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Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice

Sharon O'Brien, Michel Simard, Lucia Specia (Editors)

Anthology ID:
October 28
San Diego, California, USA
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
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Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice
Sharon O'Brien | Michel Simard | Lucia Specia

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The CRITT TPR-DB 1.0: A Database for Empirical Human Translation Process Research
Michael Carl

This paper introduces a publicly available database of recorded translation sessions for Translation Process Research (TPR). User activity data (UAD) of translators behavior was collected over the past 5 years in several translation studies with Translog 1 , a data acquisition software which logs keystrokes and gaze data during text reception and production. The database compiles this data into a consistent format which can be processed by various visualization and analysis tools.

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Post-editing time as a measure of cognitive effort
Maarit Koponen | Wilker Aziz | Luciana Ramos | Lucia Specia

Post-editing machine translations has been attracting increasing attention both as a common practice within the translation industry and as a way to evaluate Machine Translation (MT) quality via edit distance metrics between the MT and its post-edited version. Commonly used metrics such as HTER are limited in that they cannot fully capture the effort required for post-editing. Particularly, the cognitive effort required may vary for different types of errors and may also depend on the context. We suggest post-editing time as a way to assess some of the cognitive effort involved in post-editing. This paper presents two experiments investigating the connection between post-editing time and cognitive effort. First, we examine whether sentences with long and short post-editing times involve edits of different levels of difficulty. Second, we study the variability in post-editing time and other statistics among editors.

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Average Pause Ratio as an Indicator of Cognitive Effort in Post-Editing: A Case Study
Isabel Lacruz | Gregory M. Shreve | Erik Angelone

Pauses are known to be good indicators of cognitive demand in monolingual language production and in translation. However, a previous effort by O’Brien (2006) to establish an analogous relationship in post-editing did not produce the expected result. In this case study, we introduce a metric for pause activity, the average pause ratio, which is sensitive to both the number and duration of pauses. We measured cognitive effort in a segment by counting the number of complete editing events. We found that the average pause ratio was higher for less cognitively demanding segments than for more cognitively demanding segments. Moreover, this effect became more pronounced as the minimum threshold for pause length was shortened.

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Reliably Assessing the Quality of Post-edited Translation Based on Formalized Structured Translation Specifications
Alan K. Melby | Jason Housley | Paul J. Fields | Emily Tuioti

Post-editing of machine translation has become more common in recent years. This has created the need for a formal method of assessing the performance of post-editors in terms of whether they are able to produce post-edited target texts that follow project specifications. This paper proposes the use of formalized structured translation specifications (FSTS) as a basis for post-editor assessment. To determine if potential evaluators are able to reliably assess the quality of post-edited translations, an experiment used texts representing the work of five fictional post-editors. Two software applications were developed to facilitate the assessment: the Ruqual Specifications Writer, which aids in establishing post-editing project specifications; and Ruqual Rubric Viewer, which provides a graphical user interface for constructing a rubric in a machine-readable format. Seventeen non-experts rated the translation quality of each simulated post-edited text. Intraclass correlation analysis showed evidence that the evaluators were highly reliable in evaluating the performance of the post-editors. Thus, we assert that using FSTS specifications applied through the Ruqual software tools provides a useful basis for evaluating the quality of post-edited texts.

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Learning to Automatically Post-Edit Dropped Words in MT
Jacob Mundt | Kristen Parton | Kathleen McKeown

Automatic post-editors (APEs) can improve adequacy of MT output by detecting and reinserting dropped content words, but the location where these words are inserted is critical. In this paper, we describe a probabilistic approach for learning reinsertion rules for specific languages and MT systems, as well as a method for synthesizing training data from reference translations. We test the insertion logic on MT systems for Chinese to English and Arabic to English. Our adaptive APE is able to insert within 3 words of the best location 73% of the time (32% in the exact location) in Arabic-English MT output, and 67% of the time in Chinese-English output (30% in the exact location), and delivers improved performance on automated adequacy metrics over a previous rule-based approach to insertion. We consider how particular aspects of the insertion problem make it particularly amenable to machine learning solutions.

