COLING 1998 Volume 1: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
COLING 1998 Volume 1: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Quasi-Dependency Model for Structural Analysis it of Chinese BaseNPs
Jun Zhao
Changning Huang
The production of code-mixed discourse
David Sankoff
Towards a single proposal in spelling correction
Eneko Agirre
Koldo Gojenola
Kepa Sarasola
Atro Voutilainen
A Simple Hybrid Aligner for Generating Lexical Correspondences in Parallel Texts
Lars Ahrenberg
Mikael Andersson
Magnus Merkel
Parole et traduction automatique: le module de reconnaissance RAPHAEL
Mohammad Akbar
Jean Caelen
Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation
Hiyan Alshawi
Srinivas Bangalore
Shona Douglas
Tense and Connective Constraints on the Expression of Causality
Pascal Amsili
Corinne Rossari
Time Mapping with Hypergraphs
Jan W. Amtrup
Volker Weber
Trainable, Scalable Summarization Using Robust NLP and Machine Learning
Chinatsu Aone
Mary Ellen Okurowski
James Gorlinsky
A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns
Shlomo Argamon
Ido Dagan
Yuval Krymolowski
Evaluating a Focus-Based Approach to Anaphora Resolution
Saliha Azzam
Kevin Humphreys
Robert Gaizauskas
Entity-Based Cross-Document Coreferencing Using the Vector Space Model
Amit Bagga
Breck Baldwin
The Berkeley FrameNet Project
Collin F. Baker
Charles J. Fillmore
John B. Lowe
Processing Unknown Words in HPSG
Petra Barg
Markus Walther
Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships
Ken Barker
Stan Szpakowicz
Redundancy: helping semantic disambiguation
Caroline Barriere
An Efficient Kernel for Multilingual Generation in Speech-to-Speech Dialogue Translation
Tilman Becker
Wolfgang Finkler
Anne Kilger
Peter Poller
Consonant Spreading in Arabic Stems
Kenneth R. Beesley
Parsing Ambiguous Structures using Controlled Disjunctions and Unary Quasi-Trees
Philippe Blache
Trigger-Pair Predictors in Parsing and Tagging
Ezra Black
Andrew Finch
Hideki Kashioka
Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model
Rens Bod
A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis
Rens Bod
Ronald Kaplan
Anchoring Floating Quantifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation
Francis Bond
Daniela Kurz
Satoshi Shirai
Managing information at linguistic interfaces
Johan Bos
C.J. Rupp
Bianka Buschbeck-Wolf
Michael Dorna
Deriving the Predicate-Argument Structure for a Free Word Order Language
Cem Bozsahin
Separating Surface Order and Syntactic Relations in a Dependency Grammar
Norbert Broker
The Logical Structure of Binding
Antonio Branco
Beyond N-Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling?
Eric Brill
Radu Florian
John C. Henderson
Lidia Mangu
Classifier Combination for Improved Lexical Disambiguation
Eric Brill
Jun Wu
Terminology Finite-State Preprocessing for Computational LFG
Caroline Brun
Named Entity Scoring for Speech Input
John D. Burger
David Palmer
Lynette Hirschman
Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique
Jill Burstein
Karen Kukich
Susanne Wolff
Chi Lu
Martin Chodorow
Lisa Braden-Harder
Mary Dee Harris
Building Parallel LTAG for French and Italian
Marie-Helene Candito
Error-Driven Pruning of Treebank Grammars for Base Noun Phrase Identification
Claire Cardie
David Pierce
Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling
Ciprian Chelba
Frederick Jelinek
Proper Name Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Sheng-Jie Huang
Yung-Wei Ding
Shih-Chung Tsai
A Concept-based Adaptive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation
Jen Nan Chen
Jason S. Chang
PAT-Trees with the Deletion Function as the Learning Device for Linguistic Patterns
Keh-Jiann Chen
Wen Tsuei
Lee-Feng Chien
Hybrid Approaches to Improvement of Translation Quality in Web-based English-Korean Machine Translation
Sung-Kwon Choi
Han-Min Jung
Jun-Sik Park
Key-Sun Choi
Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing
Jennifer Chu-Carroll
Bob Carpenter
Machine Translation vs. Dictionary Term Translation - a Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment
Nigel Collier
Hideki Hirakawa
Akira Kumano
An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment
Nigel Collier
Kenji Ono
Hideki Hirakawa
Alignment of Multiple Languages for Historical Comparison
Michael A. Covington
Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence
Dan Cristea
Nancy Ide
Laurent Romary
Automatic Semantic Tagging of Unknown Proper Names
Alessandro Cucchiarelli
Danilo Luzi
Paola Velardi
Investigating regular sense extensions based on intersective Levin classes
Hoa Trang Dang
Karin Kipper
Martha Palmer
Joseph Rosenzweig
Learning a syntagmatic and paradigmatic structure from language data with a bi-multigram model
Sabine Deligne
Yoshinori Sagisaka
Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics
Sylvain Delisle
Sylvain Letourneau
Stan Matwin
Multext-East: Parallel and Comparable Corpora and Lexicons for Six Central and Eastern European Languages
Ludmila Dimitrova
Tomaz Erjavec
Nancy Ide
Heiki Jaan Kaalep
Vladimir Petkevic
Dan Tufis
Error Driven Word Sense Disambiguation
Luca Dini
Vittorio Di Tomaso
Frederique Segond
An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues
Barbara Di Eugenio
Pamela W. Jordan
Johanna D. Moore
Richmond H. Thomason
Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets
Hai Doan-Nguyen
A Text Input Front-end Processor as an Information Access Platform
Shinichi Doi
Shin-ichiro Kamei
Kiyoshi Yamabana
Syntactic and Semantic Transfer with F-Structures
Michael Dorna
Anette Frank
Josef van Genabith
Martin C. Emele
Group Theory and Linguistic Processing
Marc Dymetman
Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification
Markus Egg
Joachim Niehren
Peter Ruhrberg
Feiyu Xu
Spelling Correction Using Context
Mohammad Ali Elmi
Martha Evens
Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations
Martin C. Emele
Michael Dorna
A structure-sharing parser for lexicalized grammars
Roger Evans
David Weir
Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages
N. Ezeiza
I. Alegria
J.M. Arriola
R. Urizar
I. Aduriz
Anaphor resolution in unrestricted texts with partial parsing
A. Ferrandez
M. Palomar
L. Moreno
Thematic segmentation of texts: two methods for two kinds of texts
Olivier Ferret
Brigitte Grau
Nicolas Masson
A Layered Approach to NLP-Based Information Retrieval
Sharon Flank
Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction
Dayne Freitag
Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurrence – JTAG–
Takeshi Fuchi
Shinichiro Takagi
An IR Approach for Translating New Words from Nonparallel, Comparable Texts
Pascale Fung
Lo Yuen Yee
Splitting Long or Ill-formed Input for Robust Spoken-language Translation
Osamu Furuse
Setsuo Yamada
Kazuhide Yamamoto
Automatic extraction of subcorpora based on subcategorization frames from a part-of-speech tagged corpus
Susanne Gahl
Semantic-Head Based Resolution of Scopal Ambiguities
Bjorn Gamback
Johan Bos
Vers l’utilisation des methodes formelles pour le developpement de linguiciels
Bilel Gargouri
Mohamed Jmaiel
Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora
Eric Gaussier
Growing Semantic Grammars
Marsal Gavaldà
Alex Waibel
One Tokenization per Source
Jin Guo
Efficient Linear Logic Meaning Assembly
Vineet Gupta
John Lamping
Separable Verbs in a Reusable Morphological Dictionary for German
Pius ten Hacken
Stephan Bopp
A Text Understander that Learns
Udo Hahn
Klemens Schnattinger
Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich, Structured Tagset
Jan Hajic
Barbora Hladka
Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination
Hans van Halteren
Jakub Zavrel
Walter Daelemans
A step towards the detection of semantic variants of terms in technical documents
Thierry Hamon
Adeline Nazarenko
Cecile Gros
Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser
Masahiko Haruno
Satoshi Shirai
Yoshifumi Ooyama
Integrating Text Plans for Conciseness and Coherence
Terrence Harvey
Sandra Carberry
Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases
Julia E. Heine
Eliminative Parsing with Graded Constraints
Johannes Heinecke
Jurgen Kunze
Wolfgang Menzel
Ingo Schroder
A Connectionist Architecture for Learning to Parse
James Henderson
Peter Lane
Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing
Mark Hepple
Parsing Parallel Grammatical Representations
Derrick Higgins
Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus
Janet Hitzeman
Massimo Poesio
An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars
Rebecca Hwa
Terminological variation, a means of identifying research topics from texts
Fidelia Ibekwe-Sanjuan
Information Classification and Navigation Based on 5WlH of the Target Information
Takahiro Ikeda
Akitoshi Okumura
Kazunori Muraki
A concurrent approach to the automatic extraction of subsegmental primes and phonological constituents from speech
Michael Ingleby
Wiebke Brockhaus
Exploring the Characteristics of Multi-Party Dialogues
Masato Ishizaki
Tsuneaki Kato
Robust Interaction through Partial Interpretation and Dialogue Management
Arne Jonsson
Lena Stromback
Improving Automatic Indexing through Concept Combination and Term Enrichment
Christian Jacquemin
Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary
Donghong Ji
Junping Gong
Changning Huang
Combining Multiple, Large-Scale Resources in a Reusable Lexicon for Natural Language Generation
Hongyan Jing
Kathleen McKeown
Text Segmentation Using Reiteration and Collocation
Amanda C. Jobbins
Lindsay J. Evett
Finite-state Approximation of Constraint-based Grammars using Left-corner Grammar Transforms
Mark Johnson
Unification-based Multimodal Parsing
Michael Johnston
Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kristiina Jokinen
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology
Kyo Kageura
Pseudo-Projectivity: A Polynomially Parsable Non-Projective Dependency Grammar
Sylvain Kahane
Alexis Nasr
Owen Rambow
A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence
Satoshi Kaki
Eiichiro Sumita
Hitoshi Iida
Use of Mutual Information Based Character Clusters in Dictionary-less Morphological Analysis of Japanese
Hideki Kashioka
Yasuhiro Kawata
Yumiko Kinjo
Andrew Finch
Ezra W. Black
Know When to Hold ’Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Nonconcatenative Grammars
Robert T. Kasper
Mike Calcagno
Paul C. Davis
Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors
Genichiro Kikui
Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS
Byeongchang Kim
WonIl Lee
Geunbae Lee
Jong-Hyeok Lee
Role of Verbs in Document Analysis
Judith Klavans
Min-Yen Kan
A Flexible Example-Based Parser Based on the SSTC
Mosleh Hmoud Al-Adhaileh
Enya Kong Tang
Large Scale Collocation Data and Their Application to Japanese Word Processor Technology
Yasuo Koyama
Masako Yasutake
Kenji Yoshimura
Kosho Shudo
Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar
Alexander Krotov
Mark Hepple
Robert Gaizauskas
Yorick Wilks
Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge
Irene Langkilde
Kevin Knight
Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques
Philippe Langlais
Michel Simard
Jean Veronis
A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations
Benoit Lavoie
Owen Rambow
Automatic Acquisition of Language Model based on Head-Dependent Relation between Words
Seungmi Lee
Key-Sun Choi
Solving Analogies on Words: An Algorithm
Yves Lepage
Characterizing and Recognizing Spoken Corrections in Human-Computer Dialogue
Gina-Anne Levow