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Prateek Singh


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Optimizing LLM Based Retrieval Augmented Generation Pipelines in the Financial Domain
Yiyun Zhao | Prateek Singh | Hanoz Bhathena | Bernardo Ramos | Aviral Joshi | Swaroop Gadiyaram | Saket Sharma
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 6: Industry Track)

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a prominent approach in real-word applications for grounding large language model (LLM) generations in up to date and domain-specific knowledge. However, there is a lack of systematic investigations of the impact of each component (retrieval quality, prompts, generation models) on the generation quality of a RAG pipeline in real world scenarios. In this study, we benchmark 6 LLMs in 15 retrieval scenarios exploring 9 prompts over 2 real world financial domain datasets. We thoroughly discuss the impact of each component in RAG pipeline on answer generation quality and formulate specific recommendations for the design of RAG systems.


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When and how to paraphrase for named entity recognition?
Saket Sharma | Aviral Joshi | Yiyun Zhao | Namrata Mukhija | Hanoz Bhathena | Prateek Singh | Sashank Santhanam
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

While paraphrasing is a promising approach for data augmentation in classification tasks, its effect on named entity recognition (NER) is not investigated systematically due to the difficulty of span-level label preservation. In this paper, we utilize simple strategies to annotate entity spans in generations and compare established and novel methods of paraphrasing in NLP such as back translation, specialized encoder-decoder models such as Pegasus, and GPT-3 variants for their effectiveness in improving downstream performance for NER across different levels of gold annotations and paraphrasing strength on 5 datasets. We thoroughly explore the influence of paraphrasers, and dynamics between paraphrasing strength and gold dataset size on the NER performance with visualizations and statistical testing. We find that the choice of the paraphraser greatly impacts NER performance, with one of the larger GPT-3 variants exceedingly capable of generating high quality paraphrases, yielding statistically significant improvements in NER performance with increasing paraphrasing strength, while other paraphrasers show more mixed results. Additionally, inline auto annotations generated by larger GPT-3 are strictly better than heuristic based annotations. We also find diminishing benefits of paraphrasing as gold annotations increase for most datasets. Furthermore, while most paraphrasers promote entity memorization in NER, the proposed GPT-3 configuration performs most favorably among the compared paraphrasers when tested on unseen entities, with memorization reducing further with paraphrasing strength. Finally, we explore mention replacement using GPT-3, which provides additional benefits over base paraphrasing for specific datasets.

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An efficient method for Natural Language Querying on Structured Data
Hanoz Bhathena | Aviral Joshi | Prateek Singh
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)

We present an efficient and reliable approach to Natural Language Querying (NLQ) on databases (DB) which is not based on text-to-SQL type semantic parsing. Our approach simplifies the NLQ on structured data problem to the following “bread and butter” NLP tasks: (a) Domain classification, for choosing which DB table to query, whether the question is out-of-scope (b) Multi-head slot/entity extraction (SE) to extract the field criteria and other attributes such as its role (filter, sort etc) from the raw text and (c) Slot value disambiguation (SVD) to resolve/normalize raw spans from SE to format suitable to query a DB. This is a general purpose, DB language agnostic approach and the output can be used to query any DB and return results to the user. Also each of these tasks is extremely well studied, mature, easier to collect data for and enables better error analysis by tracing problems to specific components when something goes wrong.