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Ji Qi


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Preserving Knowledge Invariance: Rethinking Robustness Evaluation of Open Information Extraction
Ji Qi | Chuchun Zhang | Xiaozhi Wang | Kaisheng Zeng | Jifan Yu | Jinxin Liu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Xu Bin
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The robustness to distribution changes ensures that NLP models can be successfully applied in the realistic world, especially for information extraction tasks. However, most prior evaluation benchmarks have been devoted to validating pairwise matching correctness, ignoring the crucial validation of robustness. In this paper, we present the first benchmark that simulates the evaluation of open information extraction models in the real world, where the syntactic and expressive distributions under the same knowledge meaning may drift variously. We design and annotate a large-scale testbed in which each example is a knowledge-invariant clique that consists of sentences with structured knowledge of the same meaning but with different syntactic and expressive forms. By further elaborating the robustness metric, a model is judged to be robust if its performance is consistently accurate on the overall cliques. We perform experiments on typical models published in the last decade as well as a representative large language model, and the results show that the existing successful models exhibit a frustrating degradation, with a maximum drop of 23.43 F1 score. Our resources and code will be publicly available.


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ParaMac: A General Unsupervised Paraphrase Generation Framework Leveraging Semantic Constraints and Diversifying Mechanisms
Jinxin Liu | Jiaxin Shi | Ji Qi | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Qi Tian
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Paraphrase generation reflects the ability to understand the meaning from the language surface form and rephrase it to other expressions. Recent paraphrase generation works have paid attention to unsupervised approaches based on Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to avoid heavy reliance on parallel data by utilizing PLMs’ generation ability. However, the generated pairs of existing unsupervised methods are usually weak either in semantic equivalence or expression diversity. In this paper, we present a novel unsupervised paraphrase generation framework called Paraphrase Machine. By employing multi-aspect equivalence constraints and multi-granularity diversifying mechanisms, Paraphrase Machine is able to achieve good semantic equivalence and expressive diversity, producing a high-quality unsupervised paraphrase dataset. Based on this dataset, we train a general paraphrase model, which can be directly applied to rewrite the input sentence of various domains without any fine-tuning, and achieves substantial gains of 9.1% and 3.3% absolutely in BLEU score over previous SOTA on Quora and MSCOCO. By further fine-tuning our model with domain-specific training sets, the improvement can be increased to even 18.0% and 4.6%. Most importantly, by applying it to language understanding and generation tasks under the low-resource setting, we demonstrate that our model can serve as a universal data augmentor to boost the few-shot performance (e.g., average 2.0% gain on GLUE).

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Syntactically Robust Training on Partially-Observed Data for Open Information Extraction
Ji Qi | Yuxiang Chen | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Bin Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Open Information Extraction models have shown promising results with sufficient supervision. However, these models face a fundamental challenge that the syntactic distribution of training data is partially observable in comparison to the real world. In this paper, we propose a syntactically robust training framework that enables models to be trained on a syntactic-abundant distribution based on diverse paraphrase generation. To tackle the intrinsic problem of knowledge deformation of paraphrasing, two algorithms based on semantic similarity matching and syntactic tree walking are used to restore the expressionally transformed knowledge. The training framework can be generally applied to other syntactic partial observable domains. Based on the proposed framework, we build a new evaluation set called CaRB-AutoPara, a syntactically diverse dataset consistent with the real-world setting for validating the robustness of the models. Experiments including a thorough analysis show that the performance of the model degrades with the increase of the difference in syntactic distribution, while our framework gives a robust boundary.


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Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis Based on Policy Gradient LSTM Model
Changliang Li | Ji Qi
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications

Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) is a natural language processing task for the NLPTEA2018 workshop held during ACL2018. The goal of this task is to diagnose Chinese sentences containing four kinds of grammatical errors through the model and find out the sentence errors. Chinese grammatical error diagnosis system is a very important tool, which can help Chinese learners automatically diagnose grammatical errors in many scenarios. However, due to the limitations of the Chinese language’s own characteristics and datasets, the traditional model faces the problem of extreme imbalances in the positive and negative samples and the disappearance of gradients. In this paper, we propose a sequence labeling method based on the Policy Gradient LSTM model and apply it to this task to solve the above problems. The results show that our model can achieve higher precision scores in the case of lower False positive rate (FPR) and it is convenient to optimize the model on-line.

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A Self-Attentive Model with Gate Mechanism for Spoken Language Understanding
Changliang Li | Liang Li | Ji Qi
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Spoken Language Understanding (SLU), which typically involves intent determination and slot filling, is a core component of spoken dialogue systems. Joint learning has shown to be effective in SLU given that slot tags and intents are supposed to share knowledge with each other. However, most existing joint learning methods only consider joint learning by sharing parameters on surface level rather than semantic level. In this work, we propose a novel self-attentive model with gate mechanism to fully utilize the semantic correlation between slot and intent. Our model first obtains intent-augmented embeddings based on neural network with self-attention mechanism. And then the intent semantic representation is utilized as the gate for labelling slot tags. The objectives of both tasks are optimized simultaneously via joint learning in an end-to-end way. We conduct experiment on popular benchmark ATIS. The results show that our model achieves state-of-the-art and outperforms other popular methods by a large margin in terms of both intent detection error rate and slot filling F1-score. This paper gives a new perspective for research on SLU.