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Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers

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Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers

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Automating XML markup of text documents
Shazia Akhtar | Ronan G. Reilly | John Dunnion

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Factored Language Models and Generalized Parallel Backoff
Jeff A. Bilmes | Katrin Kirchhoff

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Getting More Mileage from Web Text Sources for Conversational Speech Language Modeling using Class-Dependent Mixtures
Ivan Bulyko | Mari Ostendorf | Andreas Stolcke

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Exploiting Diversity for Answering Questions
John Burger | John Henderson

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Story Link Detection and New Event Detection are Asymmetric
Francine Chen | Ayman Farahat | Thorsten Brants

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Adaptation Using Out-of-Domain Corpus within EBMT
Takao Doi | Eiichiro Sumita | Hirofumi Yamamoto

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Active Learning for Classifying Phone Sequences from Unsupervised Phonotactic Models
Shona Douglas

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A Maximum Entropy Approach to FrameNet Tagging
Michael Fleischman | Eduard Hovy

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Target Word Detection and Semantic Role Chunking using Support Vector Machines
Kadri Hacioglu | Wayne Ward

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Question Classification with Support Vector Machines and Error Correcting Codes
Kadri Hacioglu | Wayne Ward

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Rhetorical Parsing with Underspecification and Forests
Thomas Hanneforth | Silvan Heintze | Manfred Stede

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Detection Of Agreement vs. Disagreement In Meetings: Training With Unlabeled Data
Dustin Hillard | Mari Ostendorf | Elizabeth Shriberg

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Automatic Expansion of Equivalent Sentence Set Based on Syntactic Substitution
Kenji Imamura | Yasuhiro Akiba | Eiichiro Sumita

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Identifying and Tracking Entity Mentions in a Maximum Entropy Framework
Abraham Ittycheriah | Lucian Lita | Nanda Kambhatla | Nicolas Nicolov | Salim Roukos | Margo Stys

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Unsupervised Learning of Morphology for English and Inuktitut
Howard Johnson | Joel Martin

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Cognates Can Improve Statistical Translation Models
Grzegorz Kondrak | Daniel Marcu | Kevin Knight

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Word Alignment with Cohesion Constraint
Dekang Lin | Colin Cherry

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Towards Emotion Prediction in Spoken Tutoring Dialogues
Diane Litman | Kate Forbes | Scott Silliman

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Inferring Temporal Ordering of Events in News
Inderjeet Mani | Barry Schiffman | Jianping Zhang

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A Robust Retrieval Engine for Proximal and Structural Search
Katsuya Masuda | Takashi Ninomiya | Yusuke Miyao | Tomoko Ohta | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Precision and Recall of Machine Translation
I. Dan Melamed | Ryan Green | Joseph P. Turian

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Semantic Extraction with Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources
Behrang Mohit | Srini Narayanan

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Category-based Pseudowords
Preslav I. Nakov | Marti A. Hearst

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References to Named Entities: a Corpus Study
Ani Nenkova | Kathleen McKeown

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Bootstrapping for Named Entity Tagging Using Concept-based Seeds
Cheng Niu | Wei Li | Jihong Ding | Rohini K. Srihari

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Desparately Seeking Cebuano
Douglas W. Oard | David Doermann | Bonnie Dorr | Daqing He | Philip Resnik | Amy Weinberg | William Byrne | Sanjeev Khudanpur | David Yarowsky | Anton Leuski | Philipp Koehn | Kevin Knight

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Bayesian Nets for Syntactic Categorization of Novel Words
Leonid Peshkin | Avi Pfeffer | Virginia Savova

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LM Studies on Filled Pauses in Spontaneous Medical Dictation
Jochen Peters

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Automatic Derivation of Surface Text Patterns for a Maximum Entropy Based Question Answering System
Deepak Ravichandran | Abraham Ittycheriah | Salim Roukos

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A Hybrid Approach to Content Analysis for Automatic Essay Grading
Carolyn P. Rose | Antonio Roque | Dumisizwe Bhembe | Kurt VanLehn

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Auditory-based Acoustic Distinctive Features and Spectral Cues for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in Low-SNR Car Environments
Sid-Ahmed Selouani | Hesham Tolba | Douglas O’Shaughnessy

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Latent Semantic Analysis for Dialogue Act Classification
Riccardo Serafin | Barbara Di Eugenio | Michael Glass

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Automatically Predicting Information Quality in News Documents
Rong Tang | Kwong Bor Ng | Tomek Strzalkowski | Paul B. Kantor

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Building lexical semantic representations for Natural Language instructions
Elena Terenzi | Barbara Di Eugenio

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A Context-Sensitive Homograph Disambiguation in Thai Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Virongrong Tesprasit | Paisarn Charoenpornsawat | Virach Sornlertlamvanich

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A Phrase-based Unigram Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Christoph Tillmann | Fei Xia

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Evaluating Answers to Definition Questions
Ellen M. Voorhees

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Implicit Trajectory Modeling through Gaussian Transition Models for Speech Recognition
Hua Yu | Tanja Schultz