR: Universal Backdoor Attacks on Pre-trained Language Models
Wei Du | Peixuan Li | Haodong Zhao | Tianjie Ju | Ge Ren | Gongshen Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Task-agnostic and transferable backdoors implanted in pre-trained language models (PLMs) pose a severe security threat as they can be inherited to any downstream task. However, existing methods rely on manual selection of triggers and backdoor representations, hindering their effectiveness and universality across different PLMs or usage paradigms. In this paper, we propose a new backdoor attack method called UOR, which overcomes these limitations by turning manual selection into automatic optimization. Specifically, we design poisoned supervised contrastive learning, which can automatically learn more uniform and universal backdoor representations. This allows for more even coverage of the output space, thus hitting more labels in downstream tasks after fine-tuning. Furthermore, we utilize gradient search to select appropriate trigger words that can be adapted to different PLMs and vocabularies. Experiments show that UOR achieves better attack performance on various text classification tasks compared to manual methods. Moreover, we test on PLMs with different architectures, usage paradigms, and more challenging tasks, achieving higher scores for universality.

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Backdoor NLP Models via AI-Generated Text
Wei Du | Tianjie Ju | Ge Ren | GaoLei Li | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Backdoor attacks pose a critical security threat to natural language processing (NLP) models by establishing covert associations between trigger patterns and target labels without affecting normal accuracy. Existing attacks usually disregard fluency and semantic fidelity of poisoned text, rendering the malicious data easily detectable. However, text generation models can produce coherent and content-relevant text given prompts. Moreover, potential differences between human-written and AI-generated text may be captured by NLP models while being imperceptible to humans. More insidious threats could arise if attackers leverage latent features of AI-generated text as trigger patterns. We comprehensively investigate backdoor attacks on NLP models using AI-generated poisoned text obtained via continued writing or paraphrasing, exploring three attack scenarios: data, model and pre-training. For data poisoning, we fine-tune generators with attribute control to enhance the attack performance. For model poisoning, we leverage downstream tasks to derive specialized generators. For pre-training poisoning, we train multiple attribute-based generators and align their generated text with pre-defined vectors, enabling task-agnostic migration attacks. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves effective attacks while maintaining fluency and semantic similarity across all scenarios. We hope this work can raise awareness of the security risks hidden in AI-generated text.

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How Large Language Models Encode Context Knowledge? A Layer-Wise Probing Study
Tianjie Ju | Weiwei Sun | Wei Du | Xinwei Yuan | Zhaochun Ren | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Previous work has showcased the intriguing capability of large language models (LLMs) in retrieving facts and processing context knowledge. However, only limited research exists on the layer-wise capability of LLMs to encode knowledge, which challenges our understanding of their internal mechanisms. In this paper, we devote the first attempt to investigate the layer-wise capability of LLMs through probing tasks. We leverage the powerful generative capability of ChatGPT to construct probing datasets, providing diverse and coherent evidence corresponding to various facts. We employ \mathcal V-usable information as the validation metric to better reflect the capability in encoding context knowledge across different layers. Our experiments on conflicting and newly acquired knowledge show that LLMs: (1) prefer to encode more context knowledge in the upper layers; (2) primarily encode context knowledge within knowledge-related entity tokens at lower layers while progressively expanding more knowledge within other tokens at upper layers; and (3) gradually forget the earlier context knowledge retained within the intermediate layers when provided with irrelevant evidence. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/Jometeorie/probing_llama.

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Acquiring Clean Language Models from Backdoor Poisoned Datasets by Downscaling Frequency Space
Zongru Wu | Zhuosheng Zhang | Pengzhou Cheng | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite the notable success of language models (LMs) in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, the reliability of LMs is susceptible to backdoor attacks. Prior research attempts to mitigate backdoor learning while training the LMs on the poisoned dataset, yet struggles against complex backdoor attacks in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we investigate the learning mechanisms of backdoor LMs in the frequency space by Fourier analysis. Our findings indicate that the backdoor mapping presented on the poisoned datasets exhibits a more discernible inclination towards lower frequency compared to clean mapping, resulting in the faster convergence of backdoor mapping. To alleviate this dilemma, we propose Multi-Scale Low-Rank Adaptation (MuScleLoRA), which deploys multiple radial scalings in the frequency space with low-rank adaptation to the target model and further aligns the gradients when updating parameters. Through downscaling in the frequency space, MuScleLoRA encourages the model to prioritize the learning of relatively high-frequency clean mapping, consequently mitigating backdoor learning. Experimental results demonstrate that MuScleLoRA outperforms baselines significantly. Notably, MuScleLoRA reduces the average success rate of diverse backdoor attacks to below 15% across multiple datasets and generalizes to various backbone LMs, including BERT, RoBERTa, and Llama2. The codes are publicly available at Anonymous.

