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Marie Bexte


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Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)
Ekaterina Kochmar | Marie Bexte | Jill Burstein | Andrea Horbach | Ronja Laarmann-Quante | Anaïs Tack | Victoria Yaneva | Zheng Yuan
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)

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Scoring with Confidence? – Exploring High-confidence Scoring for Saving Manual Grading Effort
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Lena Schützler | Oliver Christ | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)

A possible way to save manual grading effort in short answer scoring is to automatically score answers for which the classifier is highly confident. We explore the feasibility of this approach in a high-stakes exam setting, evaluating three different similarity-based scoring methods, where the similarity score is a direct proxy for model confidence. The decision on an appropriate level of confidence should ideally be made before scoring a new prompt. We thus probe to what extent confidence thresholds are consistent across different datasets and prompts. We find that high-confidence thresholds vary on a prompt-to-prompt basis, and that the overall potential of increased performance at a reasonable cost of additional manual effort is limited.

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Rainbow - A Benchmark for Systematic Testing of How Sensitive Visio-Linguistic Models are to Color Naming
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

With the recent emergence of powerful visio-linguistic models comes the question of how fine-grained their multi-modal understanding is. This has lead to the release of several probing datasets. Results point towards models having trouble with prepositions and verbs, but being relatively robust when it comes to color.To gauge how deep this understanding goes, we compile a comprehensive probing dataset to systematically test multi-modal alignment around color. We demonstrate how human perception influences descriptions of color and pay special attention to the extent to which this is reflected within the predictions of a visio-linguistic model. Probing a set of models with diverse properties with our benchmark confirms the superiority of models that do not rely on pre-extracted image features, and demonstrates that augmentation with too much noisy pre-training data can produce an inferior model. While the benchmark remains challenging for all models we test, the overall result pattern suggests well-founded alignment of color terms with hues. Analyses do however reveal uncertainty regarding the boundaries between neighboring color terms.

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EVil-Probe - a Composite Benchmark for Extensive Visio-Linguistic Probing
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Research probing the language comprehension of visio-linguistic models has gained traction due to their remarkable performance on various tasks. We introduce EViL-Probe, a composite benchmark that processes existing probing datasets into a unified format and reorganizes them based on the linguistic categories they probe. On top of the commonly used negative probes, this benchmark introduces positive probes to more rigorously test the robustness of models. Since the language side alone may introduce a bias models could exploit in solving the probes, we estimate the difficulty of the individual subsets with a language-only baseline. Using the benchmark to probe a set of state-of-the-art visio-linguistic models sheds light on how sensitive they are to the different linguistic categories. Results show that the benchmark is challenging for all models we probe, as their performance is around the chance baseline for many of the categories. The only category all models are able to handle relatively well are nouns. Additionally, models that use a Vision Transformer to process the images are also somewhat robust against probes targeting color and image type. Among these models, our enrichment of EViL-Probe with positive probes helps further discriminate performance, showing BLIP to be the overall best-performing model.


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Similarity-Based Content Scoring - A more Classroom-Suitable Alternative to Instance-Based Scoring?
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Automatically scoring student answers is an important task that is usually solved using instance-based supervised learning. Recently, similarity-based scoring has been proposed as an alternative approach yielding similar perfor- mance. It has hypothetical advantages such as a lower need for annotated training data and better zero-shot performance, both of which are properties that would be highly beneficial when applying content scoring in a realistic classroom setting. In this paper we take a closer look at these alleged advantages by comparing different instance-based and similarity-based methods on multiple data sets in a number of learning curve experiments. We find that both the demand on data and cross-prompt performance is similar, thus not confirming the former two suggested advantages. The by default more straightforward possibility to give feedback based on a similarity-based approach may thus tip the scales in favor of it, although future work is needed to explore this advantage in practice.

