Wayfinders keepers

Cennydd has written a great article for Johnny Holland magazine called Wayfinding Through Technology—a preview of his EuroIA talk, The Future of Wayfinding. It dovetails nicely with some of the stuff that Adam Greenfield spoke about at dConstruct.

Meanwhile, over on OpenType, there’s an article on Wayfinding observations: Landmarks and cardinal directions. It uses the specific example of navigating Vienna:

The city center was also easy to find and I can easily place it on my cognive map. It’s across the river and Southwest of my hotel.

It’s interesting that the river is mentioned as being particular useful as an orientation point. The new iteration of the London tube map has ditched the Thames, to much dismay.

tube map

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Previously on this day

16 years ago I wrote Self loathing for Sumo

I’m a cheap and dirty little blogslut.

22 years ago I wrote Adactizilla

It’s time for a new CSS theme ‘round here.