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Investigating Multi-Hop Factual Shortcuts in Knowledge Editing of Large Language Models
Tianjie Ju | Yijin Chen | Xinwei Yuan | Zhuosheng Zhang | Wei Du | Yubin Zheng | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent work has showcased the powerful capability of large language models (LLMs) in recalling knowledge and reasoning. However, the reliability of LLMs in combining these two capabilities into reasoning through multi-hop facts has not been widely explored. This paper systematically investigates the possibilities for LLMs to utilize shortcuts based on direct connections between the initial and terminal entities of multi-hop knowledge. We first explore the existence of factual shortcuts through Knowledge Neurons, revealing that: (i) the strength of factual shortcuts is highly correlated with the frequency of co-occurrence of initial and terminal entities in the pre-training corpora; (ii) few-shot prompting leverage more shortcuts in answering multi-hop questions compared to chain-of-thought prompting. Then, we analyze the risks posed by factual shortcuts from the perspective of multi-hop knowledge editing. Analysis shows that approximately 20% of the failures are attributed to shortcuts, and the initial and terminal entities in these failure instances usually have higher co-occurrences in the pre-training corpus. Finally, we propose erasing shortcut neurons to mitigate the associated risks and find that this approach significantly reduces failures in multiple-hop knowledge editing caused by shortcuts. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/Jometeorie/MultiHopShortcuts.


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Is Continuous Prompt a Combination of Discrete Prompts? Towards a Novel View for Interpreting Continuous Prompts
Tianjie Ju | Yubin Zheng | Hanyi Wang | Haodong Zhao | Gongshen Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The broad adoption of continuous prompts has brought state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Nonetheless, little attention has been paid to the interpretability and transferability of continuous prompts. Faced with the challenges, we investigate the feasibility of interpreting continuous prompts as the weighting of discrete prompts by jointly optimizing prompt fidelity and downstream fidelity. Our experiments show that: (1) one can always find a combination of discrete prompts as the replacement of continuous prompts that performs well on downstream tasks; (2) our interpretable framework faithfully reflects the reasoning process of source prompts; (3) our interpretations provide effective readability and plausibility, which is helpful to understand the decision-making of continuous prompts and discover potential shortcuts. Moreover, through the bridge constructed between continuous prompts and discrete prompts using our interpretations, it is promising to implement the cross-model transfer of continuous prompts without extra training signals. We hope this work will lead to a novel perspective on the interpretations of continuous prompts.


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TransAdv: A Translation-based Adversarial Learning Framework for Zero-Resource Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition
Yichun Zhao | Jintao Du | Gongshen Liu | Huijia Zhu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Zero-Resource Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition aims at training an NER model of the target language using only labeled source language data and unlabeled target language data. Existing methods are mainly divided into three categories: model transfer based, data transfer based and knowledge transfer based. Each method has its own disadvantages, and combining more than one of them often leads to better performance. However, the performance of data transfer based methods is often limited by inevitable noise in the translation process. To handle the problem, we propose a framework named TransAdv to mitigate lexical and syntactic errors of word-by-word translated data, better utilizing the data by multi-level adversarial learning and multi-model knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments are conducted over 6 target languages with English as the source language, and the results show that TransAdv achieves competitive performance to the state-of-the-art models.