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SmartMATE: An Online End-To-End MT Post-Editing Framework
Sergio Penkale | Andy Way

It is a well-known fact that the amount of content which is available to be translated and localized far outnumbers the current amount of translation resources. Automation in general and Machine Translation (MT) in particular are one of the key technologies which can help improve this situation. However, a tool that integrates all of the components needed for the localization process is still missing, and MT is still out of reach for most localisation professionals. In this paper we present an online translation environment which empowers users with MT by enabling engines to be created from their data, without a need for technical knowledge or special hardware requirements and at low cost. Documents in a variety of formats can then be post-edited after being processed with their Translation Memories, MT engines and glossaries. We give an overview of the tool and present a case study of a project for a large games company, showing the applicability of our tool.

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To post-edit or not to post-edit? Estimating the benefits of MT post-editing for a European organization
Alexandros Poulis | David Kolovratnik

In the last few years the European Parliament has witnessed a significant increase in translation demand. Although Translation Memory (TM) tools, terminology databases and bilingual concordancers have provided significant leverage in terms of quality and productivity the European Parliament is in need for advanced language technology to keep facing successfully the challenge of multilingualism. This paper describes an ongoing large-scale machine translation post-editing evaluation campaign the purpose of which is to estimate the business benefits from the use of machine translation for the European Parliament. This paper focuses mainly on the design, the methodology and the tools used by the evaluators but it also presents some preliminary results for the following language pairs: Polish-English, Danish-English, Lithuanian-English, English-German and English-French.

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How Good Is Crowd Post-Editing? Its Potential and Limitations
Midori Tatsumi | Takako Aikawa | Kentaro Yamamoto | Hitoshi Isahara

This paper is a partial report of a research effort on evaluating the effect of crowd-sourced post-editing. We first discuss the emerging trend of crowd-sourced post-editing of machine translation output, along with its benefits and drawbacks. Second, we describe the pilot study we have conducted on a platform that facilitates crowd-sourced post-editing. Finally, we provide our plans for further studies to have more insight on how effective crowd-sourced post-editing is.

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Error Detection for Post-editing Rule-based Machine Translation
Justina Valotkaite | Munshi Asadullah

The increasing role of post-editing as a way of improving machine translation output and a faster alternative to translating from scratch has lately attracted researchers’ attention and various attempts have been proposed to facilitate the task. We experiment with a method to provide support for the post-editing task through error detection. A deep linguistic error analysis was done of a sample of English sentences translated from Portuguese by two Rule-based Machine Translation systems. We designed a set of rules to deal with various systematic translation errors and implemented a subset of these rules covering the errors of tense and number. The evaluation of these rules showed a satisfactory performance. In addition, we performed an experiment with human translators which confirmed that highlighting translation errors during the post-editing can help the translators perform the post-editing task up to 12 seconds per error faster and improve their efficiency by minimizing the number of missed errors.

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Machine Translation Infrastructure and Post-editing Performance at Autodesk
Ventsislav Zhechev

In this paper, we present the Moses-based infrastructure we developed and use as a productivity tool for the localisation of software documentation and user interface (UI) strings at Autodesk into twelve languages. We describe the adjustments we have made to the machine translation (MT) training workflow to suit our needs and environment, our server environment and the MT Info Service that handles all translation requests and allows the integration of MT in our various localisation systems. We also present the results of our latest post-editing productivity test, where we measured the productivity gain for translators post-editing MT output versus translating from scratch. Our analysis of the data indicates the presence of a strong correlation between the amount of editing applied to the raw MT output by the translators and their productivity gain. In addition, within the last calendar year our system has processed over thirteen million tokens of documentation content of which we have a record of the performed post-editing. This has allowed us to evaluate the performance of our MT engines for the different languages across our product portfolio, as well as spotlight potential issues with MT in the localisation process.