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Lukas Galke


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Morphology Matters: Probing the Cross-linguistic Morphological Generalization Abilities of Large Language Models through a Wug Test
Dang Anh | Limor Raviv | Lukas Galke
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics

We develop a multilingual version of the Wug Test, an artificial word completion experiment that is typically used to test the morphological knowledge of children, and apply it to the GPT family of large language models (LLMs). LLMs’ performance on this test was evaluated by native speakers of six different languages, who judged whether the inflected and derived forms generated by the models conform to the morphological rules of their language. Our results show that LLMs can generalize their morphological knowledge to new, unfamiliar words, but that their success in generating the “correct” generalization (as judged by native human speakers) is predicted by a language’s morphological complexity (specifically, integrative complexity). We further find that the amount of training data has surprisingly little on LLMs’ morphological generalization abilities within the scope of the analyzed languages. These findings highlight that “morphology matters”, and have important implications for improving low-resource language modeling.


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GenCodeSearchNet: A Benchmark Test Suite for Evaluating Generalization in Programming Language Understanding
Andor Diera | Abdelhalim Dahou | Lukas Galke | Fabian Karl | Florian Sihler | Ansgar Scherp
Proceedings of the 1st GenBench Workshop on (Benchmarking) Generalisation in NLP

Language models can serve as a valuable tool for software developers to increase productivity. Large generative models can be used for code generation and code completion, while smaller encoder-only models are capable of performing code search tasks using natural language queries. These capabilities are heavily influenced by the quality and diversity of the available training data. Source code datasets used for training usually focus on the most popular languages and testing is mostly conducted on the same distributions, often overlooking low-resource programming languages. Motivated by the NLP generalization taxonomy proposed by Hupkes et.,al., we propose a new benchmark dataset called GenCodeSearchNet (GeCS) which builds upon existing natural language code search datasets to systemically evaluate the programming language understanding generalization capabilities of language models. As part of the full dataset, we introduce a new, manually curated subset StatCodeSearch that focuses on R, a popular but so far underrepresented programming language that is often used by researchers outside the field of computer science. For evaluation and comparison, we collect several baseline results using fine-tuned BERT-style models and GPT-style large language models in a zero-shot setting.


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Bag-of-Words vs. Graph vs. Sequence in Text Classification: Questioning the Necessity of Text-Graphs and the Surprising Strength of a Wide MLP
Lukas Galke | Ansgar Scherp
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Graph neural networks have triggered a resurgence of graph-based text classification methods, defining today’s state of the art. We show that a wide multi-layer perceptron (MLP) using a Bag-of-Words (BoW) outperforms the recent graph-based models TextGCN and HeteGCN in an inductive text classification setting and is comparable with HyperGAT. Moreover, we fine-tune a sequence-based BERT and a lightweight DistilBERT model, which both outperform all state-of-the-art models. These results question the importance of synthetic graphs used in modern text classifiers. In terms of efficiency, DistilBERT is still twice as large as our BoW-based wide MLP, while graph-based models like TextGCN require setting up an 𝒪(N2) graph, where N is the vocabulary plus corpus size. Finally, since Transformers need to compute 𝒪(L2) attention weights with sequence length L, the MLP models show higher training and inference speeds on datasets with long sequences.