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Few-shot Table-to-text Generation with Prefix-Controlled Generator
Yutao Luo | Menghua Lu | Gongshen Liu | Shilin Wang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Neural table-to-text generation approaches are data-hungry, limiting their adaption for low-resource real-world applications. Previous works mostly resort to Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to generate fluent summaries of a table. However, they often contain hallucinated contents due to the uncontrolled nature of PLMs. Moreover, the topological differences between tables and sequences are rarely studied. Last but not least, fine-tuning on PLMs with a handful of instances may lead to over-fitting and catastrophic forgetting. To alleviate these problems, we propose a prompt-based approach, Prefix-Controlled Generator (i.e., PCG), for few-shot table-to-text generation. We prepend a task-specific prefix for a PLM to make the table structure better fit the pre-trained input. In addition, we generate an input-specific prefix to control the factual contents and word order of the generated text. Both automatic and human evaluations on different domains (humans, books and songs) of the Wikibio dataset prove the effectiveness of our approach.

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A Multi-Task Dual-Tree Network for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction
Yichun Zhao | Kui Meng | Gongshen Liu | Jintao Du | Huijia Zhu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) aims at extracting triplets from a given sentence, where each triplet includes an aspect, its sentiment polarity, and a corresponding opinion explaining the polarity. Existing methods are poor at detecting complicated relations between aspects and opinions as well as classifying multiple sentiment polarities in a sentence. Detecting unclear boundaries of multi-word aspects and opinions is also a challenge. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Task Dual-Tree Network (MTDTN) to address these issues. We employ a constituency tree and a modified dependency tree in two sub-tasks of Aspect Opinion Co-Extraction (AOCE) and ASTE, respectively. To enhance the information interaction between the two sub-tasks, we further design a Transition-Based Inference Strategy (TBIS) that transfers the boundary information from tags of AOCE to ASTE through a transition matrix. Extensive experiments are conducted on four popular datasets, and the results show the effectiveness of our model.

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Improving Constituent Representation with Hypertree Neural Networks
Hao Zhou | Gongshen Liu | Kewei Tu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Many natural language processing tasks involve text spans and thus high-quality span representations are needed to enhance neural approaches to these tasks. Most existing methods of span representation are based on simple derivations (such as max-pooling) from word representations and do not utilize compositional structures of natural language. In this paper, we aim to improve representations of constituent spans using a novel hypertree neural networks (HTNN) that is structured with constituency parse trees. Each node in the HTNN represents a constituent of the input sentence and each hyperedge represents a composition of smaller child constituents into a larger parent constituent. In each update iteration of the HTNN, the representation of each constituent is computed based on all the hyperedges connected to it, thus incorporating both bottom-up and top-down compositional information. We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate HTNNs against other span representation models and the results show the effectiveness of HTNN.


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Entity-Aware Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization
Hao Zhou | Weidong Ren | Gongshen Liu | Bo Su | Wei Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


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A Mixed Learning Objective for Neural Machine Translation
Wenjie Lu | Leiying Zhou | Gongshen Liu | Quanhai Zhang
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

Evaluation discrepancy and overcorrection phenomenon are two common problems in neural machine translation (NMT). NMT models are generally trained with word-level learning objective, but evaluated by sentence-level metrics. Moreover, the cross-entropy loss function discourages model to generate synonymous predictions and overcorrect them to ground truth words. To address these two drawbacks, we adopt multi-task learning and propose a mixed learning objective (MLO) which combines the strength of word-level and sentence-level evaluation without modifying model structure. At word-level, it calculates semantic similarity between predicted and ground truth words. At sentence-level, it computes probabilistic n-gram matching scores of generated translations. We also combine a loss-sensitive scheduled sampling decoding strategy with MLO to explore its extensibility. Experimental results on IWSLT 2016 German-English and WMT 2019 English-Chinese datasets demonstrate that our methodology can significantly promote translation quality. The ablation study shows that both word-level and sentence-level learning objectives can improve BLEU scores. Furthermore, MLO is consistent with state-of-the-art scheduled sampling methods and can achieve further promotion.