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Score It All Together: A Multi-Task Learning Study on Automatic Scoring of Argumentative Essays
Yuning Ding | Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

When scoring argumentative essays in an educational context, not only the presence or absence of certain argumentative elements but also their quality is important. On the recently published student essay dataset PERSUADE, we first show that the automatic scoring of argument quality benefits from additional information about context, writing prompt and argument type. We then explore the different combinations of three tasks: automated span detection, type and quality prediction. Results show that a multi-task learning approach combining the three tasks outperforms sequential approaches that first learn to segment and then predict the quality/type of a segment.

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CATALPA_EduNLP at PragTag-2023
Yuning Ding | Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining

This paper describes our contribution to the PragTag-2023 Shared Task. We describe and compare different approaches based on sentence classification, sentence similarity, and sequence tagging. We find that a BERT-based sentence labeling approach integrating positional information outperforms both sequence tagging and SBERT-based sentence classification. We further provide analyses highlighting the potential of combining different approaches.


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LeSpell - A Multi-Lingual Benchmark Corpus of Spelling Errors to Develop Spellchecking Methods for Learner Language
Marie Bexte | Ronja Laarmann-Quante | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Spellchecking text written by language learners is especially challenging because errors made by learners differ both quantitatively and qualitatively from errors made by already proficient learners. We introduce LeSpell, a multi-lingual (English, German, Italian, and Czech) evaluation data set of spelling mistakes in context that we compiled from seven underlying learner corpora. Our experiments show that existing spellcheckers do not work well with learner data. Thus, we introduce a highly customizable spellchecking component for the DKPro architecture, which improves performance in many settings.

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Similarity-Based Content Scoring - How to Make S-BERT Keep Up With BERT
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2022)

The dominating paradigm for content scoring is to learn an instance-based model, i.e. to use lexical features derived from the learner answers themselves. An alternative approach that receives much less attention is however to learn a similarity-based model. We introduce an architecture that efficiently learns a similarity model and find that results on the standard ASAP dataset are on par with a BERT-based classification approach.

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Don’t Drop the Topic - The Role of the Prompt in Argument Identification in Student Writing
Yuning Ding | Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2022)

In this paper, we explore the role of topic information in student essays from an argument mining perspective. We cluster a recently released corpus through topic modeling into prompts and train argument identification models on different data settings. Results show that, given the same amount of training data, prompt-specific training performs better than cross-prompt training. However, the advantage can be overcome by introducing large amounts of cross-prompt training data.


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Implicit Phenomena in Short-answer Scoring Data
Marie Bexte | Andrea Horbach | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Understanding Implicit and Underspecified Language

Short-answer scoring is the task of assessing the correctness of a short text given as response to a question that can come from a variety of educational scenarios. As only content, not form, is important, the exact wording including the explicitness of an answer should not matter. However, many state-of-the-art scoring models heavily rely on lexical information, be it word embeddings in a neural network or n-grams in an SVM. Thus, the exact wording of an answer might very well make a difference. We therefore quantify to what extent implicit language phenomena occur in short answer datasets and examine the influence they have on automatic scoring performance. We find that the level of implicitness depends on the individual question, and that some phenomena are very frequent. Resolving implicit wording to explicit formulations indeed tends to improve automatic scoring performance.


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Linguistic Appropriateness and Pedagogic Usefulness of Reading Comprehension Questions
Andrea Horbach | Itziar Aldabe | Marie Bexte | Oier Lopez de Lacalle | Montse Maritxalar
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Automatic generation of reading comprehension questions is a topic receiving growing interest in the NLP community, but there is currently no consensus on evaluation metrics and many approaches focus on linguistic quality only while ignoring the pedagogic value and appropriateness of questions. This paper overcomes such weaknesses by a new evaluation scheme where questions from the questionnaire are structured in a hierarchical way to avoid confronting human annotators with evaluation measures that do not make sense for a certain question. We show through an annotation study that our scheme can be applied, but that expert annotators with some level of expertise are needed. We also created and evaluated two new evaluation data sets from the biology domain for Basque and German, composed of questions written by people with an educational background, which will be publicly released. Results show that manually generated questions are in general both of higher linguistic as well as pedagogic quality and that among the human generated questions, teacher-generated ones tend to be most useful.