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Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)

Chu-Ren Huang, Dan Jurafsky (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Beijing, China
Coling 2010 Organizing Committee
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Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)
Chu-Ren Huang | Dan Jurafsky

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Testing SDRT’s Right Frontier
Stergos Afantenos | Nicholas Asher

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Identifying Multi-word Expressions by Leveraging Morphological and Syntactic Idiosyncrasy
Hassan Al-Haj | Shuly Wintner

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Robust Measurement and Comparison of Context Similarity for Finding Translation Pairs
Daniel Andrade | Tetsuya Nasukawa | Junichi Tsujii

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Multilingual Subjectivity: Are More Languages Better?
Carmen Banea | Rada Mihalcea | Janyce Wiebe

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Plagiarism Detection across Distant Language Pairs
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Paolo Rosso | Eneko Agirre | Gorka Labaka

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Automatic Detection of Non-deverbal Event Nouns for Quick Lexicon Production
Nuria Bel | Maria Coll | Gabriela Resnik

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Fast and Accurate Arc Filtering for Dependency Parsing
Shane Bergsma | Colin Cherry

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A Hierarchical Classifier Applied to Multi-way Sentiment Detection
Adrian Bickerstaffe | Ingrid Zukerman

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Fluency Constraints for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices
Graeme Blackwood | Adrià de Gispert | William Byrne

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Self-Annotation for fine-grained geospatial relation extraction
Andre Blessing | Hinrich Schütze

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Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction
Bernd Bohnet

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Broad Coverage Multilingual Deep Sentence Generation with a Stochastic Multi-Level Realizer
Bernd Bohnet | Leo Wanner | Simon Mille | Alicia Burga

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Towards an optimal weighting of context words based on distance
Bernard Brosseau-Villeneuve | Jian-Yun Nie | Noriko Kando

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Measuring the Non-compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Fan Bu | Xiaoyan Zhu | Ming Li

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A Utility-Driven Approach to Question Ranking in Social QA
Razvan Bunescu | Yunfeng Huang

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Simultaneous Ranking and Clustering of Sentences: A Reinforcement Approach to Multi-Document Summarization
Xiaoyan Cai | Wenjie Li | You Ouyang | Hong Yan

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End-to-End Coreference Resolution via Hypergraph Partitioning
Jie Cai | Michael Strube

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Exploiting Background Knowledge for Relation Extraction
Yee Seng Chan | Dan Roth

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Jointly Modeling WSD and SRL with Markov Logic
Wanxiang Che | Ting Liu

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Bipolar Person Name Identification of Topic Documents Using Principal Component Analysis
Chien Chin Chen | Chen-Yuan Wu

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Emotion Cause Detection with Linguistic Constructions
Ying Chen | Sophia Yat Mei Lee | Shoushan Li | Chu-Ren Huang

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A Twin-Candidate Based Approach for Event Pronoun Resolution using Composite Kernel
Bin Chen | Jian Su | Chew Lim Tan

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Unsupervised Synthesis of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles
Yuncong Chen | Pascale Fung

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Simplicity is Better: Revisiting Single Kernel PPI Extraction
Sung-Pil Choi | Sung-Hyon Myaeng

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An ontology-driven system for detecting global health events
Nigel Collier | Reiko Matsuda Goodwin | John McCrae | Son Doan | Ai Kawazoe | Mike Conway | Asanee Kawtrakul | Koichi Takeuchi | Dinh Dien

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Constraining robust constructions for broad-coverage parsing with precision grammars
Bart Cramer | Yi Zhang

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Local lexical adaptation in Machine Translation through triangulation: SMT helping SMT
Josep Maria Crego | Aurélien Max | François Yvon

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Automated Translation of Semantic Relationships
Dmitry Davidov | Ari Rappoport

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Comparison of different algebras for inducing the temporal structure of texts
Pascal Denis | Philippe Muller

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Generating Learner-Like Morphological Errors in Russian
Markus Dickinson

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Resolving Object and Attribute Coreference in Opinion Mining
Xiaowen Ding | Bing Liu

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Entity Disambiguation for Knowledge Base Population
Mark Dredze | Paul McNamee | Delip Rao | Adam Gerber | Tim Finin

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A Discriminative Latent Variable-Based “DE” Classifier for Chinese-English SMT
Jinhua Du | Andy Way

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An Empirical Study on Learning to Rank of Tweets
Yajuan Duan | Long Jiang | Tao Qin | Ming Zhou | Heung-Yeung Shum

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Translation Model Generalization using Probability Averaging for Machine Translation
Nan Duan | Hong Sun | Ming Zhou

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Mixture Model-based Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding using Multiple Machine Translation Systems
Nan Duan | Mu Li | Dongdong Zhang | Ming Zhou

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Multi-Sentence Compression: Finding Shortest Paths in Word Graphs
Katja Filippova

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Enriching Dictionaries with Images from the Internet - Targeting Wikipedia and a Japanese Semantic Lexicon: Lexeed -
Sanae Fujita | Masaaki Nagata

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Opinosis: A Graph Based Approach to Abstractive Summarization of Highly Redundant Opinions
Kavita Ganesan | ChengXiang Zhai | Jiawei Han

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EMDC: A Semi-supervised Approach for Word Alignment
Qin Gao | Francisco Guzman | Stephan Vogel

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A Large Scale Ranker-Based System for Search Query Spelling Correction
Jianfeng Gao | Xiaolong Li | Daniel Micol | Chris Quirk | Xu Sun

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RTG based surface realisation for TAG
Claire Gardent | Laura Perez-Beltrachini

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Automatically Learning Source-side Reordering Rules for Large Scale Machine Translation
Dmitriy Genzel

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Comparing Language Similarity across Genetic and Typologically-Based Groupings
Ryan Georgi | Fei Xia | William Lewis

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Better Arabic Parsing: Baselines, Evaluations, and Analysis
Spence Green | Christopher D. Manning

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Paraphrase Alignment for Synonym Evidence Discovery
Gintarė Grigonytė | João Paulo Cordeiro | Gaël Dias | Rumen Moraliyski | Pavel Brazdil

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Finding the Storyteller: Automatic Spoiler Tagging using Linguistic Cues
Sheng Guo | Naren Ramakrishnan

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Detection of Simple Plagiarism in Computer Science Papers
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner | Aharon Tayeb | Natan Ben-Dror

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A Structured Vector Space Model for Hidden Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases
Matthias Hartung | Anette Frank

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Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation with Word-based Reordering Model
Katsuhiko Hayashi | Hajime Tsukada | Katsuhito Sudoh | Kevin Duh | Seiichi Yamamoto

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A Novel Reordering Model Based on Multi-layer Phrase for Statistical Machine Translation
Yanqing He | Yu Zhou | Chengqing Zong | Huilin Wang

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Standardizing Wordnets in the ISO Standard LMF: Wordnet-LMF for GermaNet
Verena Henrich | Erhard Hinrichs

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Normal-form parsing for Combinatory Categorial Grammars with generalized composition and type-raising
Julia Hockenmaier | Yonatan Bisk

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An Empirical Study on Web Mining of Parallel Data
Gumwon Hong | Chi-Ho Li | Ming Zhou | Hae-Chang Rim

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Enhancing Cross Document Coreference of Web Documents with Context Similarity and Very Large Scale Text Categorization
Jian Huang | Pucktada Treeratpituk | Sarah Taylor | C. Lee Giles

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Feature-Rich Discriminative Phrase Rescoring for SMT
Fei Huang | Bing Xiang

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FactRank: Random Walks on a Web of Facts
Alpa Jain | Patrick Pantel

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Open Entity Extraction from Web Search Query Logs
Alpa Jain | Marco Pennacchiotti

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Reranking Models in Fine-grained Opinion Analysis
Richard Johansson | Alessandro Moschitti

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Unsupervised phonemic Chinese word segmentation using Adaptor Grammars
Mark Johnson | Katherine Demuth

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Data-Driven Parsing with Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Laura Kallmeyer | Wolfgang Maier

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Learning to Predict Readability using Diverse Linguistic Features
Rohit Kate | Xiaoqiang Luo | Siddharth Patwardhan | Martin Franz | Radu Florian | Raymond Mooney | Salim Roukos | Chris Welty

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Value for Money: Balancing Annotation Effort, Lexicon Building and Accuracy for Multilingual WSD
Mitesh Khapra | Saurabh Sohoney | Anup Kulkarni | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection Approach for Relation Detection
Seokhwan Kim | Minwoo Jeong | Jonghoon Lee | Gary Geunbae Lee

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Evaluating N-gram based Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Keyphrase Extraction
Su Nam Kim | Timothy Baldwin | Min-Yen Kan

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Improving the Quality of Text Understanding by Delaying Ambiguity Resolution
Doo Soon Kim | Ken Barker | Bruce Porter

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Automatic generation of inter-passage links based on semantic similarity
Petr Knoth | Jakub Novotny | Zdenek Zdrahal

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Dependency-driven Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution
Fang Kong | Guodong Zhou | Longhua Qian | Qiaoming Zhu

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Phrase Clustering for Smoothing TM Probabilities - or, How to Extract Paraphrases from Phrase Tables
Roland Kuhn | Boxing Chen | George Foster | Evan Stratford

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Revisiting Context-based Projection Methods for Term-Translation Spotting in Comparable Corpora
Audrey Laroche | Philippe Langlais

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Constituent Reordering and Syntax Models for English-to-Japanese Statistical Machine Translation
Young-Suk Lee | Bing Zhao | Xiaoqian Luo

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Sentiment Classification and Polarity Shifting
Shoushan Li | Sophia Y. M. Lee | Ying Chen | Chu-Ren Huang | Guodong Zhou

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Improving Corpus Comparability for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora
Bo Li | Eric Gaussier

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Structure-Aware Review Mining and Summarization
Fangtao Li | Chao Han | Minlie Huang | Xiaoyan Zhu | Ying-Ju Xia | Shu Zhang | Hao Yu

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Adaptive Development Data Selection for Log-linear Model in Statistical Machine Translation
Mu Li | Yinggong Zhao | Dongdong Zhang | Ming Zhou

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Learning the Scope of Negation via Shallow Semantic Parsing
Junhui Li | Guodong Zhou | Hongling Wang | Qiaoming Zhu

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Filtered Ranking for Bootstrapping in Event Extraction
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman

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Exploring variation across biomedical subdomains
Tom Lippincott | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Lin Sun | Anna Korhonen

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Semantic Role Labeling for News Tweets
Xiaohua Liu | Kuan Li | Bo Han | Ming Zhou | Long Jiang | Zhongyang Xiong | Changning Huang

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Joint Parsing and Translation
Yang Liu | Qun Liu

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Semantic Role Features for Machine Translation
Ding Liu | Daniel Gildea

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TimeML Events Recognition and Classification: Learning CRF Models with Semantic Roles
Hector Llorens | Estela Saquete | Borja Navarro-Colorado

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Exploiting Structured Ontology to Organize Scattered Online Opinions
Yue Lu | Huizhong Duan | Hongning Wang | ChengXiang Zhai

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Enhancing Morphological Alignment for Translating Highly Inflected Languages
Minh-Thang Luong | Min-Yen Kan

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Automatic analysis of semantic similarity in comparable text through syntactic tree matching
Erwin Marsi | Emiel Krahmer

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Controlling Listening-oriented Dialogue using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
Toyomi Meguro | Ryuichiro Higashinaka | Yasuhiro Minami | Kohji Dohsaka

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Recognising Entailment within Discourse
Shachar Mirkin | Jonathan Berant | Ido Dagan | Eyal Shnarch

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Evaluating Dependency Representations for Event Extraction
Makoto Miwa | Sampo Pyysalo | Tadayoshi Hara | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Entity-Focused Sentence Simplification for Relation Extraction
Makoto Miwa | Rune Sætre | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Using Cross-Lingual Projections to Generate Semantic Role Labeled Annotated Corpus for Urdu - A Resource Poor Language
Smruthi Mukund | Debanjan Ghosh | Rohini Srihari

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Recognition of Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation in Text
Alena Neviarouskaya | Helmut Prendinger | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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Nonparametric Word Segmentation for Machine Translation
ThuyLinh Nguyen | Stephan Vogel | Noah A. Smith

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Automatic Discovery of Feature Sets for Dependency Parsing
Peter Nilsson | Pierre Nugues

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Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies
Joakim Nivre | Laura Rimell | Ryan McDonald | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

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Co-STAR: A Co-training Style Algorithm for Hyponymy Relation Acquisition from Structured and Unstructured Text
Jong-Hoon Oh | Ichiro Yamada | Kentaro Torisawa | Stijn De Saeger

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Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Approximate Dictionary Matching
Naoaki Okazaki | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts for Multimodal Prediction Modeling
Derya Ozkan | Kenji Sagae | Louis-Philippe Morency

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Text Summarization of Turkish Texts using Latent Semantic Analysis
Makbule Ozsoy | Ilyas Cicekli | Ferda Alpaslan

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Knowing What to Believe (when you already know something)
Jeff Pasternack | Dan Roth

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Using Web-scale N-grams to Improve Base NP Parsing Performance
Emily Pitler | Shane Bergsma | Dekang Lin | Kenneth Church

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Citation Summarization Through Keyphrase Extraction
Vahed Qazvinian | Dragomir R. Radev | Arzucan Özgür

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2D Trie for Fast Parsing
Xian Qian | Qi Zhang | Xuanjing Huang | Lide Wu

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The Bag-of-Opinions Method for Review Rating Prediction from Sparse Text Patterns
Lizhen Qu | Georgiana Ifrim | Gerhard Weikum

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An Exploration of Features for Recognizing Word Emotion
Changqin Quan | Fuji Ren

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Inducing Fine-Grained Semantic Classes via Hierarchical and Collective Classification
Altaf Rahman | Vincent Ng

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Fast, Greedy Model Minimization for Unsupervised Tagging
Sujith Ravi | Ashish Vaswani | Kevin Knight | David Chiang

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Bringing Active Learning to Life
Ines Rehbein | Josef Ruppenhofer | Alexis Palmer

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Computing EM-based Alignments of Routes and Route Directions as a Basis for Natural Language Generation
Michael Roth | Anette Frank

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A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder
Sara Salem | Samir AbdelRahman

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Weakly Supervised Morphology Learning for Agglutinating Languages Using Small Training Sets.
Ksenia Shalonova | Bruno Golénia

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Multi-Document Summarization via the Minimum Dominating Set
Chao Shen | Tao Li

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Corpus-based Semantic Class Mining: Distributional vs. Pattern-Based Approaches
Shuming Shi | Huibin Zhang | Xiaojie Yuan | Ji-Rong Wen

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Metaphor Identification Using Verb and Noun Clustering
Ekaterina Shutova | Lin Sun | Anna Korhonen

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Explore the Structure of Social Tags by Subsumption Relations
Xiance Si | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun

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Ukwabelana - An open-source morphological Zulu corpus
Sebastian Spiegler | Andrew van der Spuy | Peter A. Flach

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EMMA: A novel Evaluation Metric for Morphological Analysis
Sebastian Spiegler | Christian Monson

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Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Discourse
Tomek Strzalkowski | George Aaron Broadwell | Jennifer Stromer-Galley | Samira Shaikh | Sarah Taylor | Nick Webb

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Discriminative Induction of Sub-Tree Alignment using Limited Labeled Data
Jun Sun | Min Zhang | Chew Lim Tan

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Investigating the cross-linguistic potential of VerbNet-style classification
Lin Sun | Thierry Poibeau | Anna Korhonen | Cédric Messiant

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Semi-supervised dependency parsing using generalized tri-training
Anders Søgaard | Christian Rishøj

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SemanticRank: Ranking Keywords and Sentences Using Semantic Graphs
George Tsatsaronis | Iraklis Varlamis | Kjetil Nørvåg

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Chinese CCGbank: extracting CCG derivations from the Penn Chinese Treebank
Daniel Tse | James R. Curran

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Dependency Forest for Statistical Machine Translation
Zhaopeng Tu | Yang Liu | Young-Sook Hwang | Qun Liu | Shouxun Lin

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Large Scale Parallel Document Mining for Machine Translation
Jakob Uszkoreit | Jay Ponte | Ashok Popat | Moshe Dubiner

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Hungarian Corpus of Light Verb Constructions
Veronika Vincze | János Csirik

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Syntax Based Reordering with Automatically Derived Rules for Improved Statistical Machine Translation
Karthik Visweswariah | Jiri Navratil | Jeffrey Sorensen | Vijil Chenthamarakshan | Nandakishore Kambhatla

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Efficient Statement Identification for Automatic Market Forecasting
Henning Wachsmuth | Peter Prettenhofer | Benno Stein

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Towards a Unified Approach to Simultaneous Single-Document and Multi-Document Summarizations
Xiaojun Wan

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“Got You!”: Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia with Web-based Shallow Syntactic-Semantic Modeling
William Yang Wang | Kathleen McKeown

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Exploiting Salient Patterns for Question Detection and Question Retrieval in Community-based Question Answering
Kai Wang | Tat-Seng Chua

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Probabilistic Tree-Edit Models with Structured Latent Variables for Textual Entailment and Question Answering
Mengqiu Wang | Christopher Manning

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A Character-Based Joint Model for Chinese Word Segmentation
Kun Wang | Chengqing Zong | Keh-Yih Su

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Near-synonym Lexical Choice in Latent Semantic Space
Tong Wang | Graeme Hirst

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Disambiguating Dynamic Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives
Yunfang Wu | Miaomiao Wen

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Joint Tokenization and Translation
Xinyan Xiao | Yang Liu | Young-Sook Hwang | Qun Liu | Shouxun Lin

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Build Chinese Emotion Lexicons Using A Graph-based Algorithm and Multiple Resources
Ge Xu | Xinfan Meng | Houfeng Wang

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A Methodology for Automatic Identification of Nocuous Ambiguity
Hui Yang | Anne de Roeck | Alistair Willis | Bashar Nuseibeh

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Contextual Modeling for Meeting Translation Using Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation
Mei Yang | Katrin Kirchhoff

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A Working Report on Statistically Modeling Dative Variation in Mandarin Chinese
Yao Yao | Feng-hsi Liu

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Kernel Slicing: Scalable Online Training with Conjunctive Features
Naoki Yoshinaga | Masaru Kitsuregawa

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Discriminative Training for Near-Synonym Substitution
Liang-Chih Yu | Hsiu-Min Shih | Yu-Ling Lai | Jui-Feng Yeh | Chung-Hsien Wu

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Estimating Linear Models for Compositional Distributional Semantics
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto | Ioannis Korkontzelos | Francesca Fallucchi | Suresh Manandhar

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Grouping Product Features Using Semi-Supervised Learning with Soft-Constraints
Zhongwu Zhai | Bing Liu | Hua Xu | Peifa Jia

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Forest-guided Supertagger Training
Yao-zhong Zhang | Takuya Matsuzaki | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Entity Linking Leveraging Automatically Generated Annotation
Wei Zhang | Jian Su | Chew Lim Tan | Wen Ting Wang

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A Rhetorical Syntax-Driven Model for Speech Summarization
Jian Zhang | Pascale Fung

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Maximum Metric Score Training for Coreference Resolution
Shanheng Zhao | Hwee Tou Ng

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Paraphrasing with Search Engine Query Logs
Shiqi Zhao | Haifeng Wang | Ting Liu

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Leveraging Multiple MT Engines for Paraphrase Generation
Shiqi Zhao | Haifeng Wang | Xiang Lan | Ting Liu

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Resolving Surface Forms to Wikipedia Topics
Yiping Zhou | Lan Nie | Omid Rouhani-Kalleh | Flavian Vasile | Scott Gaffney

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Heterogeneous Parsing via Collaborative Decoding
Muhua Zhu | Jingbo Zhu | Tong Xiao

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A Monolingual Tree-based Translation Model for Sentence Simplification
Zhemin Zhu | Delphine Bernhard | Iryna Gurevych

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A Minimum Error Weighting Combination Strategy for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling
Tao Zhuang | Chengqing Zong

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Detecting Speech Repairs Incrementally Using a Noisy Channel Approach
Simon Zwarts | Mark Johnson | Robert Dale

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Syntactic Scope Resolution in Uncertainty Analysis
Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal | Stephan Oepen