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Hierarchy-Aware Global Model for Hierarchical Text Classification
Jie Zhou | Chunping Ma | Dingkun Long | Guangwei Xu | Ning Ding | Haoyu Zhang | Pengjun Xie | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Hierarchical text classification is an essential yet challenging subtask of multi-label text classification with a taxonomic hierarchy. Existing methods have difficulties in modeling the hierarchical label structure in a global view. Furthermore, they cannot make full use of the mutual interactions between the text feature space and the label space. In this paper, we formulate the hierarchy as a directed graph and introduce hierarchy-aware structure encoders for modeling label dependencies. Based on the hierarchy encoder, we propose a novel end-to-end hierarchy-aware global model (HiAGM) with two variants. A multi-label attention variant (HiAGM-LA) learns hierarchy-aware label embeddings through the hierarchy encoder and conducts inductive fusion of label-aware text features. A text feature propagation model (HiAGM-TP) is proposed as the deductive variant that directly feeds text features into hierarchy encoders. Compared with previous works, both HiAGM-LA and HiAGM-TP achieve significant and consistent improvements on three benchmark datasets.


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Multiple Character Embeddings for Chinese Word Segmentation
Jianing Zhou | Jingkang Wang | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Chinese word segmentation (CWS) is often regarded as a character-based sequence labeling task in most current works which have achieved great success with the help of powerful neural networks. However, these works neglect an important clue: Chinese characters incorporate both semantic and phonetic meanings. In this paper, we introduce multiple character embeddings including Pinyin Romanization and Wubi Input, both of which are easily accessible and effective in depicting semantics of characters. We propose a novel shared Bi-LSTM-CRF model to fuse linguistic features efficiently by sharing the LSTM network during the training procedure. Extensive experiments on five corpora show that extra embeddings help obtain a significant improvement in labeling accuracy. Specifically, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance in AS and CityU corpora with F1 scores of 96.9 and 97.3, respectively without leveraging any external lexical resources.


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Sliced Recurrent Neural Networks
Zeping Yu | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recurrent neural networks have achieved great success in many NLP tasks. However, they have difficulty in parallelization because of the recurrent structure, so it takes much time to train RNNs. In this paper, we introduce sliced recurrent neural networks (SRNNs), which could be parallelized by slicing the sequences into many subsequences. SRNNs have the ability to obtain high-level information through multiple layers with few extra parameters. We prove that the standard RNN is a special case of the SRNN when we use linear activation functions. Without changing the recurrent units, SRNNs are 136 times as fast as standard RNNs and could be even faster when we train longer sequences. Experiments on six large-scale sentiment analysis datasets show that SRNNs achieve better performance than standard RNNs.

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Modeling Multi-turn Conversation with Deep Utterance Aggregation
Zhuosheng Zhang | Jiangtong Li | Pengfei Zhu | Hai Zhao | Gongshen Liu
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Multi-turn conversation understanding is a major challenge for building intelligent dialogue systems. This work focuses on retrieval-based response matching for multi-turn conversation whose related work simply concatenates the conversation utterances, ignoring the interactions among previous utterances for context modeling. In this paper, we formulate previous utterances into context using a proposed deep utterance aggregation model to form a fine-grained context representation. In detail, a self-matching attention is first introduced to route the vital information in each utterance. Then the model matches a response with each refined utterance and the final matching score is obtained after attentive turns aggregation. Experimental results show our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on three multi-turn conversation benchmarks, including a newly introduced e-commerce dialogue corpus.

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A Unified Syntax-aware Framework for Semantic Role Labeling
Zuchao Li | Shexia He | Jiaxun Cai | Zhuosheng Zhang | Hai Zhao | Gongshen Liu | Linlin Li | Luo Si
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Semantic role labeling (SRL) aims to recognize the predicate-argument structure of a sentence. Syntactic information has been paid a great attention over the role of enhancing SRL. However, the latest advance shows that syntax would not be so important for SRL with the emerging much smaller gap between syntax-aware and syntax-agnostic SRL. To comprehensively explore the role of syntax for SRL task, we extend existing models and propose a unified framework to investigate more effective and more diverse ways of incorporating syntax into sequential neural networks. Exploring the effect of syntactic input quality on SRL performance, we confirm that high-quality syntactic parse could still effectively enhance syntactically-driven SRL. Using empirically optimized integration strategy, we even enlarge the gap between syntax-aware and syntax-agnostic SRL. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on CoNLL-2009 benchmarks both for English and Chinese, substantially outperforming all previous models.