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Martin Reynaert


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Expert Concept-Modeling Ground Truth Construction for Word Embeddings Evaluation in Concept-Focused Domains
Arianna Betti | Martin Reynaert | Thijs Ossenkoppele | Yvette Oortwijn | Andrew Salway | Jelke Bloem
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

We present a novel, domain expert-controlled, replicable procedure for the construction of concept-modeling ground truths with the aim of evaluating the application of word embeddings. In particular, our method is designed to evaluate the application of word and paragraph embeddings in concept-focused textual domains, where a generic ontology does not provide enough information. We illustrate the procedure, and validate it by describing the construction of an expert ground truth, QuiNE-GT. QuiNE-GT is built to answer research questions concerning the concept of naturalized epistemology in QUINE, a 2-million-token, single-author, 20th-century English philosophy corpus of outstanding quality, cleaned up and enriched for the purpose. To the best of our ken, expert concept-modeling ground truths are extremely rare in current literature, nor has the theoretical methodology behind their construction ever been explicitly conceptualised and properly systematised. Expert-controlled concept-modeling ground truths are however essential to allow proper evaluation of word embeddings techniques, and increase their trustworthiness in specialised domains in which the detection of concepts through their expression in texts is important. We highlight challenges, requirements, and prospects for future work.

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Distributional Semantics for Neo-Latin
Jelke Bloem | Maria Chiara Parisi | Martin Reynaert | Yvette Oortwijn | Arianna Betti
Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020 - 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages

We address the problem of creating and evaluating quality Neo-Latin word embeddings for the purpose of philosophical research, adapting the Nonce2Vec tool to learn embeddings from Neo-Latin sentences. This distributional semantic modeling tool can learn from tiny data incrementally, using a larger background corpus for initialization. We conduct two evaluation tasks: definitional learning of Latin Wikipedia terms, and learning consistent embeddings from 18th century Neo-Latin sentences pertaining to the concept of mathematical method. Our results show that consistent Neo-Latin word embeddings can be learned from this type of data. While our evaluation results are promising, they do not reveal to what extent the learned models match domain expert knowledge of our Neo-Latin texts. Therefore, we propose an additional evaluation method, grounded in expert-annotated data, that would assess whether learned representations are conceptually sound in relation to the domain of study.


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OCR Post-Correction Evaluation of Early Dutch Books Online - Revisited
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

We present further work on evaluation of the fully automatic post-correction of Early Dutch Books Online, a collection of 10,333 18th century books. In prior work we evaluated the new implementation of Text-Induced Corpus Clean-up (TICCL) on the basis of a single book Gold Standard derived from this collection. In the current paper we revisit the same collection on the basis of a sizeable 1020 item random sample of OCR post-corrected strings from the full collection. Both evaluations have their own stories to tell and lessons to teach.

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Nederlab: Towards a Single Portal and Research Environment for Diachronic Dutch Text Corpora
Hennie Brugman | Martin Reynaert | Nicoline van der Sijs | René van Stipriaan | Erik Tjong Kim Sang | Antal van den Bosch
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

The Nederlab project aims to bring together all digitized texts relevant to the Dutch national heritage, the history of the Dutch language and culture (circa 800 – present) in one user friendly and tool enriched open access web interface. This paper describes Nederlab halfway through the project period and discusses the collections incorporated, back-office processes, system back-end as well as the Nederlab Research Portal end-user web application.


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TICCLops: Text-Induced Corpus Clean-up as online processing system
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

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CLAM: Quickly deploy NLP command-line tools on the web
Maarten van Gompel | Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

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OpenSoNaR: user-driven development of the SoNaR corpus interfaces
Martin Reynaert | Matje van de Camp | Menno van Zaanen
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

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Synergy of Nederlab and
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)

In two concurrent projects in the Netherlands we are further developing TICCL or Text-Induced Corpus Clean-up. In project Nederlab TICCL is set to work on diachronic Dutch text. To this end it has been equipped with the largest diachronic lexicon and a historical name list developed at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology or INL. In project @PhilosTEI TICCL will be set to work on a fair range of European languages. We present a new implementation in C++ of the system which has been tailored to be easily adaptable to different languages. We further revisit prior work on diachronic Portuguese in which it was compared to VARD2 which had been manually adapted to Portuguese. This tested the new mechanisms for ranking correction candidates we have devised. We then move to evaluating the new TICCL port on a very large corpus of Dutch books known as EDBO, digitized by the Dutch National Library. The results show that TICCL scales to the largest corpus sizes and performs excellently raising the quality of the Gold Standard EDBO book by about 20% to 95% word accuracy. Simultaneous unsupervised post-correction of 10,000 digitized books is now a real option.


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Beyond SoNaR: towards the facilitation of large corpus building efforts
Martin Reynaert | Ineke Schuurman | Véronique Hoste | Nelleke Oostdijk | Maarten van Gompel
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

In this paper we report on the experiences gained in the recent construction of the SoNaR corpus, a 500 MW reference corpus of contemporary, written Dutch. It shows what can realistically be done within the confines of a project setting where there are limitations to the duration in time as well to the budget, employing current state-of-the-art tools, standards and best practices. By doing so we aim to pass on insights that may be beneficial for anyone considering to undertake an effort towards building a large, varied yet balanced corpus for use by the wider research community. Various issues are discussed that come into play while compiling a large corpus, including approaches to acquiring texts, the arrangement of IPR, the choice of text formats, and steps to be taken in the preprocessing of data from widely different origins. We describe FoLiA, a new XML format geared at rich linguistic annotations. We also explain the rationale behind the investment in the high-quali ty semi-automatic enrichment of a relatively small (1 MW) subset with very rich syntactic and semantic annotations. Finally, we present some ideas about future developments and the direction corpus development may take, such as setting up an integrated work flow between web services and the potential role for ISOcat. We list tips for potential corpus builders, tricks they may want to try and further recommendations regarding technical developments future corpus builders may wish to hope for.


