Proceedings of the 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Kaibao Hu, Jong-Bok Kim, Chengqing Zong, Emmanuele Chersoni (Editors)
Proceedings of the 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Kaibao Hu
Jong-Bok Kim
Chengqing Zong
Emmanuele Chersoni
Under the Microscope: Interpreting Readability Assessment Models for Filipino
Joseph Marvin Imperial
Ethel Ong
SEPP: Similarity Estimation of Predicted Probabilities for Defending and Detecting Adversarial Text
Hoang-Quoc Nguyen-Son
Seira Hidano
Kazuhide Fukushima
Shinsaku Kiyomoto
A Comprehensive Analysis of PMI-based Models for Measuring Semantic Differences
Taichi Aida
Mamoru Komachi
Toshinobu Ogiso
Hiroya Takamura
Daichi Mochihashi
Exploring sentiment constructions: connecting deep learning models with linguistic construction
Shu-Kai Hsieh
Yu-Hsiang Tseng
A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Question Answering on Research Articles
Komal Gupta
Tirthankar Ghosal
Asif Ekbal
An Empirical Performance Analysis of State-of-the-Art Summarization Models for Automatic Minuting
Muskaan Singh
Tirthankar Ghosal
Ondrej Bojar
Data Augmentation to Address Out of VocabularyProblem in Low Resource Sinhala English Neural Machine Translation
Aloka Fernando
Surangika Ranathunga
“Prickly Voice” or “Smelly Voice”? Comprehending novel synaesthetic metaphors
Yin Zhong
Kathleen Ahrens
Translation for professionals: corpus-based study of translation universals in computing
Huang Baorong
Island effects in Vietnamese relativization: A formal judgment study
Quyen Nguyen
Lexical Meanings of Ditransitive Verbs in Japanese
Hiroko Kimura
Chigusa Morita
Examine persuasion strategies in Chinese on social media
Yu-Yun Chang
Po-Ya Angela Wang
Han-Tang Hung
Ka-Sîng Khóo
Shu-Kai Hsieh
Exploring Conditional Text Generation for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Siva Uday Sampreeth Chebolu
Franck Dernoncourt
Nedim Lipka
Thamar Solorio
Aspect or Manner? A Study of Reduplicated Adverbials in Mandarin Chinese
Siaw-Fong Chung
Chu-Ren Huang
Inter-clausal Anaphora in Chinese Conditionals: a Multi-factorial Analysis
Shunting Chen
Pascal Amsili
Yiming Liang
A multidimensional analysis: speaking style of learner speech across proficiency levels
Tingting Cheng
Variation across Everyday Conversations: Factor Analysis of Conversations using Semantic Categories of Functional Expressions
Yuya Chiba
Ryuichiro Higashinaka
Dependency Enhanced Contextual Representations for Japanese Temporal Relation Classification
Chenjing Geng
Fei Cheng
Masayuki Asahara
Lis Kanashiro Pereira
Ichiro Kobayashi
Applying Masked Language Models to Search for Suitable Verbs Used in Academic Writing
Chooi Ling Goh
Using Distributional Principles for the Semantic Study of Contextual Language Models
Olivier Ferret
A Comparative Study of Collocation Extraction Methods from the Perspectives of Vocabulary and Grammar: A Case Study in the Field of Journalism
Lulu Gu
Yue Pan
Pengyuan Liu
A Corpus-based Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of “Tui” and “La”
Sun Han
Huang Chu-Ren
Unpredictable Attributes in Market Comment Generation
Yumi Hamazono
Tatsuya Ishigaki
Yusuke Miyao
Hiroya Takamura
Ichiro Kobayashi
Grammatical Error Correction via Supervised Attention in the Vicinity of Errors
Hiromichi Ishii
Akihiro Tamura
Takashi Ninomiya
Can Monolingual Pre-trained Encoder-Decoder Improve NMT for Distant Language Pairs?
Hwichan Kim
Mamoru Komachi
Language change in Chinese political discourse based on the relationship between sentence and clause
Renkui Hou
Chu-Ren Huang
Kathleen Ahrens
Various Errors Improve Neural Grammatical Error Correction
Shota Koyama
Hiroya Takamura
Naoaki Okazaki
Construction of MBTI Personality Estimation Model Considering Emotional Information
Ryota Kishima
Kazuyuki Matsumoto
Minoru Yoshida
Kenji Kita
Analyzing Semantic Changes in Japanese Words Using BERT
Kazuma Kobayashi
Taichi Aida
Mamoru Komachi
Automatic Analysis of Linguistic Features in Journal Articles of Different Academic Impacts with Feature Engineering Techniques
Siyu Lei
Ruiying Yang
Chu-Ren Huang
HPSG/MRS-Based Natural Language Generation Using Transformer
Sanghoun Song Gyu-Min Lee
Improving Adversarial Text Generation with n-Gram Matching
Shijie Li
Massimo Piccardi
Spatial-temporal attributes in verbal semantics: A corpus-based lexical semantic study of discriminating Mandarin near synonyms of “tui1” and “la1”
Qiangmei Liang
Chu-Ren Huang
Span Detection for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Vietnamese
Kim Nguyen Thi Thanh
Sieu Huynh Khai
Phuc Pham Huynh
Luong Phan Luc
Duc-Vu Nguyen
Kiet Nguyen Van
The Paradox of Subject-Oriented Resultative Compounds in Taiwan Southern Min
Huei-Ling Lin
Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-speech Tagging via Two-stage Span Labeling
Duc-Vu Nguyen
Linh-Bao Vo
Ngoc-Linh Tran
Kiet Nguyen
Ngan Nguyen
Machine Learning Approach for Depression Detection in Japanese
Yutaka Miyaji Yuka Niimi
KC4Align: Improving Sentence Alignment method for Low-resource Language Pairs
Ha Nguyen Tien
Dat Nguyen Huu
Huong Le Thanh
Vinh Nguyen Van
Minh Nguyen Quang
Native Language Identification and Reconstruction of Native Language Relationship Using Japanese Learner Corpus
Mitsuhiro Nishijima
Ying Liu
ALICE++: Adversarial Training for Robust and Effective Temporal Reasoning
Lis Pereira
Fei Cheng
Masayuki Asahara
Ichiro Kobayashi
Unknown Intent Detection using Multi-Objective Optimization on Deep Learning Classifiers
Prerna Prem
Zishan Ahmad
Asif Ekbal
Shubhashis Sengupta
Sakshi Jain
Roshini Rammani
Schizophrenia Through the Lens of Chinese Classifier: A Preliminary Study
Edward Ruoyang Shi
Natural Language Inference using Neural Network and Tableau Method
Ayahito Saji
Daiki Takao
Yoshihide Kato
Shigeki Matsubara
Talking with the Theorem Prover to Interactively Solve Natural Language Inference
Atsushi Sumita
Yusuke Miyao
Koji Mineshima
Knowledge Grounded Multimodal Dialog Generation in Task-oriented Settings
Deeksha Varshney
Asif Ekbal Anushkha Singh
Study of Near Synonymous Mental-State Verbs: A MARVS Perspective
Yuan Tao
Yuan Tao
Deep Speaker Verification Model for Low-Resource Languages and Vietnamese Dataset
Dat Vi Thanh
Thanh Pham Viet
Trang Nguyen Thi Thu
Understanding Advanced Level Academic Writing on Syntactic Complexity
Miao Wang
Wander Lowie
Investigating effects of gender identity on interpreters’ styles: A case study of multidimensional analysis
Xiaoshu Yuan
Yunzhang Shi
Hongyu Wan
A quantitative investigation of English adnominal modifiers
Tsy Yih
Haitao Liu
A MARVS Analysis of Two Chinese Near-Synonymous Verbs of Jumping Based on Chinese Corpora
Yingying Peng
Learning Sense-Specific Static Embeddings using Contextualised Word Embeddings as a Proxy
Danushka Bollegala Yi Zhou
Readability and Linearity
Yo Ehara
Covering a sentence in form and meaning with fewer retrieved sentences
Yuan Liu
Yves Lepage
Stronger Baseline for Robust Results in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Wei Yang
Jun Ogata
ParaCotta: Synthetic Multilingual Paraphrase Corpora from the Most Diverse Translation Sample Pair
Alham Fikri Aji
Radityo Eko Prasojo Tirana Noor Fatyanosa
Philip Arthur
Suci Fitriany
Salma Qonitah
Nadhifa Zulfa
Tomi Santoso
Mahendra Data
Holistic interpretation in locative alternation – Evidence from self-paced reading
Rui Cao
Multi-tasking Dialogue Comprehension with Discourse Parsing
Yuchen He
Zhuosheng Zhang
Hai Zhao
A Corpus-based Gender Study of Hedges in Spoken British English
Ruofan Du
The Annotation of Antonym Information in the ‘Word List by Semantic Principles’
Sachi Kato
Masayuki Asahara
Nanami Moriyama
Makoto Yamazaki Asami Ogiwara
Incorporating Semantic Textual Similarity and Lexical Matching for Information Retrieval
Hiroki Iida
Naoaki Okazaki
Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation on Taiwan Hakka Polysemy with Neural Network Models: A Case Study of BUN, TUNG and LAU
Huei-Ling Lai
Hsiao-Ling Hsu
Jyi-Shane Liu
Chia-Hung Lin
Yanhong Chen
A Sentiment Analysis of Men’s and Women’s Speech in the BNC64
Yong-Hun Lee
Ji-Hye Kim
Optimizing Domain Specificity of Transformer-based Language Models for Extractive Summarization of Financial News Articles in Korean
Huije Lee
Wonsuk Yang
Chaehun Park
Hoyun Song
Eugene Jang
Jong C. Park
Evaluating a How-to Tip Machine Comprehension Model with QA Examples collected from a Community QA Site
Tingxuan Li
Shuting Bai
Takehito Utsuro Fuzhu Zhu
Syntactic Distribution of the Semantic Classes of Dative Verbs in English and Cantonese: A Crosslinguistic Perspective
Ziying Li
Hanjung Lee
A Corpus-based Analysis of Prosodic Pauses in bă, gěi and ràng Constructions in Taiwan Mandarin
Chihkai Lin
A Corpus-based Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs of zhidao and liaojie
Yi Liu
Three Types of Average Dependency Distances of Sentences in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus
Masanori Oya
PS-GAN: Feature augmented text generation in Telugu
Pratyusha Musunuru
Varshit Battu
Whose change of state do resultative adverbalised adjectives describe in Japanese locative-alternating constructions?
Masataka Ogawa
Takeshi Kishiyama
ViVQA: Vietnamese Visual Question Answering
Khanh Quoc Tran
An Trong Nguyen
An Tran-Hoai Le
Kiet Van Nguyen
Monolingual versus multilingual BERTology for Vietnamese extractive multi-document summarization
Huy Quoc To
Kiet Van Nguyen
Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen
Anh Gia-Tuan Nguyen
Animosity and suffering: Metaphors of BITTERNESS in English and Chinese
Gabor Parti
Andreas Liesenfeld
Chu-Ren Huang
Analysis of Text-Semantics via Efficient Word Embedding using Variational Mode Decomposition
Anirudh Vadakedath Rohith Ramakrishnan
Premjith B U Vamsi Krishna
Kp Soman
Science Mapping of Publications in Natural Language Processing in the Philippines: 2006 to 2020
Rachel Edita O. Roxas
Joseph Marvin Imperial
Angelica H. De La Cruz
Construction and Evaluation of Japanese Sentence-BERT Models
Naoki Shibayama
Hiroyuki Shinnou
Verbal Semantics as Eventive Information: The Case of Verb “制服” and “制約” in Chinese Gigaword Corpus
Zhan Wang
Ming Ming Chiu
Study of Similarity Measures as Features in Classification for Answer Sentence Selection Task in Hindi Question Answering: Language-Specific v/s Other Measures
Devika Verma
Ramprasad Joshi
Shubhamkar Joshi
Onkar Susladkar
A Hybrid PSO-GA for Extractive Text Summarization
Thi Thu Trang Nguyen Bui Thi-Mai-Anh
Tran Thi Dinh
Nguyen Thi Hoai
From Near-synonyms to Divergent Viewpoint Foci: A Corpus-based MARVS Driven Account of Two Verbs of Attention
Ziqian Wang
Chu-Ren Huang
Metaphor Development in Public Discourse Using an ARIMA Time Series Analysis Approach
Winnie Huiheng Zeng
Dennis Tay
Kathleen Ahrens