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COLING 1980 Volume 1: The 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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COLING 1980 Volume 1: The 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Morphological Aspect of Japanese Language Processing
Kosho Shudo | Toshiko Narahara | Sho Yoshida

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Automatic Processing of Written French Language
J.L. Binot | M. Graitson | Ph. Lemaire | D. Ribbens

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A Syntax Parser Based on the Case Dependency Grammar and Its Efficiency
Toru Hitaka | Sho Yoshida

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SGS: A System for Mechanical Generation of Japanese Sentences
Taisuke Sato

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Computer-Aided Grammatical Tagging of Spoken English
Jan Svartvik

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Computational Analysis of Predicational Structures in English
Henry Kucera

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A Context-Free Grammar of French
Morris Salkoff

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A Rule-Based Approach to Ill-Formed Input
Norman K. Sondheimer | Ralph M. Weischedel

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Parsing and Syntactic Theory
S.G. Pulman

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The Role of Perceptual Strategies in the Processing of English Relative Clause Structures
Gary D. Prideaux

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Linguistic Meaning and Knowledge Representation in Automatic Understanding of Natural Language
Eva Hajicova | Petr Sgall

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Fuzzy Word Meaning Analysis and Representation in Linguistic Semantics. An Empirical Approach to the Reconstruction of Lexical Meanings in East- and West-German Newspaper Texts.
Burghard B. Rieger

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Hierarchical Meaning Representation and Analysis of Natural Language Documents
Toyo-aki Nishida | Shuji Doshita

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Linguistic Model Based on the Generative Topological Information Space
Seiichi Uchinami | Yoshikazu Tezuka

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A Model of Natural Language Processing of Time-Related Expressions
Yutaka Kusanagi

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Control Structures for Actions in Procedural Texts and PT-Chart
Yoshio Momouchi

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Relative Semantic Complexity in Lexical Units
Bo Ralph

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L’ANALYSE LOGIQUE DES TEMPS DU PASSE EN FRANCAIS: Comment on peut appliquer la distinction entre nom de matiere et nom comptable aux temps du verbe
Christian Rohrer

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Conceptual Taxonomy of Japanese Verbs for Uderstanding Natural Language and Picture Patterns
Naoyuki Okada

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An Approach to a Semantic Analysis of Metaphor
Fumio Mizoguchi | Akihiko Yamamoto

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Towards a Computational Model for the Semantics of Why-Questions
W. Wahlster

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The Knowledge Representation for a Story Understanding and Simulation System
Hitoshi Ogawa | Junichiro Nishi | Kokichi Tanaka

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A Formal Grammar of Expressiveness for Sacred Legends
F. Dreizin | A. Shenhar | H. Bar-Itzhak

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Efficiency Tools in the Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.
M. Cassandra Foster Smith

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Problems of Formal Representation of Text Structure From the Point of View of Automatic Translation
Z.M. Shalyapina

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A Production System Model of First Language Acquisition
Pat Langley

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Linguistic Analysis of Natural Language Communication With Computers
Bozena Henisz Thompson

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Levels of Representation in Natural Language Based Information Systems and Their Relation to the Methodology of Computational Linguistics
G. Zifonun

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Embedded Sublanguages and Natural Language Processing
Richard Kittredge

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Adaptation of Montague Grammar to the Requirements of Question-Answering
S.P.J. Landsbergen

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Model Theoretic Semantics for Many-Purpose Languages and Language Hierarchies
H. Andreka | T. Gergely | T. Gergely

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Database System Based on Intensional Logic
Naoki Yonezaki | Hajime Enomoto

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Connotation as a Form of Inference
JB Berthelin

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On the Derivation of a Conversational Maxim
Th. R. Hofmann

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Topic-Comment Structure of Texts (And Its Contribution to the Automatic Processing of Texts)
Ferenc Kiefer

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An Analysis of the Standard English Keyboard
Yuzuru Hiraga | Yoshihiko Ono | Hisao Yamada

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An Assignment of Key-Codes for a Japanese Character Keyboard
Yuzuru Hiraga | Yoshihiko Ono | Hisao Yamada

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Linguistic Error Correction of Japanese Sentences
Tsutomu Kawada | Shin-ya Amano | Kunio Sakai

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On FROFF: A Text Processing System for English Texts and Figures
Norihiro Abe | Nobutaka Uemura | Masahiro Higashide | Saburo Tsuji

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Science of the Stroke Sequence of Kanji
Takeshi Shimomura

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A Chinese Characters Coding Scheme for Computer Input and Internal Storage
Chorkin Chan

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Human Factors and Linguistic Considerations: Keys to High-Speed Chinese Character Input
Paul L. King

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System Support in Chinese Data Entry
Joseph E. Grimes

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Soft Display Key for Kanji Input
Jouko J. Seppanen

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An Automatic Translation System of Non-Segmented Kana Sentences Into Kanji-Kana Sentences
Hiroshi Makino | Makoto Kizawa

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Generation of Thesaurus in Different Languages a Computer Based System
F. J. Devadason

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Statistical Analysis of Japanese Characters
Takushi Tanaka

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Automatic Compilation of Modern Chinese Concordances
Syunsuke Uemura | Yasuo Sugawara | Mantaro J. Hashimoto | Akihiro Furuya

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Text Processing of Thai Language “The Three Seals Law”
Shigeharu Sugita

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An Automatic Processing of the Natural Language in the Word Count System
Hiroshi Nakano | Shin’ichi Tsuchiya | Akio Tsuruoka

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Parsing Free Word Order Languages in Prolog
Janusz Stanislaw Bien | Krystyna Laus-Maczyniska | Stanislaw Szpakowicz

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Parsing Against Lexical Ambiguity
Rob Milne

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Text Analysis Learning Strategies
Pierre Plante

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Semantic for Text Processing
Jean-Guy Meunier

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Active Schemata and Their Role in Semantic Parsing
Joachim H. Laubsch | Dietmar F. Roesner

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How to Deal With Ambiguities While Parsing: EXAM - A Semantic Processing System for Japanese Language
Hidetosi Sirai

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Exploiting a Large Data Base by Longman
A. Michiels | J. Mullenders | J. Noel

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Unit-to-Unit Interaction as a Basis for Semantic Interpretation of Japanese Sentences
Hozumi Tanaka

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Processing of Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language by Predicate Logic of Predicate Logic
Hiroyuki Yamauchi

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Automatic Translation With Attribute Grammars
Werner Dilger

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On Computational Sentence Generation From Logical Form
Juen-tin Wang

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Formal Properties of Rule Orderings in Linguistics
Francis Jeffry Pelletier

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A Machine Translation System From Japanese Into English - Another Perspective of MT Systems -
M. Nagao | J. Tsujii | K. Mitamura | H. Hirakawa | M. Kume

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ITS: Interactive Translation System
Alan K. Melby | Melvin R. Smith | Jill Peterson

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Present and Future Paradigms in the Automatized Translation of Natural Languages.
Ch. Boitet | P. Chatelin | P. Daun Fraga

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Russian-French at GETA: Outline of the Method and Detailed Example
Ch. Boitet | N. Nedobejkine

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English-Japanese Translation Through Case-Structure Conversion
Fujio Nishida | Shinobu Takamatsu | Hiroaki Kuroki

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A Machine Translation System From Japanese Into English Based on Conceptual Structure
Hiroshi Uchida | Kenji Sugiyama

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Terminology Data Banks as a Basis for High-Quality Translation
Karl-Heinz Brinkmann

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A Trial of Japanese Text Input System Using Speech Recognition
K. Shirai | Y. Fukazawa | T. Matzui | H. Matzuura

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Speech Recognition System for Spoken Japanese Sentences
Minoru Shigenaga | Yoshihiro Sekiguchi | Chia-horng Lai

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The Impatient Tutor: An Integrated Language Understanding System
Brian Phillips | James Hendler

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ATNs Used as a Procedural Dialog Model
D. Metzing

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Decomposition of Japanese Sentences Into Normal Forms Based on Human Linguistic Process
Tsutomu Endo | Tuneo Tamati

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Conjunctions and Modularity in Language Analysis Procedures
Ralph Grishman

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An intelligent digester for interactive text processings
K. Hanakata

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Une Experience Pratique D’utilisation De L’analyse Linguistique En Recherche D’information: Bilan & Perspectives
Ernest Grandjean | Gerard Veillon

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Japanese Sentence Analysis for Automatic Indexing
Hiroshi Kinukawa | Hiroshi Matsuoka | Mutsuko Kimura

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An Experimental Applicative Programming Language for Linguistics and String Processing
P.A.C. Bailes | L.H. Reeker

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Translating Interactive Computer Dialogues From Ideographic to Alphabetic Languages
Ian H. Witten

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An Attempt to Computerized Dictionary Data Bases
M. Nagao | J. Tsujii | Y. Ueda | M. Takiyama

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Using a Natural-Artificial Hybrid Language for Database Access
Teruaki Aizawa | Nobuko Hatada

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Goal Oriented Parsing: Improving the Efficiency of Natural Language Access to Relational Data Bases
Giovanni Guida

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Natürlichsprachige Problembeschreibung als ein Verfahren für den Bürgernahen Zugang zu Dokumentationssystemen
Harald H. Zimmermann

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Content Guided Answer Search System for Natural Languages
Peter Kummel

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Interaction With a Limited Object Domain - ZAPSIB Project
A.S. Narin’yani

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Integrated Information Manipulation Systems (IMS) - A Cognitive View
Gerhard Fischer

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The Morphological Analysis of Bahasa Malaysia
Chang May See

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A Conceptual Framework for Automatic and Dynamic Thesaurus Updating in Information Retrieval Systems
M.F. Bruandet

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A Method to Reduce Large Number of Concordances
Maria Pozzi | Javier Becerra | Jaime Rangel | Luis Fernando Lara

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A Mathematical Model of the Vocabulary-Text Relation
Juhan Tuldava

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COMPUTATIONAL DIALECTOLOGY USING GLAPS - Automated Processing of Field Survey Data
Tsunao Ogino

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Author Index