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Balancing SoNaR: IPR versus Processing Issues in a 500-Million-Word Written Dutch Reference Corpus
Martin Reynaert | Nelleke Oostdijk | Orphée De Clercq | Henk van den Heuvel | Franciska de Jong
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

In The Low Countries, a major reference corpus for written Dutch is being built. We discuss the interplay between data acquisition and data processing during the creation of the SoNaR Corpus. Based on developments in traditional corpus compiling and new web harvesting approaches, SoNaR is designed to contain 500 million words, balanced over 36 text types including both traditional and new media texts. Beside its balanced design, every text sample included in SoNaR will have its IPR issues settled to the largest extent possible. This data collection task presents many challenges because every decision taken on the level of text acquisition has ramifications for the level of processing and the general usability of the corpus. As far as the traditional text types are concerned, each text brings its own processing requirements and issues. For new media texts - SMS, chat - the problem is even more complex, issues such as anonimity, recognizability and citation right, all present problems that have to be tackled. The solutions actually lead to the creation of two corpora: a gigaword SoNaR, IPR-cleared for research purposes, and the smaller - of commissioned size - more privacy compliant SoNaR, IPR-cleared for commercial purposes as well.


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All, and only, the Errors: more Complete and Consistent Spelling and OCR-Error Correction Evaluation
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

Some time in the future, some spelling error correction system will correct all the errors, and only the errors. We need evaluation metrics that will tell us when this has been achieved and that can help guide us there. We survey the current practice in the form of the evaluation scheme of the latest major publication on spelling correction in a leading journal. We are forced to conclude that while the metric used there can tell us exactly when the ultimate goal of spelling correction research has been achieved, it offers little in the way of directions to be followed to eventually get there. We propose to consistently use the well-known metrics Recall and Precision, as combined in the F score, on 5 possible levels of measurement that should guide us more informedly along that path. We describe briefly what is then measured or measurable at these levels and propose a framework that should allow for concisely stating what it is one performs in one’s evaluations. We finally contrast our preferred metrics to Accuracy, which is widely used in this field to this day and to the Area-Under-the-Curve, which is increasingly finding acceptance in other fields.

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From D-Coi to SoNaR: a reference corpus for Dutch
Nelleke Oostdijk | Martin Reynaert | Paola Monachesi | Gertjan Van Noord | Roeland Ordelman | Ineke Schuurman | Vincent Vandeghinste
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

The computational linguistics community in The Netherlands and Belgium has long recognized the dire need for a major reference corpus of written Dutch. In part to answer this need, the STEVIN programme was established. To pave the way for the effective building of a 500-million-word reference corpus of written Dutch, a pilot project was established. The Dutch Corpus Initiative project or D-Coi was highly successful in that it not only realized about 10% of the projected large reference corpus, but also established the best practices and developed all the protocols and the necessary tools for building the larger corpus within the confines of a necessarily limited budget. We outline the steps involved in an endeavour of this kind, including the major highlights and possible pitfalls. Once converted to a suitable XML format, further linguistic annotation based on the state-of-the-art tools developed either before or during the pilot by the consortium partners proved easily and fruitfully applicable. Linguistic enrichment of the corpus includes PoS tagging, syntactic parsing and semantic annotation, involving both semantic role labeling and spatiotemporal annotation. D-Coi is expected to be followed by SoNaR, during which the 500-million-word reference corpus of Dutch should be built.


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Corpus-Induced Corpus Clean-up
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

We explore the feasibility of using only unsupervised means to identify non-words, i.e. typos, in a frequency list derived from a large corpus of Dutch and to distinguish between these non-words and real-words in the language. We call the system we built and evaluate in this paper ciccl, which stands for “Corpus-Induced Corpus Clean-up”. The algorithm on which ciccl is primarily based is the anagram-key hashing algorithm introduced by (Reynaert, 2004). The core correction mechanism is a simple and effective method which translates the actual characters which make up a word into a large natural number in such a way that all the anagrams, i.e. all the words composed of precisely the same subset of characters, are allocated the same natural number. In effect, this constitutes a novel approximate string matching algorithm for indexed text search. This is because by simple addition, subtraction or a combination of both, all variants within reach of the range of numerical values defined in the alphabet are retrieved by iterating over the alphabet. ciccl's input consists primarily of corpus derived frequency lists, from which it derives valuable morphological information by performing frequency counts over the substrings of the words, which are then used to perform decompounding, as well as for distinguishing between most likely correctly spelled words and typos.


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Text Induced Spelling Correction
Martin Reynaert
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Multilingual Text Induced Spelling Correction
Martin Reynaert
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Linguistic Resources


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Learning to Predict Pitch Accents and Prosodic Boundaries in Dutch
Erwin Marsi | Martin Reynaert | Antal van den Bosch | Walter Daelemans | Véronique Hoste
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics