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COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Disambiguation of Finite-State Transducers
N. Smaili | P. Cardinal | G. Boulianne | P. Dumouchel

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A Cheap and Fast Way to Build Useful Translation Lexicons
Dan Tufis

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Learning Chinese Bracketing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model
Yajuan Lü | Sheng Li | Tiejun Zhao | Muyun Yang

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Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Methods for PP Attachment Disambiguation
Martin Volk

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Fluency and Completeness in Instance-based Natural Language Generation
Sebastian Varges

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NLP and IR Approaches to Monolingual and Multilingual Link Detection
Ying-Ju Chen | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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The Computation of Word Associations: Comparing Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Approaches
Reinhard Rapp

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A Transitive Model for Extracting Translation Equivalents of Web Queries through Anchor Text Mining
Wen-Hsiang Lu | Lee-Feng Chien | Hsi-Jian Lee

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A Robust Cross-Style Bilingual Sentences Alignment Model
Tz-Liang Kueng | Keh-Yih Su

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Structure Alignment Using Bilingual Chunking
Wei Wang | Ming Zhou | Jin-Xia Huang | Chang-Ning Huang

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Base Noun Phrase Translation Using Web Data and the EM Algorithm
Yunbo Cao | Hang Li

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Chinese Named Entity Identification Using Class-based Language Model
Jian Sun | Jianfeng Gao | Lei Zhang | Ming Zhou | Changning Huang

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High Precision Extraction of Grammatical Relations
John Carroll | Ted Briscoe

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Semiautomatic Labelling of Semantic Features
Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza | Aingeru Mayor | Kepa Sarasola

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A Corpus-based Analysis for the Ordering of Clause Aggregation Operators
James Shaw

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Determining Recurrent Sound Correspondences by Inducing Translation Models
Grzegorz Kondrak

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Corpus-based Generation of Numeral Classifier using Phrase Alignment
Michael Paul | Eiichiro Sumita | Seiichi Yamamoto

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Information Gain Ratio as Term Weight: The case of Summarization of IR Results
Tatsunori Mori

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The Grammatical Function Analysis between Korean Adnoun Clause and Noun Phrase by Using Support Vector Machines
Songwook Lee | Tae-Yeoub Jang | Jungyun Seo

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Extracting Word Sequence Correspondences with Support Vector Machines
Kengo Sato | Hiroaki Saito

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(Semi-)Automatic Detection of Errors in PoS-Tagged Corpora
Pavel Kvĕtoň | Karel Oliva

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Varying Cardinality in Metonymic Extensions to Nouns
Helmut Horacek

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A Chart-Parsing Algorithm for Efficient Semantic Analysis
Pascal Vaillant

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Interleaved Semantic Interpretation in Environment-based Parsing
William Schuler

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Named Entity Recognition: A Maximum Entropy Approach Using Global Information
Hai Leong Chieu | Hwee Tou Ng

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The Effectiveness of Dictionary and Web-Based Answer Reranking
Chin-Yew Lin

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Shallow Language Processing Architecture for Bulgarian
Hristo Tanev | Ruslan Mitkov

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Parsing Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages with Thread Automata
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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A Generative Probability Model for Unification-Based Grammars
Helmut Schmid

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The Simple Core and the Complex Periphery of Natural Language - a Formal and a Computational View
Petr Sgall | Alena Bŏhmová

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The Chinese Aspect System and its Semantic Interpretation
Guowen Yang | John A. Bateman

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Improving Alignment Quality in Statistical Machine Translation Using Context-dependent Maximum Entropy Models
Ismael García Varea | Franz J. Och | Hermann Ney | Francisco Casacuberta

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Using Collocations for Topic Segmentation and Link Detection
Olivier Ferret

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A Quantitative Model of Word Order and Movement in English, Dutch and German Complement Constructions
Karin Harbusch | Gerard Kempen

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Semantics-based Representation for Multimodal Interpretation in Conversational Systems
Joyce Chai

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Extraposition: A Case Study in German Sentence Realization
Michael Gamon | Eric Ringger | Zhu Zhang | Robert Moore | Simon Corston-Oliver

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Rule Merging in a Rule-Based Arabic Stemmer
Ibrahim A. Al Kharashi | Imad A. Al Sughaiyer

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Augmenting Noun Taxonomies by Combining Lexical Similarity Metrics
Mark Stevenson

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Instance Based Learning with Automatic Feature Selection Applied to Word Sense Disambiguation
Rada Mihalcea

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Learning Verb Argument Structure from Minimally Annotated Corpora
Anoop Sarkar | Woottiporn Tripasai

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Automatic Semantic Grouping in a Spoken Language User Interface Toolkit
Hassan Alam | Hua Cheng | Rachmat Hartono | Aman Kumar | Paul Llido | Crystal Nakatsu | Huy Nguyen | Fuad Rahman | Yuliya Tarnikova | Timotius Tjahjadi | Che Wilcox

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Using Knowledge to Facilitate Factoid Answer Pinpointing
Eduard Hovy | Ulf Hermjakob | Chin-Yew Lin | Deepak Ravichandran

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Computation of Modifier Scope in NP by a Language-neutral Method
Richard Campbell

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Considerations of Linking WordNet with MRD
Changhua Yang | Sue J. Ker

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A Method of Cluster-Based Indexing of Textual Data
Akiko Aizawa

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Translation Selection through Source Word Sense Disambiguation and Target Word Selection
Hyun Ah Lee | Gil Chang Kim

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Towards a Noise-Tolerant, Representation-Independent Mechanism for Argument Interpretation
Ingrid Zukerman | Sarah George

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Answering it with Charts: Dialogue in Natural Language and Charts
Tsuneaki Kato | Mitsunori Matsushita | Eisaku Maeda

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Unknown Word Extraction for Chinese Documents
Keh-Jiann Chen | Wei-Yun Ma

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Bidirectional Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Taro Watanabe | Eiichiro Sumita

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Automatic Linguistic Analysis for Language Teachers: The Case of Zeros
Mitsuko Yamura-Takei | Miho Fujiwara | Makoto Yoshie | Teruaki Aizawa

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Using an Ontology to Determine English Countability
Francis Bond | Caitlin Vatikiotis-Bateson

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Extracting Important Sentences with Support Vector Machines
Tsutomu Hirao | Hideki Isozaki | Eisaku Maeda | Yuji Matsumoto

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Efficient Support Vector Classifiers for Named Entity Recognition
Hideki Isozaki | Hideto Kazawa

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Covering Ambiguity Resolution in Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Contextual Information
Xiao Luo | Maosong Sun | Benjamin K. Tsou

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Paraphrasing of Chinese Utterances
Yujie Zhang | Kazuhide Yamamoto

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An Automatic Evaluation Method for Localization Oriented Lexicalised EBMT System
Jianmin Yao | Ming Zhou | Tiejun Zhao | Hao Yu | Sheng Li

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Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora
Hiroyuki Kaji | Yasutsugu Morimoto

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Processing Japanese Self-correction in Speech Dialog Systems
Kotaro Funakoshi | Takenobu Tokunaga | Hozumi Tanaka

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Self-Organizing Chinese and Japanese Semantic Maps
Qing Ma | Min Zhang | Masaki Murata | Ming Zhou | Hitoshi Isahara

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Antonymy and Conceptual Vectors
Didier Schwab | Mathieu Lafourcade | Violaine Prince

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Inferring Knowledge from a Large Semantic Network
Dominique Dutoit | Thierry Poibeau

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Hierarchical Orderings of Textual Units
Alexander Mehler

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Text Generation from Keywords
Kiyotaka Uchimoto | Satoshi Sekine | Hitoshi Isahara

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Measuring the Similarity between Compound Nouns in Different Languages Using Non-Parallel Corpora
Takaaki Tanaka

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Guaranteeing Parsing Termination of Unification Grammars
Efrat Jaeger | Nissim Francez | Shuly Wintner

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An Inference-based Approach to Dialogue System Design
Johan Bos | Tetsushi Oka

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Learning Grammars for Different Parsing Tasks by Partition Search
Anja Belz

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Effective Structural Inference for Large XML Documents
Jason Sankey | Raymond K. Wong

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Inducing Information Extraction Systems for New Languages via Cross-language Projection
Ellen Riloff | Charles Schafer | David Yarowsky

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Integrating Shallow Linguistic Processing into a Unification-based Spanish Grammar
Montserrat Marimon

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A Comparative Evaluation of Data-driven Models in Translation Selection of Machine Translation
Yu-Seop Kim | Jeong-Ho Chang | Byoung-Tak Zhang

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Meta-evaluation of Summaries in a Cross-lingual Environment using Content-based Metrics
Horacio Saggion | Dragomir Radev | Simone Teufel | Wai Lam

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Text Categorization using Feature Projections
Youngjoong Ko | Jungyun Seo

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A Novel Disambiguation Method for Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free Approximations
Bernd Kiefer | Hans-Ulrich Krieger | Detlef Prescher

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Using Language and Translation Models to Select the Best among Outputs from Multiple MT Systems
Yasuhiro Akiba | Taro Watanabe | Eiichiro Sumita

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Improved Iterative Scaling Can Yield Multiple Globally Optimal Models with Radically Differing Performance Levels
Iain Bancarz | Miles Osborne

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A Probabilistic Method for Analyzing Japanese Anaphora Integrating Zero Pronoun Detection and Resolution
Kazuhiro Seki | Atsushi Fujii | Tetsuya Ishikawa

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Best Analysis Selection in Inflectional Languages
Aleš Horák | Pavel Smrž

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An Agent-based Approach to Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Shiren Ye | Tat-Seng Chua | Jimin Liu

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Data-driven Classification of Linguistic Styles in Spoken Dialogues
Thomas Portele

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Topic Detection Based on Dialogue History
Takayuki Nakata | Shinichi Ando | Akitoshi Okumura

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A Methodology for Terminology-based Knowledge Acquisition and Integration
Hideki Mima | Sophia Ananiadou | Goran Nenadic | Jun-Ichi Tsujii

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“Dialog Navigator”: A Question Answering System Based on Large Text Knowledge Base
Yoji Kiyota | Sadao Kurohashi | Fuyuko Kido

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Detecting Shifts in News Stories for Paragraph Extraction
Fumiyo Fukumoto | Yoshimi Suzuki

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Implicit Ambiguity Resolution Using Incremental Clustering in Korean-to-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Kyung-Soon Lee | Kyo Kageura | Key-Sun Choi

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Selforganizing Classification on the Reuters News Corpus
Stefan Wermter | Chihli Hung

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Unsupervised Named Entity Classification Models and their Ensembles
Jae-Ho Kim | In-Ho Kang | Key-Sun Choi

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Applying an NVEF Word-Pair Identifier to the Chinese Syllable-to-Word Conversion Problem
Jia-Lin Tsai | Wen-Lian Hsu

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Taxonomy Learning - Factoring the Structure of a Taxonomy into a Semantic Classification Decision
Viktor Pekar | Steffen Staab

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Using Syntactic Analysis to Increase Efficiency in Visualizing Text Collections
James Henderson | Paola Merlo | Ivan Petroff | Gerold Schneider

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MACH : A Supersonic Korean Morphological Analyzer
Kwangseob Shim | Jaehyung Yang

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A Stochastic Topological Parser for German
Markus Becker | Anette Frank

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Integrating Linguistic and Performance-Based Constraints for Assigning Phrase Breaks
Michaela Atterer | Ewan Klein

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Compilation of Unification Grammars with Compositional Semantics to Speech Recognition Packages
Johan Bos

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Wordform- and Class-based Prediction of the Components of German Nominal Compounds in an AAC System
Marco Baroni | Johannes Matiasek | Harald Trost

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Word Sense Disambiguation using Static and Dynamic Sense Vectors
Jong-Hoon Oh | Key-Sun Choi

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Annotation-Based Multimedia Summarization and Translation
Katashi Nagao | Shigeki Ohira | Mitsuhiro Yoneoka

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An English-Korean Transliteration Model Using Pronunciation and Contextual Rules
Jong-Hoon Oh | Key-Sun Choi

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Lenient Default Unification for Robust Processing within Unification Based Grammar Formalisms
Takashi Ninomiya | Yusuke Miyao | Jun-Ichi Tsujii

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Detecting Errors in Corpora Using Support Vector Machines
Tetsuji Nakagawa | Yuji Matsumoto

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Learning How to Answer Questions Using Trivia Games
Gideon S. Mann

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Automatic Text Categorization using the Importance of Sentences
Youngjoong Ko | Jinwoo Park | Jungyun Seo

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From Shallow to Deep Parsing Using Constraint Satisfaction
Jean-Marie Balfourier | Philippe Blache | Tristan van Rullen

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From Trees to Predicate-argument Structures
Maria Liakata | Stephen Pulman

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Parsing Dependency Grammar using ALE
Piet Mertens

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Example-based Speech Intention Understanding and Its Application to In-Car Spoken Dialogue System
Shigeki Matsubara | Shinichi Kimura | Nobuo Kawaguchi | Yukiko Yamaguchi | Yasuyoshi Inagaki

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Lexicalization of Probabilistic Grammars
Helmut Schmid

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Using Contextual Spelling Correction to Improve Retrieval Effectiveness in Degraded Text Collections
Patrick Ruch

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Notions of Correctness when Evaluating Protein Name Taggers
Fredrik Olsson | Gunnar Eriksson | Kristofer Franzén | Lars Asker | Per Lidén

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Rigid Lambek Grammars Are Not Learnable from Strings
Annie Foret | Yannick Le Nir

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Syntactic Features for High Precision Word Sense Disambiguation
David Martínez | Eneko Agirre | Lluís Màrquez

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Natural Language and Inference in a Computer Game
Malte Gabsdil | Alexander Koller | Kristina Striegnitz

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A Graph Model for Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition
Dominic Widdows | Beate Dorow

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A Maximum Entropy-based Word Sense Disambiguation System
Armando Suárez | Manuel Palomar

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Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based Formalism
Christian Korthals | Ralph Debusmann

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Extension of Zipf’s Law to Words and Phrases
Le Quan Ha | E. I. Sicilia-Garcia | Ji Ming | F. J. Smith

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Can Subcategorization Help a Statistical Dependency Parser?
Daniel Zeman

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SVM Answer Selection for Open-Domain Question Answering
Jun Suzuki | Yutaka Sasaki | Eisaku Maeda

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An Unsupervised Learning Method for Associative Relationships between Verb Phrases
Kentaro Torisawa

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Experiments in German Noun Chunking
Michael Schiehlen

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Fertilization of Case Frame Dictionary for Robust Japanese Case Analysis
Daisuke Kawahara | Sadao Kurohashi

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Natural Language Interpretations for Heterogeneous Database Access
Hodong Lee | Jong C. Park

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Contextual Natural Language Processing and DAML for Understanding Software Requirements Specifications
Beum-Seuk Lee | Barrett R. Bryant

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A Measure of Term Representativeness Based on the Number of Co-occurring Salient Words
Toru Hisamitsu | Yoshiki Niwa

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Recovering Latent Information in Treebanks
David Chiang | Daniel M. Bikel

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Location Normalization for Information Extraction
Huifeng Li | Rohini K. Srihari | Cheng Niu | Wei Li

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Text Authoring, Knowledge Acquisition and Description Logics
Marc Dymetman

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Decision Trees as Explicit Domain Term Definitions
Roberto Basili | Maria Teresa Pazienza | Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

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Fine Grained Classification of Named Entities
Michael Fleischman | Eduard Hovy

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Annotating Topological Fields and Chunks - and Revising POS Tags at the Same Time
Frank Henrik Müller | Tylman Ule

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Probabilistic Models of Verb-Argument Structure
Daniel Gildea

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Analysis of Titles and Readers for Title Generation Centered on the Readers
Yasuko Senda | Yaushi Shinohara

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Bootstrapping Bilingual Data using Consensus Translation for a Multilingual Instant Messaging System
Srinivas Bangalore | Vanessa Murdock | Giuseppe Riccardi

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Non-Sentential Utterances: Grammar and Dialogue Dynamics in Corpus Annotation
Raquel Fernández | Jonathan Ginzburg

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Stochastic Dependency Parsing of Spontaneous Japanese Spoken Language
Shigeki Matsubara | Takahisa Murase | Nobuo Kawaguchi | Yasuyoshi Inagaki

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A New Probabilistic Model for Title Generation
Rong Jin | Alexander G. Hauptmann

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Towards Automatic Generation of Natural Language Generation Systems
John Chen | Srinivas Bangalore | Owen Rambow | Marilyn A. Walker

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Identifying Anaphoric and Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases to Improve Coreference Resolution
Vincent Ng | Claire Cardie

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Bringing the Dictionary to the User: The FOKS System
Slaven Bilac | Timothy Baldwin | Hozumi Tanaka

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A Complete Integrated NLG System Using AI and NLU Tools
Laurence Danlos | Adil El Ghali

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Automatic Glossary Extraction: Beyond Terminology Identification
Youngja Park | Roy J. Byrd | Branimir K. Boguraev

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Simple Features for Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
Hoa Trang Dang | Ching-yi Chia | Martha Palmer | Fu-Dong Chiou

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Concept Discovery from Text
Dekang Lin | Patrick Pantel

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Building a Large-Scale Annotated Chinese Corpus
Nianwen Xue | Fu-Dong Chiou | Martha Palmer

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Crosslinguistic Transfer in Automatic Verb Classification
Vivian Tsang | Suzanne Stevenson | Paola Merlo

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Rapid Prototyping for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Matthias Denecke

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Investigating the Relationship between Word Segmentation Performance and Retrieval Performance in Chinese IR
Fuchun Peng | Xiangji Huang | Dale Schuurmans | Nick Cercone

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Entering Text with a Four-Button Device
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii | Yusuke Inutsuka | Masato Takeichi

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Learning Question Classifiers
Xin Li | Dan Roth

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Probabilistic Reasoning for Entity & Relation Recognition
Dan Roth | Wen-tau Yih

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Efficient Dialogue Strategy to Find Users’ Intended Items from Information Query Results
Kazunori Komatani | Tatsuya Kawahara | Ryosuke Ito | Hiroshi G. Okuno

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Generating the XTAG English Grammar Using Metarules
Carlos A. Prolo

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Unsupervised Learning of Generalized Names
Roman Yangarber | Winston Lin | Ralph Grishman

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Multi-Dimensional Text Classification
Thanaruk Theeramunkong | Verayuth Lertnattee

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Putting Frames in Perspective
Nancy Chang | Srini Narayanan | Miriam R.L. Petruck

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A Stochastic Parser Based on an SLM with Arboreal Context Trees
Shinsuke Mori

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Study of Practical Effectiveness for Machine Translation Using Recursive Chain-link-type Learning
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai

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Extending a Broad-Coverage Parser for a General NLP Toolkit
Hassan Alam | Hua Cheng | Rachmat Hartono | Aman Kumar | Paul Llido | Crystal Nakatsu | Fuad Rahman | Yuliya Tarnikova | Timotius Tjahjadi | Che Wilcox

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Modular MT with a Learned Bilingual Dictionary: Rapid Deployment of a New Language Pair
Jessie Pinkham | Martine Smets

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Lexical Query Paraphrasing for Document Retrieval
Ingrid Zukerman | Bhavani Raskutti

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Identifying Concepts Across Languages: A First Step towards a Corpus-based Approach to Automatic Ontology Alignment
Grace Ngai | Marine Carpuat | Pascale Fung

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Machine Translation by Interaction between Paraphraser and Transfer
Kazuhide Yamamoto

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Language Model Adaptation with Additional Text Generated by Machine Translation
Hideharu Nakajima | Hirofumi Yamamoto | Taro Watanabe

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Complexity of Event Structure in IE Scenarios
Silja Huttunen | Roman Yangarber | Ralph Grishman

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An Approach Based on Multilingual Thesauri and Model Combination for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction
Hervé Déjean | Éric Gaussier | Fatiha Sadat

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Lexical Chains for Question Answering
Dan Moldovan | Adrian Novischi

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Maximum Entropy Models for Word Sense Disambiguation
Gerald Chao | Michael G. Dyer

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Open-Domain Voice-Activated Question Answering
Sanda Harabagiu | Dan Moldovan | Joe Picone

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A Pattern-based Analyzer for French in the Context of Spoken Language Translation: First Prototype and Evaluation
Hervé Blanchon