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Si Sun


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Controllable Text Generation with Residual Memory Transformer
Hanqing Zhang | Si Sun | Haiming Wu | Dawei Song
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large-scale Causal Language Models (CLMs), e.g., GPT3 and ChatGPT, have brought great success in text generation. However, it is still an open challenge to effectively control the generation process of a CLM while balancing the flexibility, control granularity, and generation efficiency. In this paper, we provide a new alternative for controllable text generation (CTG), by designing a non-intrusive, lightweight control plugin, namely Residual Memory Transformer (RMT), to accompany the generation of CLM at arbitrary time steps. With an encoder-decoder setup, RMT can accept any types of control conditions and cooperate with the base CLM through a residual learning paradigm, to achieve a more flexible, general, and efficient CTG. Extensive experiments are carried out on various control tasks, in the form of both automatic and human evaluations. The results demonstrate the superiority of RMT over a wide range of state-of-the-art CTG approaches. The code implementation of our work is available at: https://github.com/Residual_Memory_Transformer.


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COCO-DR: Combating the Distribution Shift in Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval with Contrastive and Distributionally Robust Learning
Yue Yu | Chenyan Xiong | Si Sun | Chao Zhang | Arnold Overwijk
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present a new zero-shot dense retrieval (ZeroDR) method, COCO-DR, to improve the generalization ability of dense retrieval by combating the distribution shifts between source training tasks and target scenarios. To mitigate the impact of document differences, COCO-DR continues pretraining the language model on the target corpora to adapt the model to target distributions via COtinuous COtrastive learning. To prepare for unseen target queries, COCO-DR leverages implicit Distributionally Robust Optimization (iDRO) to reweight samples from different source query clusters for improving model robustness over rare queries during fine-tuning. COCO-DR achieves superior average performance on BEIR, the zero-shot retrieval benchmark. At BERT_Base scale, COCO-DR Base outperforms other ZeroDR models with 60x larger size. At BERT_Large scale, COCO-DR Large outperforms the giant GPT-3 embedding model which has 500x more parameters. Our analysis shows the correlation between COCO-DR’s effectiveness in combating distribution shifts and improving zero-shot accuracy. Our code and model can be found at https://github.com/OpenMatch/COCO-DR.

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Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting of Dense Retrieval Training with Teleportation Negatives
Si Sun | Chenyan Xiong | Yue Yu | Arnold Overwijk | Zhiyuan Liu | Jie Bao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we investigate the instability in the standard dense retrieval training, which iterates between model training and hard negative selection using the being-trained model. We show the catastrophic forgetting phenomena behind the training instability, where models learn and forget different negative groups during training iterations. We then propose ANCE-Tele, which accumulates momentum negatives from past iterations and approximates future iterations using lookahead negatives, as “teleportations” along the time axis to smooth the learning process. On web search and OpenQA, ANCE-Tele outperforms previous state-of-the-art systems of similar size, eliminates the dependency on sparse retrieval negatives, and is competitive among systems using significantly more (50x) parameters. Our analysis demonstrates that teleportation negatives reduce catastrophic forgetting and improve convergence speed for dense retrieval training. The source code of this paper is available at https://github.com/OpenMatch/ANCE-Tele.


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Few-Shot Text Ranking with Meta Adapted Synthetic Weak Supervision
Si Sun | Yingzhuo Qian | Zhenghao Liu | Chenyan Xiong | Kaitao Zhang | Jie Bao | Zhiyuan Liu | Paul Bennett
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The effectiveness of Neural Information Retrieval (Neu-IR) often depends on a large scale of in-domain relevance training signals, which are not always available in real-world ranking scenarios. To democratize the benefits of Neu-IR, this paper presents MetaAdaptRank, a domain adaptive learning method that generalizes Neu-IR models from label-rich source domains to few-shot target domains. Drawing on source-domain massive relevance supervision, MetaAdaptRank contrastively synthesizes a large number of weak supervision signals for target domains and meta-learns to reweight these synthetic “weak” data based on their benefits to the target-domain ranking accuracy of Neu-IR models. Experiments on three TREC benchmarks in the web, news, and biomedical domains show that MetaAdaptRank significantly improves the few-shot ranking accuracy of Neu-IR models. Further analyses indicate that MetaAdaptRank thrives from both its contrastive weak data synthesis and meta-reweighted data selection. The code and data of this paper can be obtained from https://github.com/thunlp/MetaAdaptRank.


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Adapting Open Domain Fact Extraction and Verification to COVID-FACT through In-Domain Language Modeling
Zhenghao Liu | Chenyan Xiong | Zhuyun Dai | Si Sun | Maosong Sun | Zhiyuan Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

With the epidemic of COVID-19, verifying the scientifically false online information, such as fake news and maliciously fabricated statements, has become crucial. However, the lack of training data in the scientific domain limits the performance of fact verification models. This paper proposes an in-domain language modeling method for fact extraction and verification systems. We come up with SciKGAT to combine the advantages of open-domain literature search, state-of-the-art fact verification systems and in-domain medical knowledge through language modeling. Our experiments on SCIFACT, a dataset of expert-written scientific fact verification, show that SciKGAT achieves 30% absolute improvement on precision. Our analyses show that such improvement thrives from our in-domain language model by picking up more related evidence pieces and accurate fact verification. Our codes and data are released via Github.